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We Meet Again.. [Fleet and Kicks!]

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Fleetfoot was soaring around Cloudsdale, trying to look busy. She'd was recently recovering from an injury received when training with the 'Bolts, and this was her last day off training, so she decided to make the most of it.

She was soon bored though. She had had enough of flying around, and so resorted to bouncing around on the clouds outside her large cloudy manor. "Ugh!"

She was repeatedly making it rain as she bounced on the clouds, but she didn't really care. She hadn't had a proper conversation with any of her old friends in such a long time, and she was in dire need of a catch up.

She was rolling around on a cloud, her hooves in the air. "Sweet Celestia, I am so bored!"

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Colton Cloudkicker, Right Wing of the Aeroblades, more informally known as Kicks was trotting through Cloudsdale with his avian companion, Sparks the sparrow. The two of them luckily had a day off from Aeroblades practise and as a result, were going to enjoy the sights of Cloudsdale whilst they had the chance.

The two of them walked next to none other than the cloudy manor of Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts. The two of them stopped for a brief respite of their search for anything interesting, resting nonchalantly against the manor's walls. "Ugh...I dunno, Sparks...we've been here too many times...we've seen all of Cloudsdale more than once over!" He stated in frustration, referring to his travelling days.

"Hmm...well...this manor looks new actually...Where'd this come from...?" Colton asked to the bird before reading the sign next to the front gate. "...The Manor...of...Fleetfoot...of the Wonderbolts...Hey! I remember Fleetfoot! She was at the Aeroblades try-outs!" Colton stated excitedly...However he wasn't sure if barging in was the right idea. So instead he walked cautiously up the pathway to the house.

"...Wonder if she's in..." Colton wondered as he approached the front door.

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Fleetfoot was back to bouncing around on the cloud, but she thought she heard something, and froze in mid air. She sighed. She really hoped there wasn't a group of foals gathered outside her home; she really hated the attention she got sometimes.

She crawled over the top of her manor and peeked over, and saw a lone stallion and a bird. She tilted her head a little bit, trying to place him. "Hmm.."

Suddenly, her mind sprang into action, and she knew where she had met him before. She sprang over the top of the cloud and landed right in front of the stallion. She realised she probably startled him, not to mention she wasn't even in her suit or her goggles. Her mane fell limp and straight down her back and over her eyes, as opposed to her usual windswept style.

"Hey! Kicks, wasn't it? It's good to see you again!" She smiled graciously. "And.. Sparks, too!"

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Colton was rather startled by the sudden appearance of Fleetfoot right in his face. His eyes widened before he jumped back, letting out a small, "Gah!" as he nearly tripped over his own hooves. He composed himself though, he tilted his head to see if he could recognize the pony. He was a tad confused since he only ever saw her in uniform and with much different hair. However it clicked in his mind rather quickly, Sparks...not soo much since he remained firmly inside Colton's mane.

"Fleetfoot! Good to see you too." He said before tilting his head to see Sparks cowering in his hair, "...Sparks...it's just Fleetfoot." The sparrow quickly made the connection as well, he darted out of Colton's hair and right infront of Fleet's face, waving bashfully before giving her a slight hug. Sparks had remembered how nice she was in keeping him company when Colton was trying out for the Aeroblades.

"This your place, Fleet?...Wow..." He stated before really taking in the real magnitude of his surroundings. "So...how you been? Me and Sparks were just having a walk around Cloudsdale and thought we'd stop in...we're not intruding, are we?" He asked with a hint of sheepishness.

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"Oopsie." Fleetfoot giggled as the stallion jumped back. She had startled Sparks too, and she cooed. "Awww, Sparks I'm sorry!"

She laughed again as the bird suddenly found his confidence and flew out of Kicks' mane to greet her.

She nodded at Kicks. "Yeah this is it. I just moved in a few weeks ago, so it's a little empty, but quite like it." She led him inside, gesturing with her hoof, silently inviting him inside. "I've been good. I had a little wing injury recently, been recovering, so I'm going back to training tomorrow. I've been so bored though! And do come on in! It's nice to see you again! Would you like a glass of water? Lemon water? Tea? I think I have some cider around somewhere."

