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BronyCasters Brony Podcast!

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Hello Everypony! This is Call Me Dash from a new podcast/livestream we've simply dubbed, 'BronyCasters'. We're hoping to get some more viewers, and I hoped Canterlot was a good choice to get us some! Our podcast is mostly based around a bunch of guys just talking about stuff, even though we do have a few segments each week, including My 'Top three fanfictions of the week', Shadow Dash's News segment, Soarin's top three tumblr pony blogs, and the top 5 videos, usually compiled by either Tommy or Nick. And now that I've mentioned most of our names, how about I give an introduction of us all.

Call Me Dash (Me) : I'm the guy who basically came up with the idea of having a podcast. I'm 15 and I live in Dallas, Texas. I became a brony around March of 2012, and I play tons of Team Fortress 2 on the PC, and Battlefield 3 and Forza Motorsport 4 on the Xbox 360. Also, I have an unwieldy passion for cars. XBL: divet3 Steam: Awesome Dash Skype: justcallmedash

Nick AKA SirFancyFace: Nick lives in Canada. He's 18 (I think), and he's the guy who actually streams the main podcast. Unfortunately, sometimes he goes a bit crazy. For example, you know how there's the TF2 Soldier and then there's Painis Cupcake? Well, we deal with Nick and Pancake Astronaut. Steam: SirFancyFace

Shadow Dash AKA Technic: Shadow Dash lives in London. He's about my age, and he acts a lot like me as well, i think. He is a pretty major contributor to conversation. Steam: Shadow Dash XBL: DearestVega22

Tommy AKA TopNotchBrony: Tommy lives in Australia. He's also about my age, and he makes PMVs (He's been on EQD before). I think he also tends to act a bit like me. He's also a very major contributor to conversation.

Derpy Dash: Derpy Dash doesn't actually talk much, but i think he's also British. He does a lot of text chat though, and overall, he's a really entertaining guy to talk to. Oh yeah, he's 12, but very mature for his age.

Bryant AKA DJSilent: Bryant is 16. Bryant isn't always there for the podcast, but when he's there, he's active in conversation. He also makes music. He's incredibly good at Battelfield, and also chill whilst being amazing in every aspect of the game. I don't know how he does it.

Kristian (pronounced like Christian) AKA ToTo: Kristian is 16. He also isn't always there for the podcast, but he's a great guy to chill and play BF3 with, and of course to talk to as always.

Soarin': Soarin is an awesome guy to talk to at any time. He can hold his own in conversation about almost anything, and usually has funny stories to tell. He runs a tumblr blog called (at ask-mlpSoarin.tumblr.com). I have to say this while I can: I live his art style. Anyways, he's a great guy.

Finally, I should introduce one more person who isn't gonna be here for quite a while, and for very good reasons. Here he is:

Ragin Pinkie Pie: Ragin's home residence is in Florida. He's 19 years old and drives a Honda Accord Coupe with a moderately tuned f22a Honda engine. He's currently not here for the podcast because he's on deployment in Afghanistan until September. Ragin, I should say, is basically me, but funnier, awesomer, and better at TF2. He was undoubtedly the main contributor of the podcast, and wasn't afraid to claim main co-host alongside myself. When he left, we wondered how we were going to manage without him, but so far we're doing alright. Soarin' is currently filling in for him, but he might stay even when Ragin returns.

Podcast time: Saturdays, 9 or 10:00 EST (it just depends sometimes, it's usually 9). It usually lasts anywhere from 1 hour to two hours, though occasionally one of us will stream TF2 or something.

I hope I have you interested enough to listen to our podcast and watch our streams! ^_^

-Call Me Dash

EDIT: I should have given you the link to the podcast.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Next week we have Ask Steampunk Scootaloo and Ask Mocha Sketch on as guests! Also, I will be horrendously underprepared as I'll have been without internet until six hours before the podcast! So go ahead and watch that one, because the guests are great and I'm going to make a total c--k out of myself! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel bad about making yet another post without somepony else posting, but I have Good news, news, and bad news, and Good news

The Good news is that Ragin Pinkie Pie gets off of deployment early and will be back for next week!

The Bad News is its because his leg got fractured by an IED.

The Good news upon THAT is that he's okay!

The News is our guest this week: Just-ask-rainbow-dash.tumblr.com!

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