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Just passin' through (Rok Anarch and Spring Shimmer)

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The next morning Spring groggily got up from bed and moved to look out the window. The sun was shining weakly through the massive amount of clouds. She turned her head and looked towards the door to her room. "Well, here comes another day..." She said to herself. She trotted up to the door and started to nudge it open.

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Spring gazed out from the crack she made between the door and it's frame. She spotted a lump on the floor and carefully snuck towards it. When she reached the twitching figure she realized it was Rok. She gave him a soft kick in the ribs in an attempt to wake him up before continuing. Her tail softly swept along his face as she went over him to walk down the hall.

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Rok was suddenly awakened. Then her tail swept across his face. It felt soft, and he thought it smelled nice, until his tickled nose suddenly reacted in the form of a sneeze. Rok then got up, and hastily said, "Good morning.... ohhh I've got a nasty headache and I don't even remember why." He then walked toward Spring. "If I remember correctly, you said you had breakfast first, and then went out to water the crops and check the weeds. Today I'll go check the weeds while you have your normal breakfast, maybe I can save you some work."

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Spring jumped at the sudden sneeze that came from below and behind her and turned quickly in surprise. Happy that it was just Rok, and not some monster, she turned back and started to walk away. "Alright, Rok... Just don't mess anything up out there..." She started to walk into the kitchen before she changed her mind, "Actually... I think I'll skip breakfast today... I'll go out and work the fields... How about you start on the far left, I'll start on the far right. We'll meet somewhere in the middle..."

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Rok thought this sounded good, and he began looking. He was very surprised by the fact that there were very few weeds in the field at all. "Wow, you really take very good care of your crops. I've only found a couple weeds so far. I am impressed!" Rok said, as he looked around for more weeds.

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The field the two ponies were currently in was only around thrirty-ish ponies by twenty-three-ish ponies in size, an easy amount of land to maintain. Spring went over to her side and began to use her sharp eyes to spot any weeds that got in her way. All the while, she carried a large, tin watering can with her to make sure all the plants she did want alive were well cared for. After a while of work, she started to stop periodically to wipe the sweat from above her eyes. She was very near the middle by now, so she looked up from what she was doing to check on Rok.

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Rok kept surveying the field as he walked forward and backward, pacing, looking for every last weed. He was about half way towards the middle when he looked up and noticed Spring checking on him. He waved and attempted a reassuring grin before continuing the work.

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Spring sighed as she saw Rok grin and then go back to his work. He scanned for weeds rather erratically, going back and forth trying to spot weeds. His style of searching for weeds didn't seem too efficient... but at least he was helping. Besides, what problems would a missed weed here and there cause? Spring got back to watering the plants and pulling the weeds. When she finally reached the middle she looked up to see how close to completion Rok was.

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Rok was about three quarters of the way done, and began to move faster when he saw Spring nearing completion. He finally finished a little bit after she did. "You should probably teach me a better way to do this sometime.... but at least the jobs done!" He said as he looked up from the work.

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"Yeah... Good job... Well, I am going to go make us some lunch now... Feel free to do whatever you want to do, just be careful..." Spring responded before heading back towards the house. She pushed open the door and walked calmly inside. She planned on making something a bit more simple this time... after all, it was only lunch. Hmmm, maybe some daisy sandwiches would be okay.

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Rok was unsure what to do when Spring left to go make lunch. . . . but he decided to sit under a nearby tree and read his book on weapons, which was in his satchel. He found it very interesting, as always, although he had already read it four times. He sat there reading and waiting for Spring to call him inside.

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Spring busied herself inside of the kitchen, adding dashes of various herbs she had collected to the sandwiches. She intended for them to be something special. The bread was soft and sweet, just like the herbs and plants going in it. Once she had finished making three of them, she poked her head out the door and called for Rok, "Rok! Lunch is ready! I made sandwiches!"

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Rok wrenched himself away from the book when he heard Spring call."I'm coming!" he yelled as he ran towards the door. He soon arrived inside and was very impressed by the sight he saw. "What great looking sandwiches! Can't wait to have one! Thanks so much for the food!" Rok said, as he sat down.

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Spring smiled as Rok walked in the door and complimented her sandwiches. "They're nothing special..." She told him, when actually she had used the last of her most rare herb. She had managed to get it from a traveler who claimed it was a plant that naturally grew in the Everfree. Being something so hard to obtain, it was definitely expensive, but she kept her mouth shut about that. She didn't want Rok to feel like he was hogging all of her best stuff.

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