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Fallout Equestria PNP (Pen and Paper)


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Name: Staccato

Race: Unicorn (Illusionist)

Age: Young Stallion

Sex: Male

Eyes: Steel grey

Mane and Tail: Charcoal grey with thin white stripes

Coat Color: Wood brown

Cutie Mark: A shining golden G-clef atop a sunburst

Residence: Tenpony Tower, Manehattan

Occupation: Musician

Organizations: Tenpony Citizen

Strength: 3

Perception: 8

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 7

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 7

Luck: 4

Level: 1

Experience: 1600

Next Level Experience: 1000 XP

Hitpoints: 115

Poison Resistance: 9

Radiation Resistance: 9

Carry Weight: 75 lbs

Action Points (AP): 76

Critical Success < 4%

Critical Failure > 96%


1. Small Frame

- You gain +1 Agility, but your limbs suffer 25% more limb damage. This does not affect actual damage taken.

2. Trigger Discipline

- Your attacks with firearms and magical energy weapons are made with a +10 skill modifier, but cost 5 more AP.

Special Talent:

Ensemble: Staccato lives up to his musical namesake, playing his violin for the benefit of the party, from a rousing battle anthem to a soothing melody.

- Forte: Only usable in combat. A powerful battle symphony that calls for the bravery of the soul! After playing the violin for one full turn, all allies within hearing range gain +2 DT, +2 initiative roll, and +2 damage dealt.

- Piano: Only usable outside of combat. A soothing song that warms the heart and soul. After playing the violin for at least ten minutes, all allies within healing range recover 1d4 hit points and cures poison (but not radiation poisoning) and temporary effects like blindness and paralysis.

Karma: 10

Virtue: None yet


Barter - 16

Battle Saddles - 12

Explosives - 18

[TAG] Firearms - 31

Lockpick - 18

[TAG] Magical Energy Weapons - 33

Mechanics - 16

Medicine - 16

Melee - 8

Science - 16

Sneak - 16

[TAG] Speech - 31

Survival - 12

Unarmed - 12

Unicorn Magic

Note: All spells cost 45 AP to cast during combat

Versatility - 4

Potency - 3

Strain - 66

General Spells

1. Telekinesis (Basic)

- 1 Strain per attack or per 10 minutes

2. Light (2 strain per hour)

- The caster’s horn becomes a dazzling beacon of light, brightly illuminating an area of (Potency) yards radius (with lesser effects beyond that).

- Creatures within (Potency / 2, round up) yards who look directly at the light source are dazzled and take -10% to all checks involving sight for 2 rounds.

- Creatures within one yard looking directly at the light source are blinded and take -30% to all checks involving sight for (Potency / 2, round up) minutes.

Illusion Spells

1. Amplify (Basic)

- 8 Strain per use

- Lasts one turn

- Exaggerates a sensory stimuli (sight, sound, smell, etc.) to debilitating effect.

- If used on a speaker's voice, it adds (Potency * 5) to the speaker's Speech check for intimidation.

- Targets may take an Endurance check at a +1 bonus to avoid debilitating effects.

2. Auditory Illusion (Basic)

- 15 Strain per use

- Lasts (Potency) turns

- Creates an illusion based on sound.

- The illusion may be static, or it can be manipulated as a 30 AP action with a successful Science skill check.

- Cannot cause direct harm or impairment.

3. Target (Basic)

- 8 Strain per use

- Lasts (Versatility) minutes or (Potency * 15) AP, whichever is depleted first.

- Negates 10 points of penalties to attack rolls.

- Creates an illusion that only the caster can see which illuminates a target and helps with attacks.

4. Visual Illusion (Basic)

- 15 Strain per use

- Lasts (Potency) turns

- Creates an illusion based on sight.

- The illusion may be static, or it can be manipulated as a 30 AP action with a successful Science skill check.

- Cannot cause direct harm or impairment.


