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Why hello there



Well, i guess it had to happen.

I got a blog. For as long as I could, I avoided this, scourge of the internet. I thought that bloggers were narcissists looking for people to listen to every darn thing they felt like spouting out....

and then it hit me.


People willingly reading a bunch of drivel i type out on a whim? The random crud that would make an English teacher use a melon baller on their eyes and cause even the most devout people to forsake their faith? (not to imply that teachers aren't religious.)

Of course I won't just type potato random stuff to see if you are all as crazy as i think you asparagus are. That would be rude.

If anyone is actually reading this, that is hilarious, and if i ever update again, i will probably mention that somewhere in this crazy world there is a person who decided that reading what Bannhammer had to write was a great use of time.

Am i supposed to describe myself? I mean, i'm a guy from North Carolina, i'm ethnically Belgian, Mexican, and Swedish. I play soccer as a goalie, and I love the sport. I consider myself to be an American, but i don't think much of it.

You want more? Gosh you people are demanding. I AM A BRONY, which should be obvious. I mean, seriously.

If you're looking for one of those 'i write well' or 'I will post existentialist drivel' go look somewhere else, I write for myself, just to see if anyone out there is unfortunate to stumble upon this depressingly poor pile of words.

I could use colors, but i wont. I could use a fancy font, but i wont. I could freaking be anyone i wanted here, i could be an OC, i could be a main character, i could pretend to be a fictional pony all i wanted... But I wont. THIS IS BANNHAMMER's blog.

Seriously, i'm still writing? My goodness that's depressing. Ok, i'll cut the crap. This is the first of MANY. LOTS, A FEW blog posts. I might comment on things, I might try to prove a point, but honestly, i'll leave those to the people with things to say and a voice to say it with. I'll just keep up the monotonous spiel, without caring if anyone reads.

So, I bid adieu; for how long? Well, only I know for sure.

Maintaining the Standard,



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