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What Is A Mother?

What exactly is a mother? As far as I’ve been told… or what “normal” society has leaded me to believe, a mother is someone who protects their young. Whenever a child is collapsing, a mother is supposed to be their support, to keep that child from falling. A mother provides unconditional love, and the best care that is within their power as a human being to provide. It is the mother’s job to fill a painful crater within a child’s heart, and make them feel wanted… Make them feel like they belong i



A Glimpse Into My Past

Okay, so I guess I've been on this site long enough to reveal a little bit about my history. Before I continue though, let me make a few things perfectly clear. First off, I'm not forcing anyone to read this, so I'd appreciate it if no one complains about this being too depressing. I honestly don't care about how depressing it is, and I'm not going to delete it unless I'm told to do so by an admin. Second, if you think I'm posting this to get attention, you're sorely mistaken. I honestly don't c



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