Fleetfoot's eyes widened. "But I haven't asked you about your own training! How is life with the 'Blades?"

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Colton followed the mare inside, smiling as he went. He wasn't sure if Fleet was always this excitable since he had only met her once before and in that situation she was supposed to be a professional judge, "Wow...she much have been really bored." Colton thought as he continued to follow, admiring the décor as Sparks buzzed around his head.

He responded to Fleet when she mentioned her injury, "Ah...sorry to hear that, Fleet...both the injury and the boredom thing..." He considered whether he should have a drink or not, he responded with a slight smile, glad to see that Fleet could let her hair down...Both figuratively and literally and it seemed that Colton arrived just in time to relieve her boredom, the pegasus didn't really mind since he too, was bored out of his mind.

"Uh...Have anything with blueberry in it?" Colton asked as Sparks' attention was immedietly drawn to the two ponies' conversation, the little guy was a fan of blueberry to put it lightly.

"And life with the 'Blades is defiently good, Fleet. Got to meet the entire team for the first time when we were getting our suits fitted...It can be a demanding job...considering all the practise and travelling but, pay's good so I can't really complain...I mean when you're close to starting a family you take all you can get." He stated, trying to remember if he had mentioned his engagement to Fleet before.

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Fleetfoot nodded absently and led him into the kitchen, where she gestured for him to have a seat. "Well it's getting better now, anyway."

She rooted around in her cupboard and suddenly gasped as an idea popped into her head. She bumped her head as she pulled it out of the cupboard and rounded excitedly on Kicks. "What about a milkshake?! I know this adorable place just near here! I'm sure there's a blueberry flavour!"

Fleetfoot's ears pricked up as she made her way back to the door, and she was now listening intently. "It's good to hear that! Did you say starting a family? Oh, I'm so happy for you! Who's the lucky somepony?"

Fleetfoot resisted the urge to squeal; she adored hearing love stories!

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Colton followed as Fleet lead into the kitchen, admiring how pristine it was. He came to two conclusions as to why that would be in his mind, the first one being that she had incredibly good help or she must have had a lot of time on her hooves recently. Given her apparent fame, Colton wondered which sounded more realistic.

As he drifted off on this thought he was broken out of it by Fleet's exclamation of a nearby place where they could get something blueberry. The pegasus would have just compromised and asked for water instead but Fleet seemed very excited about this. As he followed, keeping relatively quiet, Fleet asked about Colton's engagement. He had a feeling he never told her about it.

"Her name's Quantum Flux, she's a scientist...We met in Canterlot about a year ago...spent a lot of time together and...when we were on vacation not too long ago and I popped the question." He stated with a smile. "That's why I applied for the Aeroblades...we get a steady income...and we get to see the world..." He ended, still smiling.

It was after that that Colton pointed towards a piece of string around his neck. The string had been looped through a ring which was now proudly dandling like a pedant around his neck.

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"Ohh, how sweet! I hope you're very happy together." Fleetfoot exclaimed as she noticed the ring dangling around his neck.

"Personally, I've never had time for a special somepony. I'm happy as I am. Sure, it gets a little lonely sometimes, but work keeps me busy!"

She trotted through her door and took off from the cloud slowly, and she led the way to the little milkshake café she had mentioned in silence. She tilted her head a little after a while, and as they landed a few paces from the café, she searched for something to say.

"So how is Crescent? Oh, you said you met the rest of the team! Were they nice?"

(Sorry it's a little basic, I'm really tired and sick at the moment. D: )

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"Thanks, Fleet. Means a lot, really. And that is understandable." He stated as he nodded in understanding at her last statement.

He flew with her, ready to make any sudden movements since he had literally no idea where he was being led. When the two of them reached their destination Colton continued following. He thought to bring up a topic of discussion but Fleet beat him to the punch. He listened carefully before responding, trying to hear Fleet over the hustle and bustle of the pegasi filled city.

