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Fallout Equestria PNP (Pen and Paper)


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Name: Solus Ignus

Race: Unicorn

Color: Slate Gray

Mane: Burnt Orange

Cutie Mark: Candle(Talent is pyromania)


Str 6

Per 7

End 8

Cha 3

Int 6

Agi 5

Lck 4

AP: 70

HP: 124()

Rad Resist:15

Poison Resist:15



Versatility 3

Potency 4

Strain 72




Energy Strike-Fire

Energy Strike-Plasma

Energy Strike-Light




Sex appeal

Wild Wasteland (Good times!)

Pyromania(Cutie Mark) After years of playing with fire, you are adept at catching things ablaze, +10 to hit rolls with any fire based spell or weapon



Battle Saddles-33[tag]




Magic Weapons-16










Carry Weight:49 (175 max)

Caps: 68

Bathrobe wt1 val 15(pink and fluffy :D)

Large Battle Saddle wt 10 val 20

Lighter x3 wt3 val15

Canteen x2 wt 10(both full-dirty water) val 4

Spoon x2 wt 4

Scrap Electronics wt 1 val

Armoured-Mesh Cloak wt 2 val 50 dt2 (stacks on other armor)

Recharging Magic Rifle wt 15 val 225 str 5 dam 12++ Med Rang AP breeds 2shot/round

Welding Mask(Raider Arclight Mask) dt 2 wt 3 val 5


[born and Raised] Solis grew up in the Luna train tunnels west of tenpony tower

[Personality] Solis is free spirited, rather loopty, and likes shiny things. She also tends to be dramatic, making a show of everything she does. She is also vain, and has a tendency to pose in various ways, even during conversations. Solis can be kind of absentminded, and is easily distracted.

[Likes] Fire, pretty clothing, mirrors, fluffy things, shiny stuff, caps, clean water

[Dislikes] Cold, night time, mean people, dirty water, radiation, scorpions, missile lawn chairs.


  • Replies 192
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Update: The Rulebook has some not so major revisions. Please give them a read especially the weapon/item degradation parts.

In other news, KKat (The writer of FoE) has graced our humble FOE Chatroom with her presence last night:

