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[Appleloosa] Drowsy's Training Yard (Open)


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Just on the outskirts of town, a tired looking Pegasus could be seen setting up for the day, putting large pails into place, placing various obstacles such as hurdles, ropes, balance beams and cans sitting on a plank of wood along with a few balls to throw at them. Once she was finished preparing the ground course, she collected surrounding clouds and arranged them so they would float just above her training yard for Pegasi to practice with.

She flew on over to the gate that serves as an entrance to the ground part of her yard and put down a sign. "Drowsy Feather's Training Yard. Open to everyone. Please inquire about personal training."

Drowsy blew on her whistle loudly, startling herself, signalling that her yard is now open and ready for use. She sighed and soared up to a cloud above her yard, laying back and watching the town below her. Her eyes fluttered as she struggled to stay awake through another day.

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Madam Bistro decided to take the morning off and see if she could do something about getting in better shape for treks than she had been. Her recent trip to the desert had been a reality check on how unprepared she was and she wanted to get her body ready in case she had to make such a journey again..

A new place had opened up recently and the mocha mare decided to see what exercise programs were available.

Bistro soon arrived, wearing only a maroon headband and leg warmers, with a towel and water bottle in her saddlebag. "Good morning, I am Madam Bistro, I am looking for exercise programs to build up my stamina and agility. What would you reccommend?"

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Drowsy jumped a little as she saw Madam Bistro approach her yard. The Pegasus zoomed down to meet her, kicking her cloud aside as she does and landing softly in front of the visitor, a pleased expression on her face.

"Da! Welcome, welcome. Stamina and agility. This is good. Can do this. Moment, please." she said in a thick Stallian accent.

Drowsy moved around the mare and studied her body, mostly looking at her legs. She jumped up and with a single flap of her wings to suspend her in the air she pulled her saddle bag off and tossed it over by the nearby resting area.

"First you stretch!"

She stood in front of Bistro again demonstrate stretching her legs, one at a time.

"Get stretch and then do lap. One lap. Ignore hurdles for now. Warm up, da? On whistle! Stretch and go!"

She sounded her whistle, loudly, starting herself again.

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"Oh my! You really work fast!"

The mocha mare was amazed at how quickly the green pegasus mare moved, even removing her saddlebag and setting it aside before she was aware of it.

Bistro did the leg stretches after the whistle blew, then started running the lap.

The motion of her running made her creamy white and caramel appaloosa blanket shine in the morning light. She giggled, wondering if the sight was distracting any passers-by. It was rare for anypony to see her when she was not dressed for work.

Bistro finished the lap and cantered to a stop. "I'm done with the lap."

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Drowsy laughed as the mare came to a stop. "Good, good. Warm now, da?" she said with a grin.

"Do some jumps, twenty jumps on spot. The shake off, go get drink and come back to me. Hurdles next, I come with you."

The green Pegasus blew her whistle again, before flying over to a pile of hurdles stacked beside the far end of the track. She went to work setting up each hurdle a good distance apart from one another, wings were beating furiously to get it done before Madam Bistro was finished with her jumps and drink.

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Madam Bistro started doing the jumps, her hooves moving quickly "Oh my, this is going to be quite a workout!"

She was already sweating by the time she did the twentieth jump.

The mocha mare trotted over to her saddle bag and got out her water bottle. She sat down on her haunches for the moment as she watched Drowsy setting up hurdles.

She took a long drink as she watched the last hurdle being set up.

Bistro set the bottle back in her bag "Looks like its time to get back to the exercises." and trotted on over to the pegasus mare.

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Drowsy Feather motioned to the track that was now adorned with a few low hurdles along the way.

"On whistle, we both do track, I run on inside of track and you run on outside and jump hurdles. If you can keeping up with me there will be prize! If not, doesn't matter."

The Pegasus directed Madam Bistro to the starting line and readied her whistle, talking out of the side of her mouth she started the count down. "Three, two, one..." She blows on her whistle loudly and gave Bistro a little bit of a head start before running after her.

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Shining with sweat now, Bistro moved to the starting point at Drowsy's instruction, nodding at the words of incentive. "All right, Miss Feather."

At the whistle, Bistro broke into a gallop and concentrated on readying to jump, she grunted and tucked her forelegs close as she leapt over the first hurdle.

She landed and worked on keeping her balance as she lined up for the next hurdle, jumping again and hearing a clank as a back hoof caught and shook the hurdle.

Bistro landed a little roughly and wobbled back into balance and tried not to let it shake her as she put all her effort into jumping the next one. "Ugh, oh Celestia..*pant* "

She looked ahead to see how many there were to go...

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There were only 4 more hurdles left on the track, each were quite low and spread far enough apart for a full recovery after each jump.