None at level 1

Equipment: Carrying Weight 18/75 lbs

1. Pipbuck

2. Magic Laser Pistol - 1d10+10 damage, 20 AP per shot - 3 lbs

3. Reinforced Leather Armor - 6 DT - 15 lbs

4. 6 Gem Packs

5. 30 bottle caps (Currency)

Background Story:

Staccato is a member of the Maestro family, a long line of wealthy artists and artisans with roots dating far before the ruination of Equestria. He spent his entire life in Tenpony Tower, the family's residence since the apocalypse, being groomed to have a rich, fulfilling life of creativity and whatever comfort remains in the world. Shortly after he got his cutie mark, he started hearing about the world outside the tower and wanted to leave and help spread art and prosperity to the less fortunate. Most of the family was adamant about keeping him in the tower, but Staccato's father, who was a vault dweller and adventurer before he earned the right to live in Tenpony Tower and married into the family, subjected him to a shift in his rigorous training from artistic endeavors to firearms, magic, and wasteland survival. The training lasted months, long enough to temper Staccato's youthful idealism and naivete. Finally, his father was satisfied with his progress and Staccato was allowed to leave.

After years of being raised on a wealth of preserved culture and recordings from before the cataclysm, Staccato can't help but dwell on how far civilization has fallen, and has made it his mission to do what he can to help civilization rebuild. Being raised by the Maestro family, Staccato has formal mannerisms, a serious, intense demeanor, and a love of rhetoric and making speeches. His reverent attitude to the idea of art and outspoken confidence in his own abilities may be off-putting, but they never eclipse his actual convictions and talent.

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Alright guys, I've posted a sample character sheet on page one. Please take a quick look and start asking me how I got those stats. :D


Update: I posted a teaser video about the campaign. Just a little something to look forward to. :D


Important UPDATE (Jul-8) - Revisions to the Rulebook:

There's a new revised rulebook. The old one we were using was disorganized so KKat (the writer of FoE) and the other gracious ponies at FoER (Fallout Equestria Resource) decided to revise the book. As of the posting of this update, the book was still being edited on google docs. This also completely changes everything. There's a better and much more detailed and easy to understand guide for creating characters. In the rulebook you will also find links to Perks, Equipment and other rules. From this point on we will use everything indicated in this book. Please give it a quick review and re-create your characters. I've deleted my last two updates but left the character sheet. This should change within a day or two.

New Revised Rulebook (constantly updated): https://docs.google....8NN3Zk0xo4/edit

Revised Combat Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lP0f7ILLYvzrMHAXyl7xJI5MYFiuxVQ6AKkIF_OKh1o/edit

Revised Perks List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmdxxHLawBxTdDRrNTRseGs2cThPRmhOQ01kbWdPb0E#gid=0

Revised Spellcasting (For Unicorns and Alicorns): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FnqMKLOUWA6E5GRUCNdNTK0-t4xn-WN-_Mc9VOEHN5o/edit

Revised Alchemy Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J5paK6Qu_kriZjjtvOoIQbZ7130gSO6eE-5mm1F11f0/edit

Weapons, Munitions and Armors: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AusVXw6uiAf6dGdkRl90WG1TMUVZYWxvbllqOWs3Ync#gid=0

Miscellaneous Items: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar_2-YbjBwHUdGdRTTg4WkloY1pPYU1UemF6aThINmc#gid=0


I'm guessing these new rules include the magic revisions you showed me earlier? Or are these ones different?

Yes. The very same ones. Added the links to each separate revised document for easy access. These are constantly updated though. KKat is still revising the main rulebook as we speak so a few changes might be added in a few hours.


