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what is your definition of "invulnerable?

Completely impervious to all forms of ailment and damage. THOUGH! I would like to think of being invulnerable as being able to experience pain and even to an extent death. BUT always surviving without a scratch! :D

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....he can die.... you knew that right?

Well he relys on the apples to live forever. Also admittedly his tolerance to damage is only near invulnerability. He will also die if his hammer breaks D:

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...he will also die if you KILL HIM! or were you only joking when you left that out?

I believe that was covered in the "near invulnerability". Also c'mon it has to be quite the hit to kill someone whom is near invulnerable! Something short of somehow removing a raging gods limbs and burning them all. Its quite the feat!

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you said tolerance to damage. i assumed you meant pain tolerance. push him off a plane in a cardboard box. yup, thatd kill him. or would it?...thats a question.

Judging from numerous hulk beatdowns I'd say no. Also if you want to accept the new avengers movie. He is dropped out of a plane in a large container and he does survive!

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that is what i was referencing to, and he manages to exit the large containter, for fear of dying, which suggests that he would have died. the question was, do you think he would have had he stayed inside the container like a good little god?

I think he would survive it. I mean it was meant to kill loki. Loki gets destroyed by The Hulk! Yet he is still breathing. I believe that if he survived that, then he would most likely survive the fall. Thus i believe that Thor would also survive!

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the hulk punched buildings, and they survived. if you dropped those buildings from the sky at that height, they would not survive. are you suggesting that being attacked by the hulk simulates the same force as being dropped from the sky at that height?

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the hulk punched buildings, and they survived. if you dropped those buildings from the sky at that height, they would not survive. are you suggesting that being attacked by the hulk simulates the same force as being dropped from the sky at that height?

Im saying he didnt just punch Loki. He grabbed him by his arm and whipped him back and forth off the heavily fortified floors of Stark Tower. The man was beat into the ground! Also that is assuming that these giant sky scraper towers are the same build and density as Thor!

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ok...if thor would have survived, why was he so scared to get out so fast,and why was loki so confident it would work?

I wish i could say bad writing but Joss Whedon made it D:

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What is your favorite band?

That question!!! D: But, theirs so many! With one thousand odd artists on my Itunes I will offer my top five for shared favoritism!

  • Stiff Little Fingers
  • NOFX
  • Milburn
  • The Dandy Warhols
  • The Fratellis

Even now I regret choosing only five D:

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...the only ones there that i have heard of....i hate.... why do you listen to old person that kind of music?

Fine would you rather something more modern like Eminem, The Prodigy, Cage The Elephant ? Also because music nowadays is just really bad compared to older music XD

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ive never heard of them either. old music sounds funny though.

Well then I dont know what to say...I have no idea what you listen to so I cant base my answers on anything :L

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ok. why cant my computer pick a download speed, tell me how long it will take, and stop making me watch it constantly?

I think it is pretty much impossible to have a stable download speed. Its always fluctuating! :D So I would blame any number of things ranging from weather to your ISP :L :D

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