[23:05:17] Kkat [Mibbit@] has joined #CanterlotFOE
[23:05:27] Kkat waves.
[23:05:29] <bodybuildingpegasus> Is that.. actually Kkat?
[23:05:35] <Lissy> ... Friday the 13th, eh? That's probably wh-- oh, hey there!
[23:05:37] <bodybuildingpegasus> Or is Xiee conspiring against us?
[23:05:47] <SolarWind> Xiee is right there, though.
[23:05:48] <SolarWind> Sorta.
[23:05:49] Kkat hugs and is Kkat.
[23:05:58] <SolarWind> Well, howdy then.
[23:06:10] <bodybuildingpegasus> How's it going?
[23:06:12] <SolarWind> What brings you to this little corner of the world?
[23:06:15] <SolarWind> Internet.
[23:06:17] <SolarWind> Internet world.
[23:06:20] <bodybuildingpegasus> Yeah.. out of all places why here..? :I
[23:06:22] <Lissy> It's a pleasure and an honour. :3 welcome to our little hole in the ground xD
[23:06:23] Kkat can't log onto the #FalloutEquestria IRC properly this morning, so is poking at mibbit.
[23:06:29] <bodybuildingpegasus> oh
[23:06:32] <bodybuildingpegasus> Fair enough then
[23:06:45] <Kkat> Pleased to meet you all.
[23:06:55] <SolarWind> Im guessing Xiee has something to do with you choosing this particular spot. Ah well, I aint complainin'.
[23:06:56] <bodybuildingpegasus> The feeling is mutual
[23:07:08] <SolarWind> How you doin'?
[23:07:42] <Kkat> All right.
[23:07:46] <Kkat> And you?
[23:07:59] <bodybuildingpegasus> Ehh, not a lot. Just kickin back aye
[23:10:33] Kkat is trying to get information from one of the other people involved in working on the Fallout: Equestria roleplaying game. But it seems he is not online.
[23:21:45] <@Xiee> is that the real kkat?
[23:21:52] bodybuildingpegasus raises a hoof to strike SolarWind before gently patting him
[23:21:55] <bodybuildingpegasus> You meant well.
[23:21:56] <SolarWind> We havent any reason to believe otherwise.
[23:21:58] <bodybuildingpegasus> And apparently so Xiee
[23:22:01] <Lissy> We believe so.
[23:22:04] <Lissy> :3
[23:22:58] <SolarWind> But it seems shes been able to get where she was going to.
[23:23:04] <SolarWind> That or we really did care her off.
[23:23:31] <@Xiee> hmmm she's not online at the the FoE chat on the other server... so i dunno
[23:23:53] <SolarWind> Suppose she's still having trouble then?
[23:24:20] <bodybuildingpegasus> What Kkat said earlier Xiee "[01:06] * Kkat can't log onto the #FalloutEquestria IRC properly this morning, so is poking at mibbit."
[23:24:25] <@Xiee> it must be her... the Revised rulebook is open and being edited apparently
[23:29:36] Kkat hugs Xiee.
[23:29:58] <Kkat> Mibbit is working correctly now. See you there next time I see you.
[23:30:00] <@Xiee> hey kkat surprised to see you here... why arent you on centernet #FalloutEquestria?
[23:30:02] <SolarWind> I need to dissect RD's Cutie Mark to figure out how to make a stained glass piece about it...
[23:30:13] <Lissy> Awesome, we didn't scare her off xD
[23:30:23] <Kkat> Invite all your friends over if they love MLP: FiM, FOE, and good company.
[23:30:31] <SolarWind> Cant
[23:30:33] <SolarWind> Too awkward.
[23:30:35] <SolarWind> Thanks though.
[23:30:49] <@Xiee> oh i messaged you on the google doc you're currently editing.. wanted to ask something there
[23:31:27] Kkat hugs. Well, it was a pleasure to meet you.
[23:31:32] <bodybuildingpegasus> See ya
[23:31:40] <SolarWind> Peace!
[23:31:44] <Lissy> Take care, Kkat!
[23:31:44] <@Xiee> bye and thanks for dropping by
[23:32:12] Kkat [Mibbit@] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client




of course, considering my luck, i missed meeting a celebrity. i happen to not be surprised :roll:

In other news, I have decided to read fallout equestria... and attempt to finish it by 9:00 pm on this Saturday. This isn't going to end well at all...


((Posting this, because I'm a dope and didn't do it earlier xD))

Name: Boombox

Race: Earth Pony

Age: Mare

Sex: Female

Eyes: Purple

Mane &amp; Tail style &amp; color: Mane is worn in a pony tail, red bandana covers head. Tail has two metal ‘cuffs’ for improve blunt weapon. Both white in color.

Coat color: Tan

Cutie Mark: Dynamite bundle

Residence: Old Appleoosa

Occupation: Freelance Miner/ Mercenary

Organizations: None

Level: 1

EXP: 500

To lvl: 500

Hitpoints: 115

Poison Resistance: 10

Radiation Resistance: 10

Carry Weight: 200 lbs

Action Points (AP): 70



Wild Wasteland

Special Talent: [Make a hole] Lockpick? Puh-lease! Boombox’s experience with mining and a particular bias against locked doors allows her to attempt to blow a lock off once a day after any failed lockpicking attempt, so long as she has the explosives on hoof to try it.

