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Just passin' through (Rok Anarch and Spring Shimmer)

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THE BADLANDS! That explained it all. He was one of those crazy tribal ponies from the middle of nowhere up north! Was he going to steal all her stuff? Maybe he would snatch a few tools in his odd pursuit of wood and steal for his sword.... A sword he would definitely use for no good! Spring then forcibly bent her thoughts in a completely different direction. Maybe he was just a simple pony traveling from his home in the badlands to make a new life and adventure out here... "If you say so... I'm sure I could find you some room in here." She said as she nudged him towards the hall and attempted to lead him down it. There were only four rooms, but they were all empty save one, which had a small bed in it. "You can sleep in here." She stated, pointing into the room. "Wash is out front and there is a nice hose for water..."

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"Thank you very much," said Rok. He then hesitated, looking out at the hose she had just mentioned to him. "I think you left the water on when you filled that bucket that you poured on me," Rok said worriedly, "should I turn it off?"

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Spring followed his gaze to the hose and back. "Not again!" She yelled quickly as she rushed to flip off the hose! On the way she slid in some of the water on the floor, but managed to keep her balance. She slammed a hoof across the switch for the water and shut it off. Breathing a sigh of relief, she walked back into the hallway and looked to Rok. "Thanks..."

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"The ones I already ruined this morning? If you think you could do it...." Spring responded. She still wasn't sure how she felt about having this pony around. He was definitely a cheerful one and was definitely knowledgeable on how to be polite... But she still couldn't shake the fear she would do something wrong or he would turn out to be a baddy...

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Rok quickly and efficiently worked to clear out the water from the crops. It took him a long time to finally dump all of the water. He then began working on saving all of the crops that hadn't already drowned. This took him much more time. He was distracted by this task for a few hours.

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Spring, trusting in Rok to get the job done well, decided to make a nice dinner for the two of them. Sure, they had just met, but he seemed like a hard worker and nice pony... and she definitely could use some help on the farm. Maybe keeping him around a while would be a good thing. She set out to make a nice daisy and hay casserole, topped with strawberries and just a sprinkle of powdered sugar. She finally finished her masterpiece and went out to fetch Rok. Spring stuck her head through the open doorway and called to him, "Hey! Rok! Dinner!"

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Rok liked the sound of that and quickly ran into the house, ready to devour the dinner. As he sat down, he remembered his manners. "Spring, this looks great. I can't wait to give it a try!" He said enthusiastically! He then took the first bite. "This is exquisite! How did you make it??" He said, honestly baffled by the deliciousness of the morsel.

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"Well, my momma taught me a long time ago... Hers was always much better, but I try!" Spring responded happily. She sat herself down at the small, shoddy table across from him. As she lowered herself she gave a small yelp of pain and shot back out of the chair. She clutched the front hoof she had been lowering herself with close to her chest, face bright red and tears forming in her sky blue eyes. She may be a strong farm pony, but she was a soft one, too.

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Spring flinched away from Rok as he came close and held her hoof in tighter, looking down at it. Running at the back of it, just around the actual hoof itself was a huge wooden splinter. It dug in a total of about half a hand (2 inches). The pony closed her eyes and murmured in pain, "Splinter" to Rok. She pushed away from the chair and table with her hind hooves and pushed back towards the kitchen. Halfway there she managed to fumble back up and upon reaching the sink reached up and grabbed a cloth. "Rok..." She whispered horsely (haha, get it?) to him. "I need you to pull it out.... Then I'll run water over it and wrap it up ."

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"Ok, I will" Rok readied himself for the 'operation'. He looked very closely at the splinter and moved his hooves into the right position. He began talking to Spring to calm her down. "I'll remove it quickly, it doesn't look that bad. Do you realize that that really was one of the best dinner's I have ever had? Exquisite, just an explosion of flavors and deliciousness. I would very much like to learn how to make it, if you would like to teach me--" Rok suddenly removed the splinter, hoping the distraction would have made it a less painful experience.

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Spring lowered an eye brow in confusion as Rok started to talk about the dinner. Now was definitely not the time for - A sharp pain in her hoof cut off her thoughts as she jerked back away from Rok and into the counter behind her. She got a good thump on her head, but at least the splinter was out... She woozily got up and leaned over the sink to wash the wound. After a few seconds under the soothing cold water she soaked the cloth in it and began to wrap it around her hoof. Once she finished she turned back to Rok, "Thanks..."