Here's my sample character sheet, spoilered for convenience:


Name: Keen

Race: Unicorn (Offensive Spell Caster)

Age: Mare

Sex: Female

Eyes: Blue

Mane and Tail: Black with a grey streak in the middle

Coat Color: White

Cutie Mark: A Lightning bolt eched on a scroll

Residence: Tenpony Tower, Manehattan

Occupation: General Store Owner

Organizations: Tenpony Citizen, Twilight Sparkle Society

Level: 1

Experience: 0

Next Level Experience: 1000 XP

Hitpoints: 130

Poison Resistance: 19

Radiation Resistance: 19

Karma: 10

Carry Weight: 75 lbs

Action Points (AP): 64


1. Good Natured

- Barter, mechanics, medicine, science, speech, survivial +5

- Battle Saddles, explosives, firearms, magical energy weapons, melle, unarmed -5

2. Sex Appeal

- You've got the "right" stuff. Individuals who are sexually oriented towards your gender are attracted to you, but potential sexual rivals tend to become quite jealous. This trait affects NPC disposition.

Special Talent:

No Strain

- Casting spells cost no strain for 2 turns

- Can only be used in combat

- Can only be used once a day

Virtue: None yet


STR - 3

PER - 3

END - 10

CHA - 8

INT - 10

AGI - 3

LCK - 3


[TAG] Barter - 37

Battle Saddles - 16

Explosives - 2

Firearms - 2

Lockpick - 7

Magical Energy Weapons - 2

[TAG] Mechanics - 41

Medicine - 26

Melee - 2

Science - 26

Sneak - 6

[TAG] Speech - 37

Survival - 26

Unarmed - 16

Unicorn Magic

Note: All spells cost 45 AP to cast during combat

Versatility - 5

Potency - 5

Strain - 90

General Spells

1. Telekinesis (Basic)

- 1 Strain per attack or per 10 minutes

2. Light (2 strain per hour)

- The caster’s horn becomes a dazzling beacon of light, brightly illuminating an area of (Potency) yards radius (with lesser effects beyond that).

- Creatures within (Potency / 2, round up) yards who look directly at the light source are dazzled and take -10% to all checks involving sight for 2 rounds.

- Creatures within one yard looking directly at the light source are blinded and take -30% to all checks involving sight for (Potency / 2, round up) minutes.

Offensive Spells

1. Arcane Blast (Basic)

- 10 Strain per attack

- Fires a single blast that does 10 + (Potency * 3) + 1d10 damage = 10 + 15 + 1d10

2. Eldrich Knives (Basic)

- 10 strain per attack

- Creates (Versatility + 3) Magical Knives out of thin air = 8

- Each knife deals (Potency/2) rounded up + 13 damage = 16

3. Plasma Energy Strike (Basic)

- The caster must roll to hit the target (using the Science skill).

- The attack manifests several inches in front of the caster’s horn and moves away from the caster.

- Basic (Cost 10): Short range, damage equal to 15 + (Potency * 4) + 1d10 = 35 + 1d10

4. Rainbow Tornado (Basic)

- Caster can seize control of a rainbow and turn it into an ensnaring weapon. The caster and target make opposed Versatility and Agility rolls respectively, with the caster gaining a +2 bonus. If the caster succeeds, the target is ensnared in the rainbow for the spell’s duration. With a successful Science check, the caster may move the rainbow along with its trapped target anywhere within range.

- 15 strain to use

- Duration is Potency/2 rounded up within a short range

5. Storm Cloud (Basic)

- Summon a small storm cloud

- 20 Strain to cast

- Duration is Versatility/2 lightning strikes = 3

- Medium Range

- Each lightning strike deals (Potency*4)+10+4d10 damage = 20+10+4d10

- Cloud size is (Potency*2) feet in radius = 10 feet


None at level one

Equipment: Carrying Weight 15/75 lbs

1. Reinforced leather armor - 6 DT - 15 lbs

2. 3 bottles of healing potions

3. 20 bottecaps (Currency)

Background Story:

Keen spent her whole life in Tenpony Tower earning a respectable business as the mare who owned the only General Store that sold rare items and trinkets that you could find nowhere else in the wasteland. She grew up with her Uncle who is a member of the Twilight Sparkle Society, the secret ruling power behing Tenpony Tower. Like her uncle, she aspires to join the society but has to undergo evaluation. She has learned to use Offensive Magic from her Uncle who has taught her since foalhood and has nurtured her talent to this day.

