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(Canterlot) Once Upon a Time (Closed)


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Huscarl's sudden excitement startled Yuri a bit, but his enthusiasm couldn't be helped, nor the smile that slowly lit her face as her body wiggled excitedly. Being in such a large dragon's hoard had surely put the red male in a laughing mood, which was infectious in an of itself - though what in Unyasi Huscarl was speaking of, the eastern dragon hadn't the slightest idea. He seemed to be acting something out, and excepted her to assume the role of this, Sir Night. Or Sir Aide?

Either or, Huscarl was gesturing towards the long, metal object buried in the gold that she had been reaching for, and Yuri felt her smile grow as she played along. "Yes, I am assuming my role!" she declared, reaching out her claw even as her eyes trailed back up towards the flying red male, "to be having the dinner! For a peasant, yes!" Was that right? She wasn't sure, and Yuri turned beseechingly towards Huscarl, as if asking for direction.

Which is when her eyes landed on the crown the dragon was wearing.

The shimmer of opals, easily identifiable amongst even a pile of the most brilliant gems, caught her eyes, so much that Yuri couldn't stop the dropping of her jaw, nor her claw automatically finishing her movement to grab the object.

And pain.

"Yowch!" the white dragon howled, opals momentarily forgotten as her long body coiled into a tight spring, hair ruffled and rustling like a cat's might. Her right claw clutched protectively underneath her, Yuri hissed at the object, certain that the shining metal had been the cause of her hurt. Already she could feel a thin rivulet of blood leaking from her claw, skin softer than the hardened scales adorning most of her body. "That is the smarts, again! You did not say you had treasures that bite," she couldn't help but whimper at Aranak, a slightly accusatory tone in her voice.


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The elated smile on Huscarl's mug transformed into a sad frown.


When Huscarl was an adolescent, he used to play a game of 'pretend' quite commonly. He'd reshape a rock to look like a dagger and jump around his small (at the time) horde acting as he was embarking on a grand adventure with his most trusted companions, to slay the evil dragon upon the mountain, of course!


Aranak clearly wasn't in the mood to play pretend at all, as he stood imperial over his horde, looking down upon Huscarl ironically, as if a king towards a subject. is stern 'no' shattered Huscarl's confidence within a heartbeat, swatting him out of the air like a fly. Thankfully, it was recovered as fast as it disappeared, as Yuri was quick to chime in with her take on the role from across the horde.


Well, it was.... um... definitely unique! Huscarl gave an unassuming kindly sigh as he looked over to her, expecting half as much from the Eastern dragon at this point. Though, he'd definitely be willing to give her a 10/10 for effort, he could sense the enthusiasm glowing from her. 


Huscarl landed, and turned to face Aranak, "Oh please Aranak, I'm simply having a spot of fun!" He reassured him. "And don't worry, I'd be willing to take this sceptre if you don't mind, It has a nice gleam too it, you know... they're expe..."


Huscarl was cut off by a high pitched screech that not only made both of the dragons recoil, it probably could be heard all the way over in Canterlot. Another quirk about Eastern Dragons perhaps? "You-Rae! Please! Notify me before you screech!" he quickly replied, before learning the true reason why the outburst occurred. 


"Treasures that bite? You mean the sword?" Huscarl said, pointing towards the object in question. Deducing the situation, it was pretty obvious what had happened. "Oh goodness! Are you okay?" Huscarl quickly added, working himself up in a state. "Where are you hurt?!" If he knew this was going to happen to his new friend, he wouldn't have even began to play a pretend game to begin with. Oh dear! It was his idea to begin with! Why did he have to make up this silly, childish game! It was all his fault!

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Aranak watched impassively as the little make-believe game continued between the other two dragons. He really didn't care for playing pretend, especially if it meant he was going to be playing some peasant. The larger dragon looked at Huscarl evenly as he requested the scepter as his thing he was taking back. Before Aranak could respond, however, Yuri screeched, making both dragons cringe.


Huscarl began worrying over Yuri as she revealed she had hurt herself with the sword. Aranak sighed as the smaller male turned into a ball of worry about a minor injury. Really, he thought it would be pretty obvious where she had hurt herself, especially since the sword hadn't really moved anywhere.


"It's not my fault if you decide to grab weapons by the sharp part. If you want to pick it up, use the part on the end, the part that doesn't look like the blade." He stated calmly in response to Yuri's accusations. Now for Huscarl. "As for you, it is obvious where she hurt herself. Check her hand. You know, the one she is keeping close to her body. It isn't hard to figure that out, given that she's holding her hand like that and the sword didn't really go anywhere."


Really, and Huscarl was supposed to be the well-read one. Well, it wasn't like he hadn't read his fair share of books as well, it's just that Huscarl likely had read more. And, he supposed, reading about something was much different than actually experiencing it.

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Her tail didn't stop lashing in agitation as Yuri stuck the whole of her claw into her mouth, clamping down on it to stop the blood flow. Both Huscarl and Aranak's words seemed to meld together as the white dragon glared at the biting object, an object that remained innocently glistening in the gloom as if it hadn't just attacked her.

Sneaky treasure.

"Wowh? Bway?" Yuri questioned, voice entirely muffled by the claw taking up her entire mouth, and with some reluctance the eastern dragon removed the appendage to reiterate her question, pink eyes trailing from one dragon to the other. "Sword and blade?" she asked, curiosity slowly overriding pain as she gazed back at the object. The words sounded familiar, like something out of a storybook. If she wasn't mistaken, the object she had grabbed was some sort of weapon that ponies used to defend themselves…but it was odd. Back in Amani, the Zebras had never had a need to defend themselves against anything.

Except perhaps an overly affectionate jellyfish, and those were usually dealt with using a firm prod of a stick.

Yuri silently and critically continued to inspect the object, though Aranak's words made her glance upwards again, before wordlessly thrusting her wounded claw towards Huscarl, helping the smaller dragon comply with Aranak's instruction to inspect it. The sting was starting to fade, leaving just a dull throb in its place, but thin welts of red still flowed to the surface of her scales, causing Yuri to once again glare at the…sword. If this sword had dared attack her back or sides, it would have been struck dumb at the strength and durability of her scales!


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  • 6 months later...




The sword cut still stung, enough for the white eastern dragon to start swinging her outstretched claw about in an effort to cool it down. She wasn't even sure why - her claws were still scaled, perhaps less so than her body, but still. Yuri could only believe that the unfamiliar sensation was being amplified, much like the first time she had been stung by a jellyfish, which hadn't been at all her fault, at all.

...Weeell, maybe just a little her fault. She'd only wanted to see if they were really as squishy as they looked.

"That is still the smarts," Yuri commented softly, more to herself as she brought her claw back towards her body, cradling it protectively. "I am thinking I need to wash it down." Herbalists did this with wounds often, she remembered - it was very important, to prevent the infection from settling.

Mind settling, Yuri smiled a bit sadly at her newfound friends as she lift off from the pile of treasure. "Goodbye friends!" she called out, circling overhead for a moment to say her farewells. "Let us all meet together for a second time soon, yes?" A somewhat spastic waving of one claw constituted a wave farewell, before Yuri was zipping from around heaps of treasure and back towards the entrance.

Though, the white dragon had to pause right outside the cave, caught up in her thoughts.

'Dragon hoards. Real, live, dragon hoards!

A muffled squeal was quickly caught with claws pressed tightly on her snout, lest she alarm her new friends that were still inside the cave. Still, Yuri couldn't contain herself that well, and allowed herself a quick and quiet "Yippie!" before she was flying off again, twisting and coiling and slowly fading into the distance.



[[ Exit ]]


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