Keeping always one step ahead of Bistro, Drowsy blew her whistle after the hurdle. The plan was to keep Madam Bistro motivated, staying ahead just enough to be in front without making it seem like she couldn't take the lead if she pushed herself.

Approaching the second hurdle, the Pegasus slowed down to give the illusion that she was being overtaken, hopefully motivating Bistro to make the jump perfectly to keep her lead.

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The mocha mare galloped along, panting and sweating, seeing Drowsy just a little ahead of her.

She bunched up to prepare when she heard the whistle, then jumped.

Bistro had to clear every jump for her own pride if nothing else.

She flipped her hind hooves up a little higher just in case and was relieved to not feel the hurdle touch her.

Bistro's ears perked as she saw she was actually catching up, and put a little more effort into preparing for the next hurdle and jumped as hard as she could.

She gasped as she touched down and looked toward Drowsy for a moment...

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Drowsy was neck and neck with Madam Bistro. She met the mocha mares eyes and a devious smile formed. Suddenly looking forward, the Pegasus' legs started pumping faster than they ever had during the race, a look of determination in her eyes and a toothy grin spread on her muzzle as she pushed ahead of her trainee, approaching the final hurdle.

"Catching me if you can! Haha!"

If Bistro wanted to beat her, there was still a very good chance of doing so! She had to put everything she had into making this last jump and getting past the finish line. Drowsy Feather was not going easy anymore.

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Bistro was fighting to get ahead of Drowsy, when the pegasus locked eyes with her and grinned.

The pegasus suddenly sprinted ahead, daring her to catch her.

The mocha mare panted and put everything she had into the last effort, her legs pounding the ground as she bunched her haunches and jumped.

Bistro sailed over the last hurdle, closing her eyes at the last moment to concentrate on getting to the finish.

She gave one last push with her legs on landing, aiming for the line, nearly collapsing as she made it and slowed to a walk before opening her eyes.

She gasped out "How did I do?"

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Standing about three feet away from the finish line, the look on Drowsy Feather's face was priceless, a mixture of both suprise and embarasment as Bistro had just overtaken and beaten her in a race she was planning to win.

"Uh. Did very good, actually." She shook her head and closed her eyes to make sure that actually just happend "Pozdravlyayu, you have beaten me at my own game."

Drowsy made her way toward the mocha mare and her smile returned. "You are good runner, you know. But never will beat me in sky." She grinned "Rest now, you earned it!" The Pegasus gave a happy nod as she led the way to the rest area. She had worn herself out, too.

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(OOC: I'm surprised the Player of Arpee has not tossed that filly in this thread yet...)

A panting Madam Bistro looked at the green pegasus in surprise,"I..I won? Wow! I did not know I.. *pant* had it in me."

The Mocha Mare then followed her to the rest area, pausing to giggle when Drowsy said Bistro could not beat her in a flying race. "I should say not, not without a catapult. I'll leave that to the silly unicorn filly that wants to fly like a pegasus."

The mare sat down and drank from her water bottle, stretching her legs to keep from getting stiff. "You sound like you came from the area Miss Snowfall calls home. Is there an epic tale involved of how a mare from Stalliongrad came to Appleoosa?"

Bistro winks "I can tell you how I ended up here from Manehattan in return."

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Drowsy Feather took a drink from her water bottle and looked at Bistro, keeping up her grin. "Ah, yes. Is good thing, flying. I understand this filly wanting to fly. Poor thing."

The Pegasus sat next to Madam Bistro and listened to her question, giving her a slightly confused look. "Miss Snowfall? That is one I do not know. Tale is not...er...epic. It is simply wanderlust and need for getting away from old home. Move for Canterlot when young after incident with dragons, it is long story. You can take mare out from rough living, but can not take rough living out from mare, though...Canterlot was too...er...posh for my taste. When I hear of Appleloosa I know that this is where I am belonging." she smiled after finishing her story.

"But I talk of self too much, have not even introduced self properly. As sign says, I am Drowsy Feather."

Drowsy looked over to Madam Bistro expectantly with an awkward smile, her cheeks slightly flushed from embarrassment of forgetting to introduce herself.

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Madam Bistro smiles and rubs herself dry with a towel "Pleased to meet you, Miss Drowsy Feather. I am Madam bistro as you may remember.

Well, Miss Snowfall is a businessmare pegasus from Stalliongrad whom I have met recently, with an eye on Appleoosa business. That bit with dragons sounds dangerous, so hopefully the local wildlife wont be that exciting."

The mare gave a quick, graceful bow. "I am originally from Manehattan, where my parents still run a coffee shop for family tradition. I started a combination Bed and Breakfast and coffee Bistro at the newer Manehattan train station and things took off from there.