"Crescent's doing good. He seems to be really happy that the team's coming together as it is, must have been a huge dream of the guy's...In which case, good for him." He stated with a smile before going onto the rest of the team, "And the rest of them...Nicest bunch you'll ever meet, seriously. Crescent really did pick them out well...and everypony seems to be getting along so that's good too."

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"I'm really glad to hear that. Honestly, I was a little worried at the beginning of the tryouts. We waited for a good while before anypony turned up to tryout. I was so scared his dream would be dashed."

"I really did see potential in all of you, and I assume with your training you guys are gonna be rival to us soon!" Fleet laughed, leading the way into the café, wherein she found a table, nodded to the stallion behind the counter, sat down and picked up a menu in her hooves. She buried her head in the card, and tried to decide what flavour 'shake to get. She decided on strawberry, and awaited Kicks' decision, smiling gently.

"Ahh, it's been too long since I've trained, I'm getting rusty!"

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Colton followed and sat down at the opposite side of the table, he looked over the menu, wondering why since he already knew what he was getting. He of course, decided on his earlier decision of blueberry. He listened once again to Fleet, chuckling about her statement regarding the Wonderbolts, "Well I don't know about that...We're good but we're not that good." He stated with a smile.

"Sorry to hear that. Though I'm sure you're still doing alright...I mean you could probably still beat me in a race no problem." He started off whilst setting Sparks down on the table, the bird propping down on a napkin comfortably.

"And you're lucky...There has been practically training everyday now...Only a few hours mind you but, not entirely used to it...Which would explain why my wings are soo sore lately." He finished as he stretched his wings out slightly.

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"Well yeah, the 'Bolts are quite awesome." Fleetfoot winked and giggled, waving a hoof to alert the waiter.

"Ah, Miss Fleetfoot. The usual, I take it? Strawberry?"

Fleetfoot smiled and nodded. "Of course!"

"And you, sir?" Fleetfoot looked over to Kicks and smiled again, stretching a little again. She wondered if she really was lucky to have no training.. She pondered on this, and shook her head. She loved her training, no matter how strenuous it was. She couldn't even begin to imagine a life without the Wonderbolts anymore.

Fleetfoot leaned forward to nuzzle Sparks, hoping something might pop into her head to talk to Kick's about while they waited...

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"Blueberry, thank you." Colton responded to the waiter as the pony walked off to fetch their respective drinks. Colton smiled at Fleet's sly comment on the Wonderbolts, "They are awesome alright...Perhaps the 'Blades and the 'Bolts should meet up sometime...Y'know...besides this meetup, happening right now." He chuckled.

As they waited, Colton took the time to observe the cafe. It was simple, elegant and of course...very cloudy. He had wondered why he had never stopped in here before. He chalked it up to that this was just a place he had failed to notice before, similar to Fleet's manor.

When Sparks was unexpectedly nuzzled by Fleet his eyes opened in an instant. He looked around for a bit, wondering what was going on. After he realized who had in fact nuzzled him, he hovered in front of Fleet's cheek and nuzzled back. Colton then spoke again.

"Hmm...'Bolts and 'Blades...not a bad idea, you think?"

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Fleetfoot giggled at Sparks, and her ears perked up as she heard Kicks' comment.

"Yeah, I think that sounds like a good idea! Who knows, it might even do wonders to spur the 'Blades on a little bit." Fleetfoot winked again, wondering if the meetup was indeed a good idea for the new-and-upcoming flight team. She tilted her head as the thought about it, staring right at Kicks.

She realised she was staring and she laughed, shaking her head rapidly. "Sorry. Yeah I think it's a good idea. Oh wait, I think I said that already.. Oh well. I've been thinking about the younger filly on the reserve team. When I saw her at the tryouts, she was quite small. How is she doing? Can she keep up with the rest of the team?"

