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News rooted in truth and delivered fresh daily.

Entries in this blog

Robberies run rampant in Manehattan!

WEATHER PONIES LOST IN THE EYE OF STORM! WILL THE PRINCESS CRACK UNDER PRESSURE? UNICORN GIVES BIRTH TO SEA SERPENT! Did you know? Many ponies know that in ancient times, unicorns were tasked with the raising of the sun and with the raising of the moon and stars. But what you might not have known is that it is now impossible for a large group of modern-day unicorns to accomplish this monumental task! Some speculate that there has been a gradual decrease in the strength of a unicorn's powe



Introducing Equestria's Finest Tabloid

So, this is something I just decided to do on a whim. My roleplay character, Honeydew, is a reporter/journalist for a Manehattan tabloid I've decided to call The Daily Turnip. It just seemed like a fun idea to actually write some of what the articles in this tabloid look like. I think the format of the blog will go something like this: Maybe a few sample headlines for that day's newspaper. A Did You Know? tidbit involving a conspiracy theory. Honeydew's article for that day. And a horoscope sect



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