Virtue: Courage

Karma: 0


Strength – 7

Perception – 7

Endurance – 5

Charisma – 4

Intelligence – 4

Agility – 5

Luck – 8

Skills (+ = tagged):

Barter – 12

Battle Saddles - 14

+Explosives - 33

Firearms - 14

+Lockpick - 33

Magical Energy Weapons - 18

Mechanics - 12

Medicine - 12

+Melee - 33

Science - 12

Sneak - 14

Speech - 12

Survival - 14

Unarmed – 14

Current Equipment:

Merc Outfit – 2 DT

Dynamite x1 (bandoleer)

Missile Launcher (New condition)

Zebra Officer Sword (Good condition)

Missile x4

Saddle bag

10 caps


Boombox was born to a small mining family in Old Appleoosa. Blasting rock away in abandoned quarries, she got used to handling explosives, and even felt rather safe around them, knowing they’d only hurt her if she didn’t know what she was doing. As fun as blowing up rocks was, however, she got the wanderlust and wanted to explore the wasteland. Make a name for herself, earn caps for adventure and glory. So she left home, taking what explosives she could with her and ventured out into the harsh, unforgiving wasteland alone, but determined. She made it this far without blowing her hooves off. What was the worst that could happen?


Sigh... the 1st session didn't go well as planned. I should have known better than to treat it like a regular chat RP. We spent 6 hours not getting anywhere, barely moving into actual gameplay because some were confused at what was going on. The pace was too slow, or too fast , and it was simply chaotic. So after a few discussions and advice from some of the FoER ponies, I've come up with a few chat rules:

KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid

The one thing I noticed when players started posting in the RP only room is that they tend to go off and put too much in their post. While this isn't bad, some players had to stop a minute and think of what to post. This caused a delay to other players and it quite frankly wasted everyone's time. To fix this, I advise everyone to post short, descriptive replies.

Instead of saying:

Blackjack jumps over the dazed raider as she landed a blow on the head with her trusty security baton of the other unsuspecting raider with a shotgun. "Taste baton you lowlife scum!" She then pulls out Vigilance from her saddle holster, a unique 12.7mm pistol, and empties the cartridge on the poor sod.

You can say:

Blackjack jumps over the dazed raider and hits the other one with a security baton. "Taste baton you lowlife scum!" Then pulls out Vigilance and blasts the raider until he dies.

Instead of saying:

Glory was concerned that going this way would attract a lot of Bloodwings. It was the last thing they needed right now since the whole party is battered to a pulp. Accessing her pipbuck, she plotted routes to their destination making sure to avoid any other mishaps and dangers along the way. "If we follow this route, I'm sure we'll get there fairly safe." She said with a smile as she showed the plotted course on her pipbuck to her companions.

You can say:

Glory plots an alternate route on her pipbuck avoiding Bloodwings and other dangers, then shows it to the party. "If we follow this route, I'm sure we'll get there failry safe."

Avoiding unecessary OCC chatter

We all know that the OCC room is were we do our dice rolls and other discussions like team planning or GM related stuff. While I think it is sometimes okay to post random chatter on the OCC chat during the game, I would prefer that everyone concentrated on the discussions done by the team. I believe that if we kept the random chatter to a minimum in the game, we could progress through this in a breeze. If you absolutely need to bring up something unrelated to the game and feel that the group needs to know, I suggest directing it to the main Canterlot Channel (#CanterlotCentral) since most of us are there anyway.

PMing the GM for questions

Some of you have PMed the GM for questions. I encourage this very much since it helps you understand more of the game. From time to time I will also PM some players when there are situations in the game that the other players cannot know, or when the situation demands it.

Dice Rolling

By now you guys should know the commands of our dicebot "Overmare". But just to be sure here are a few examples:

1. 1d6 - rolls a six sided die

2. 4d20 - rolls four pieces of twenty sided dice and sums them up

3. 2#1d100 - rolls two separate one hundred sided dice

4. 1d10+5 - rolls a ten sided die and adds five to it (you can also subtract)

5. 1d20;2d6 - rolls a twenty sided die and two six sided dice without adding up except for the 2d6.

You can also do private rolls if you don't want others to see what you roll. Just PM Overmare and do your rolls in there. This is however usually reserved for the GM in some cases.