She was distracted when she saw their 'shakes arriving, and she let out a soft ohh as they were placed in front of the two. She grinned and got stuck right in, offering the small bird near her cheek a taste. "So, are you partial to blueberry, Sparks, or are you willing to try new things?"

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Colton thought more about the prospect of a 'Bolts and 'Blades meetup...Was it even possible? How would it be done? When? Where? These questions continued to buzz about in his mind as he failed to notice Fleet staring right at him, so her 'sorry' was a bit lost on him. However it did get him listening. He thought about her question, he remembered the younger filly from the recent meetup and recalled all he could about her.

"She's getting along great. She is defiently a lot faster than she looks, seriously. And the guys were very encouraging towards her so that's good to see too...Again, Crescent picked a great bunch...And I really didn't want to sound smug by saying that but I think it's too late to take it back." He chuckled as he took a sip of his 'shake, smiling contently.

Sparks pondered Fleet's proposal for a second. The bird never really ate any fruit outside of blueberries; the bird could hardly get enough of the stuff. But admittedly, the bird wasn't against trying new things. He took a deep breath and sucked up small amount of Fleet's 'shake. The problem for him being that he had drank a small 'pony' amount. Sparks smiled before dropping to the table with a slightly bloated belly.

"...I think he likes it." Colton remarked with another sip.

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Fleetfoot laughed at the bird, and nodded in agreement. "I think he does!"

She laughed again and reversed back to the last topic of conversation. "I agree with you on that. Crescent did indeed pick the best bunch of novice flyers out there. How's he holding up as a captain? Does he treat you all okay? If it's one thing I can't stand is a grumpy captain!"

She thought back to the days of her first training sessions with none other than her mentor, Spitire. She had always been kind and patient towards Fleetfoot, and she knew that that was one of the reasons Fleet could fly the way she did today.

She took another sip of her 'shake and let out a soft hmm as she reminisced back to the days of her fillyhood.

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Sparks rolled over very slowly to rest on his bulging gut, he exhaled heavily before going back to his normal shape but remaining face down on the table. Colton cracked a smile at the bird's antics and turned back to continues his conversation with Fleet.

He almost immedietly had had an answer since he was soo sure of his next statement, "Crescent's doing really good actually, given the circumstances of course...I feel like he's still sort of learning but he's doing good as he is. And if something does go wrong then the team seems dedicated enough to help him through it...We're all in unfamiliar territory and we'll basically only get through it together." He replied with yet another sip, then something crossed his mind.

"Hmm...since you've asked me soo much about the 'Blades...If you wouldn't mind me asking...What's it like being a Wonderbolt? Is it really as glamorous as I hear?" He asked with a grin, taking another sip.

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Fleetfoot nodded throughout his answer, and she pondered her own answer before she actually spoke. Dragging it out, she finished off her 'shake and put her hooves on the table, leaning her chin against them.

"Well.. Where to start? Training, I guess. Training is .. very difficult. We train a lot, and we have to put our pride aside when we do. As I'm sure you know, it gets very hot during the afternoon and well, with the intensity of the training.. I'm sure you can guess what we all look like afterwards! The team itself .. Well everypony is so wonderful, we work together flawlessly, and we hardly ever argue. We help each other through everything, it's great really."

She paused, thinking some more.

"The public shows.. I always dread them. I .. Don't do crowds well, eheh. Or the noise and the bright lights.. Well, it's very intimidating, but once we get into the air, it all just becomes background noise. Nothing matters when we're in the air. The parties we get to attend are marvelous, but they're all the same, really. That said, I wouldn't give it up for anything."

Fleetfoot smiled to Kicks, blushing a little. "Sorry, that was a lot!"

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Colton nodded along, listening carefully to Fleet's answer. He could empathise quite a bit, not soo much with the not doing well in crowds but the training. Colton also finished his shake and put it to one side before replying.

"No no, it's fine...I asked for the Wonderbolts and that's what I got." Colton stated with a smile as he nudged Sparks to see it he was alive. The bird twitched so Colton felt at ease about that anyway.