When she's not studying magic, she's minding her store and often goes scavenging goods around the Manehattan ruins. She also has a reputation of being the best haggler when it comes to trading in Tenpony. She is sought after by many clients to obtain rare items and this often leads her into unwanted trouble.


Xiee, you forgot to include SPECIAL in the new character sheet. I'd like to know how you came up with the design of this particular sheet.

Lol got lost in the edit. Fixed!

Well I just followed the step by step creation in the rulebook. I just added stuff like eyes, mane and tail color and age.


For those still interested to join. Final call guys, gonna need those character sheets by tomorrow. Please PM me so I can give them a look.

We're starting our first session on July 14, Sat, 9pm EST.


Ok, I'm here to redo Toothpick to the new set of rules and regulations. Things were so different I figured another post was worth it. Kkat has defiantly made this game better than before! Updates in progress, to be finished Soon™

Toothpick, The Ghoul Mare of Canterlot

Race: Earth Pony

Coat color: Dark purple

Eye Color: Light green

Mane Color: N/A, poor dear. That thing fell of a long time ago.

Age: Visually, Mare.

Gender: Female

Residence: Derailed Train

Occupation: Drifter

Organizations: None

Level: 2

XP: 400

Hit points: 115

Radiation Resistance: 8

Poison Resistance: 8

Action Points: 71

Carry Weight: 75 lbs

Karma: 0

Virtue: Undiscovered


Strength: 3

Perception: 8

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 7

Luck: 6


Barter: 9

Battle saddles: 13

Explosives: [TAG!]45

Lockpick: 21

Magical Weapons: 17

Mechanic: [TAG!]32

Medicine: 17

Melee: 9

Science: 17

Firearms: 17

Sneak: [TAG!]45

Speech: 9

Survival: 13


Special Talent:

[Now you see me, now you don't] Once a day, Toothpick can choose an area to 'reorganize' and hide in. While remaining immobile in this zone, Toothpick is harder to detect and gains +100 to all Stealth rolls. She cannot move, though, and once she leaves the zone, it disturbs the camouflage to the point where it cannot be used again.

Traits and Perks!

Trait - Ghoul: You are undead, animated by the necromantic energies that were unleashed on Equestria in the apocalypse. Do not need to eat, drink or sleep. You heal through exposure to radiation, as per the Radiation Child trait, but you do not heal naturally at all. Prolonged lack of exposure to radiation can cause physical and mental deterioration, inflicting first Endurance then Intelligence penalties.

Trait - Random!: Your innate magic manifests more overtly than is normal for your race. You are capable of performing cartoonish, impossible feats. The exact nature and limitations of your abilities are determined by the GM. These abilities are never reliable, and the GM may overrule any manifestation of random that she considers overused, abusive or excessively advantageous.

Perk - Egghead: Reading has been a comfort after all these years in the Wasteland, especially with all those books you pilfered from Canterlot! +2 skill points every time you gain a new experience level.

Perk - Saboteur: Walk softly... And carry a big bomb. +5 to both Sneak and Explosives skill.


x1 Silenced .22 Pistol [93 rounds]

x2 Frag Apples

x47 Caps


Coming soon, to a theater near you!


Can i play, i believe my friend asthmatic pegasus refered me.

Yes you are welcome to play. Have you reviewed the rulebook yet? Feel free to ask questions.


Sorry to ask around again, but is a sniper character taken, how about a wanderer?

We can have more than one sniper so its okay. But from what I know, we have a Pegasus Da****e who might be playing sniper. I need to ask the guys in chat.