Posting Order

We have discovered that posting order is essential in our game. This is to avoid confusion. However the GM may override the posting order at times depending on the situation.


We all know that talking over voice chat is the most ideal thing to do but not everyone has access to skype. Some of us can't use skype due to hardware/software problems, or they just simply can't. As much as possible I'd like to stick to the Chat RP to do this but if everyone can get skype and have voice chat working then it's fine by me as well.


sounds fun enough. here is my app.





eyes ranges from red or yellow, but normaly orange

mane and tail : dirty brown

coat: black

cutie mark : black and white spiral

residence: none

occupation: wanderer

organizations: none

lvl 1

exp: 0

next lvl: 1000

121 hp

h.r 3

poison res 13

rad resistance 13

carry weight 200

ap 76

no virtue yet

special talent:creating havoc

-10 karma


str 7

per 7

end 7

car 3

int 6

agi 7

luc 5


small frame

+1 agility

+25 limb dmg


barter 6

battle saddles 14

*explosives 29

firearms 14

*lockpick 29

M.E.W 14

mechanics 12

medicine 12

melee 14

science 12

*sneak 29

speach 6

survival 14

unarmed 14

versatilly 3

potency 4

strain 68





toughen hide




silenced .22 smg 75

shovel 25 caps

dynamite(5) 50

scrap armor 50

.22lr(50) 25


darkshroud has been tortured for 6 years by raiders, slicing into his skin and breaking his bones. every day, moving closer to death, until one day the compound was assultd by a group of scavangers. seeing his oppertuinty to escape, he unlocked his cage with a nearby screwdriver and bobby pin, and sneaked out. while it appears that the scars on his legs and

the marks on his face are all thats left of his 6 year inprisonment, a cloud has covered his mind, one voice telling him to enjoy murder and destruction in a gleeful voice, the other whispering dark thoughts to kill off his allies in their sleep, and turn into the thing he very hates. however, in conversation, while he has trouble relating with other ponies,

he tries to be polite and kind, attempting to fit in with this the more sane minded ponies. however, his mind is on a tightrope, and it will fall someday...


Yes sorry, we're currently closed. There's like 12 of you already in a single game. I've been planning to split it into 2 sessions to avoid difficulty but schedules were an issue so I had to do a single session. The 1st session was a mess but I'm confident the 2nd session will run smooth this time.

Also, Update. Made a proper character sheet available.

Blank sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An_QV5jIqyWsdFBoeHpCbmxmcXI0VVZQWE9jWV9OV0E

Sample sheet (my actual character from one of the FoER games that I play with) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An_QV5jIqyWsdEViUEJiSkNDUzkzOEIzVThWMlhkUkE



I'm probably not going to be able to make this week's session, and if I can, it will be for maybe an hour or 2 at most.

I'm heading to Massachusetts for vacation, and I won't get back till Sunday. ;~; Hopefully I can get on for a bit, but I really doubt it. Sorry, Xiee. I'll make the next one.


I possibly won't make next weeks session, My family and I are going on vacation. I do believe that we will get internet connection there if i can get a signal, so I'll try my hardest to get in


This session was a blast. You guys managed to do a lot in a span of 5 hours. I'm too tired and currently not feeling well today. Cold is bogging me down so I'm not going to post what has happened. If anyone in the team cares to post a summary, especially the surprise event with the Spritebot when everypony puckered down, please do so. >_<

Also here's a teaser for next week:


I have to go crash to bed now. I think I feel a fever coming. @_@


What you missed Cubby was that we looted a few buildings, killed 3 slavers, and freed the slave, who was Solis. Then we decided to do just talk to each others characters, since Xiee need to rest. during that time, Xiee decided to bring in a GM character, which was a sprite bot, which told us the stable wasn't in the cave everypony ran for. Also, I called Toothpick a zombie, alienating my character from everypony.


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