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"Ugh, this place is falling apart..." Spring said to him with a low sigh at the end. "Alright, I'll get a cushion from the shed. I think I have a few in there, at least..." She trailed off as she began to walk towards the door to the house. She gently nudged the door open and started to walk outside, her blonde tail bouncing as she walked away from Rok.

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Rok looked around the house a bit. He really liked it, even though it wasn't a mansion or anything fancy like that. He then remembered he hadn't finished his dinner, but he decided to wait for Spring before he ate any more of it. He took a look around the house again, nothing in particular catching his eye. He waited there for Spring to return.

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Spring limped to the shed and slowly opened the door. It was way too dark in there... She reached out her injured hoof to feel her way around. This turned out to be a really bad idea, as it hit the far wall and she screamed in pain! She pulled back and tripped over a random plow left near the middle of the shed and fell backwards, screaming all the way. When she hit the ground, she was surprised at how little it hurt. Spring flipped over and found herself on top of the chair cushions, "Aha, gotcha..." She said to them before picking one up and bringing it back to the house.

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Rok was very glad to see Spring had returned. "Let me help you with that." Rok said, and quickly took the cushion and put it over the dangerous area. He then helped Spring get to her seat, as she was limping. As he sat down to begin dinner yet again, he remembered to say, "I'm glad that your hoof isn't infected and will be fine." He gave her his 'famous' grin, a trademark grin he often sported when feeling a variety of emotions.

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Spring gave Rok a puzzled look. "Yeah... it isn't infected *yet.*" She sighed and squirmed on her chair. "Now I remember why these cushions aren't here... They ain't too comfy..." She stopped and looked up to the food on the plate in front of her. She then slowly began to eat, pausing every so often to look up at Rok.

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"Well... I start with a good breakfast. Then, I water my crops, make sure there aren't any weeds... make sure it is well cared for, right? When I am done with that I usually eat... again..." She sighed before continuing, "Then I go make some clay sculptures like my momma taught me when I was just a little filly... Every so often I will take the best down to a shop I have closer to the city for this one pony I know to sell. He can be kind of mean, though.... But, other than that... After that I sleep. Usually, at least..." Spring looked up to the ceiling and thought for a while before starting again, "So... you are an roughi -" Spring caught herself in the middle of the word, "Adventurer, right? What do you do out there?"

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"Yes I am! I do lots of things, and I want to learn about all sorts of people. So I usually travel around, sometimes randomly, sometimes with a particular goal in mind. I settle down every now and then, and then I always end up setting off again. It's interesting learning about different ways of life from the people that live them." Rok looked down at the table for a bit, and then back up at Spring, "Over the time I've traveled I've gained a few good stories, and I'm glad for that. I've also learned a lot. . . . like how to read, and manners, and metal, and weapons, and flying, and Pegasi and stuff." Rok was quickly carried away with what he was saying, but eventually returned back to Equestria. "So do you usually sell the crops or do you just eat them yourself?"

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"Eat all of them myself? ... Are you calling me fat?!" Spring exclaimed nearly in tears! "Of course I don't eat them alone." She whispered, staring down at her plate. It was still nearly half full, but she pushed it away slowly and got up from the table. Her tail swayed as she walked down the narrow hallway and into her tiny room, showing only the slightest limp. "Goodnight... Rok." She said softly back to him.

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"I didn't mean all at once, I meant over time.... I --" Rok cursed himself for not knowing not to ask the question like that. He then began to walk towards her to explain himself, when he tripped and fell, hitting his head on the wall. In a dizzied haze he got up on his hindlegs and fell backwards again. He then attempted to walk towards Spring, but he looked like he was drunk as he wobbled side to side towards where she had gone, his hair all disheveled.

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When she had gotten into her room, Spring Shimmer softly closed the door and turned towards her small, hard bed. She was preparing to climb onto it when she heard a loud thud behind her, followed by a slightly louder one. Confused, she thought about getting up, but decided against it. If it was a baddy, Rok would take care of it... He was an adventurer, after all.

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