Appleoosa is my newest location in my chain of such shops, and it looks like it will be a permanent location for me. If things pick up for Appleoosa like we think, Your business will become very busy."

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Drowsy nodded along with Bistro's story.

"Oh, maybe. Morning jog and coffee is good combination. But I would not call this business, I offer my services for free, and offer to personally train anyone who I think would be worth time. Of course, anyone is welcome to ask, but if you have injury you need to work through, or you need to look best for...wedding? Maybe? Then is more likely for me to be choosing you." The Pegasus smiled at the mocha mare. "But would not turn down donations for keeping yard together, is not cheap to fix broken equipment and I am not earning much on side right now. But I would not be offend if anyone did not donate, it is free service."

Drowsy took a hearty drink of her water and just sat her towel on her head. "What is like in Manehattan?"

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Madam Bistro giggled and blushed at the mention of "marriage", bringing certain stallions to mind.

"Oh maybe someday, but I'm just getting myself into better shape in case I need to brave the desert again."

She perked her ears as she thought over what Drowsy said "Oh my! What do you do for supplies in this desert? At the least, I will most certainly donate for your equipment and time with me."

Bistro took a long drink from her water, then continued. "Manehattan is... a bit more "lived-in" than fair Canterlot. Some sections are what I think of when I hear descriptions of Stalliongrad, and other sections have the elegant townhouses and posh ponies like much of Canterlot. I came from a district that was well kept but not wealthy, where things are busy at all hours. Princess Luna would have nothing to worry about as far as ponies sleeping in her night there..."

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"Princess Luna would not be having to worry about me sleeping...ever." She giggled a little. "Sounds like interesting place, and not much unlike Stalliongrad is true."

Drowsy looked out over her yard and turned her head to Bistro. "Is there anything else you would want to do? Climb rope, maybe?"

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(OOC: sorry for the short post this time. :blush: )

Madam Bistro giggled "So you stay up all night?" She waved a hoof "I may end up seeing Stalliongrad someday if the railroad becomes a reality, so that will be interesting I think."

Her eyes went wide "Climb a rope? I have never done that before. Is that hard? Can you teach me?"

The mare was excited. She had read of Daring Do having done so before but since she found the series after foalhood, she had never tried it.

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"Yes, do not...er...be getting much sleep. Busy myself with things, you know?"

Drowsy laughed. "It is easy for me, yes. I am having wings. For you, not so much...come." Drowsy stood and brushed herself off quickly before offering Madam Bistro a hoof.

She led the mocha mare over to a couple of ropes tied to a sturdy wooden frame. The frame was quite tall, easily 6 meters high with ropes reaching the ground, tied to stone weights. "Now, try to be climbing this on your own. Keep tight grip and be using upper body strength. if you fall, do not worrying, I will catch. Trust me, I will not be letting you get hurt."

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Madam Bistro gave her body a stretch as she stood up with Drowsy's help.

She then followed Drowsy Feather over to the wooden frame with the ropes hanging down.

The mocha mare ulped and looked the rope up and down, then reared up to grab it in her fetlocks.

She grunted and pulled, then grabbed the rope in her teeth to hold on while she reached higher on the rope.

her back legs scrambled for purchase until she managed to grip her hocks against the rope, the ankle joints making a rope sandwich as she inched her way up the line.

Bistro looked around with her amber eyes to see what her progress was.

The mare sighed as she found she had only gotten equal to one body length off the ground

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Looking down, Bistro would saw Drowsy standing at the bottom with an inspiring smile on her face and a look in her eyes that said "You can do it!".

"Very good progress so far, for first time! Keep going, I will catch if you are slipping." Drowsy Feather raised her wings as if to remind the mocha mare that she could fly.

After a while of watching Bistro attempt the rope, the Pegasus decided that it was time to up the ante a bit. With a loud blow of her whistle she announced her next challenge.

"Double time, Madam!" She glided up to the top of the rope, she sat on top of the wooden frame and held out a hoof. "Be touching my hoof as fast as you can!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Mocha Mare gasped and climbed harder as the feisty pegasus encouraged her to climb and touch that hoof.

The mare squirmed and pulled on the rope held in her fetlocks and in the angles of her hind legs.

She was doing it! She was getting closer to Drowsy Feather on the top of the frame.

Bistro groaned and reached out her hoof to touch Drowsy's.

She gasped "Is...is it easier to go down than up?"

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Drowsy touched her hoof against Madam Bistro's with a wide grin.

"On your first try! I am working with quick learner it is seeming."

The Pegasus jumped off the frame with a mighty flap of her wings, then she flew down and hugged Bistro. She then pulled her off the rope gently and placed her onto solid ground. "Is easier when someone is helping."

Drowsy landed gracefully in front of Bistro and turned to her, maintaining her proud smile. "How are legs feeling?"

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