"I think I got a good picture now." Colton led into before thinking for a second and continuing, "Makes me wonder if us 'Blades'll ever hit the high time like that, the adoring fans, amazing parties..." Colton wondered for a second before continuing.

"If that were to ever happen though...Imagine the time it would take out of my life...Hardly enough to have a family..." He thought aloud before turning back to Fleet, "Well...you seem to manage alright so I guess I could too." He finished with a grin.

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Fleetfoot pondered this and she sighed a little. "I guess so. I've never thought about it that way before. Probably because I haven't thought about ever starting a family."

She shook her head. "What am I thinking? Being with the 'Bolts ... Nah, I'd never be able to have a family, they take up too much of my time. In a way, I do quite envy you."

Fleetfoot's playful manner had dropped, and she was now speaking in a serious tone, and the two descended into silence as she began to daydream about having a family.

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Colton began speaking more seriously as well. He dipped his head down slightly before responding. "You envy me? Huh...what irony...I can understand the whole family thing but...well, you're famous. I mean the 'Blades have some notoriety but we'll never be as big as the 'Bolts, not by a long shot." Colton led into before putting one of his front hooves over the other on the table.

"And trust me...I don't think you should be envious over the whole family thing. Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance, with all my heart but...there's always that anxiety, y'know?" Colton added before leaning back in his chair and sighing.

"But...I guess that's a given at this point..." He led into before smiling, "And I could be in a lot worse situations." He said jokingly before chuckling, "I'm probably just being dumb about the whole thing...I should be ecstatic about having a family!" He finished with a wide grin.

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Fleetfoot shook her head. "No, you're right. I think if I had a family, I'd feel the same way. It's hard not to worry about those you care about. Especially when you're constantly travelling, or working, or whatever."

Fleetfoot tilted her head and she descended into silence once more.

After a little while, she spoke up again. "But anyway! You mentioned your flight suits. What colour are they? Are they comfortable? I remember the first time I tried my flight suit on.."

She suddenly gasped. "Oh, hey! When you're ready, lets head back to my house, I have something I wanna give you."

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Colton's eyes and ears perked up as Fleet seemed to bring the conversation back into a positive light. He was rather amazed that she could veer a conversation in such a cheery direction after such a serious subject matter. He shrugged it off however and smiled before responding to her question.

"The flight suits? Ah, they're great. It's to be expected since we're sponsored but a clothing company but...Wow. Very aerodynamic as well, you'd be surprised. On the ground you can feel that you're wearing a uniform but when you're up in the air it feels like it's not even there!" He exclaimed excitedly as he returned to his cheery demeanor.

He tilted his head slight at Fleet's last statement, he wondered for a second exactly what she could be talking about but he couldn't come to a solid conclusion as to what it could be. So he simply nodded and replied, "Well...I'm pretty much ready now...I say we head out." He replied eagerly before leaving a few bits on the tray that came with their 'shakes.

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Fleetfoot nodded, and threw her half of the bits on the table, and flew out of the café quicker than she had anticipated, and ran straight into a chunk of cloud. She giggled, a little dizzy and waited for Kicks. Once he had caught up with her, she led him back to her house.

She flew in and began to rummage through one of the many storage boxes aligned neatly in her living room. She sneezed as some dust tickled her nose, and giggled.

"I get so much fan mail and gifts and stuff, if you're wondering why I have so many boxes.."

She found what she was looking for eventually and grinned, pulling her head out of the box. "These. I meant to give them to Crescent, but I think he said he liked his, so I didn't wanna force them on him if he already had his trademark pair. These are the goggles that I was given on the day I received my uniform from the 'Bolts. I keep them as my one of my many spare pairs. My mom bought me those ones when I was accepted, and I grew attached," she shrugged, gesturing to the worn goggles that lay discarded on the couch and paused.

"You've probably already got a pair of goggles that you're partial to in training, but it's always handy to have a spare pair, and hey, they won't do much good gathering dust here!"

She smiled, and extended her hoof, handing her pegasus companion the goggles.

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