Name: Softspot

Race: Earth Pony

Age: Stallion

Sex: Male

Eyes: Gold

Mane and Tail: Black with a dark grey tip

Coat Color: Navy blue

Cutie Mark: Pony holding the world above his head

Residence: Bucklyn Cross

Rank: Steel Ranger, Knight.

Organizations: Bucklyn Cross Chapter

Level: 1

Experience: 0

Next Level Experience: 1000 XP

Hitpoints: 124

Poison Resistance: 15

Radiation Resistance: 15 (+25% Armour Bonus - 3.75)

Karma: 10

Carry Weight: 375 lbs

Action Points (AP): - 73


-Large Frame

-Heavy Hoofed

Special Talent:

Heroic Charge: Passive.Adds a +2 to combat initiative roll and a +3 damage to any melee/unarmed attacks.

Virtue: None yet


STR - 8(+2 Armour Bonus)

PER - 4

END - 8

CHA - 4

INT - 3

AGI - 8(-2 Armour Negative)

LCK - 5


Barter - 12

[TAG] Battle Saddles - 34(+20 Armour bonus)

Explosives - 12

Firearms - 16

Lockpick - 12

Magical Energy Weapons - 12

Mechanics - 10

Medicine - 10

[TAG] Melee - 37

Science - 10

Sneak - 16

Speech - 12

Survival - 20

[TAG]Unarmed - 34


-Power Armour Training

-Like a Bullet

Equipment: Carrying Weight 52/375 lbs

1. SteelRanger Armour, Str +2, Agi -2, Rad Res +25%, DT 30 DR 15%, weight 40 lbs, cost 0caps

2. Gentle Breeze - Sledgehammer, weight 12lbs, cost 400caps

Background Story:


Alright, since my character is now good, I think ill re-post the new and improved character sheet:

name: Fury Heart

Race: Griffion

Color: Brown body, with a grey face

Affiliations: self, gawd's talons

Occupation: Mercenary

Residence: Wherever he can get paid, currently Shattered Hoof

Karma: 0

Age: (I don't know how griffins age, so I'll use real world terms, K?) young adult

Level: 1,

Experience: 0 experience

experience till next level: 1000

Hitpoints: 121

Radiation resistance- 12

Poison Resistance- 12

Carry weight- 200lb's

action points: 76- ( bruiser: 61)

Traits: Bruiser- Your strength is increased by two, but you have 15 less action points

Virtue: loyalty

Perks: none

Wounds: 21


Strength: 6+ ( Bruiser trait- 8 strength)

Perception: 4

Endurance: 7

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 7

Luck: 5


{TAG} Fire-arms- 31

{TAG} Survival- 31

{TAG} Unarmed- 29

Barter- 12

Battle saddle- 16

Explosive- 10

Lock-pick- 16

Magical Energy Weapon- 10

Mechanics- 14

Medicine- 14

Melee- 14

Science- 14

Sneak- 16

speech- 12


armor: Gawd's talon's armor, 4- D/T, 10lb's

equipped weapon: 9mm pistol, 12+ damage, 1.5lb's

backup weapon: Assault rifle, 16++ damage, 8.5lb's

Money: 18 bottle caps

76 5.56 mm bullets

50 9mm bullets


My backstory isn't done, but I have all the stats and chiz done, so I'll put it up here. c:

>Short Circuit

>Race: Pegasus


- Coat: Darkish Grey

- Eye: Neon Yellow

- Mane: Pitch black, with a jagged line of bright yellow offset to the left. His mane is shaggy, messy and usually unbrushed.

- Age: Stallion

>Residence: Friendship City

>Occupation: Repairpony

>Karma: +10

>HP: 112

>Healing Rate: 5

>AP: 67

>Poison Resistance: 7

>Rad Resistance: 7

>Carry Limit: 125

>Level 1

>EXP: 0

>Next Level: 1000 XP


- STR: 5

- PER: 8

- END: 4

- CHA: 5

- INT: 10

- AGI: 4

- LUC: 4


- Barter: 12

- Explosives: 18

- Battle Saddle: 10

- Magic Weapons: 33

- Lockpick: 18

- Survival: 10

- Medicine: 22

- Melee: 12

- Mechanics: 37

- Science: 37

- Small Arms: 10

- Sneak: 10

- Speech: 12

- Unarmed: 10

>Special Talent

- "Technologic Aptitude" - Once a day, can raise science by 15 for 3 turns.


- Da****e

- Four Eyes (+1 PER when wearing glasses, -1 when not)


- Cloud-Born

- Flight (Rank 1)

- Magical Power Armor Training

>PipBuck Spells

- Light (Level: Expert) (Potency: 1) (Versitality: 1) (10 AP)

- Locate Object (Level: Expert) (Potency: 1) (Versitality: 1) (10 AP)

- Target (Level: Expert) (Potency: 1) (Versitality: 1) (10 AP)

- Organize (Level: Expert) (Potency: 1) (Versitality: 1) (10 AP)

- Detect Others (Level: Advanced) (Potency: 1) (25 AP)

- Radio

- Automap


- 1x Reading Glasses

- 1x Lab Coat (DT 0) (Weight 2)

- 1x Recharging Magic Rifle (Dmg 12++) (Ammo Cap 7) (Rng Med) (AP 20) (STR 5) (Weight 15) (x3 Critical and recharges 2 shots per round)

- 1x Spiked Ponyshoes (Weight 1) (1.5xSTR+2d20) (AP 15)

- 3x Healing Potions (Heals 20 HP)

- 1x Canteen (Holds 5 bottles worth of water) (Weight 1, 5 when full)

- 5x Purified Water (15 HP)

- 1x Saddle Bags (Weight 5) (Holds up to 200 weight of stuff)

- 1x Sparkle Cola (Weight 1) (Heals 20 HP, +3 Rads, +1 Cap)

- 5x Pre War Food (Weight 1) (Heals +10 HP, +3 Rads)

- 1x Box of Materials (Weight 5) (Used to build stuff. Contains Duct Tape, Wonderglue, Turpentine, Wrenches, etc.)

- 1x Bundle of Componets (Weight 6) (pilot lights, capacitors, conductors, wire, etc.)

- 6x Caps


Okay closed. Wow, I'm surprised by the turnout. I hope you guys really pull through with this on game day. I've only seen a few of you in chat so far. We did a dry run yesterday to test out stuff. Lots of new things to add and some houserules to consider.


If it is not too late:

NAME: Mazamba

RACE: Zebra

Gender: Stallion

KARMA: -10

Health: 124

Poison Res.: 15

Rad Res.: 15

Carry Weight: 150







Agility:7 (+1)




Battle Saddles: 32

Explosives: 28


Lockpick: 28

Magical Energy Weapons: 28



Melee: 20






Special Talent:

Staying out of sight and stealing has always been his strong suit.


Small Frame: You gain +1 Agility, but your limbs suffer 25% more limb damage. This does not affect actual damage taken.

Touched by Luna: Your Intelligence and Perception are increased by +1 during the nighttime, but are reduced by -1 during the daytime. This trait affects your internal clock and is not affected by being indoors.




Unyasi had met a similar fate to Equestria after the spells hit much of the region's natural splendor was ruined. Mazamba traveled to Equestria in part of a scouting party searching for better settling land. when Mazamba and the rest of his party were attacked by raiders in Mazamba was the only one able to survive the encounter by sneaking off when the shots started. Because of this Mazamba is haunted by his own cowardice. Mazamba continues to survive off what little the land has to offer and by quietly stealing supplies from commoner and raider alike.


Name - Damage - AP - AP (Special) - STR - Weight - Value

Spiked Ponyshoes - 1.5xStr+2d10 - 15 - 3 - 1 - 80

Name DT Weight Value Added Effects

Tribal Armour 4 15 60 Tribal Affiliation

110 caps


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