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Item #:ESCP-002

Object type: Safe Keter

Special Containment procedures: ESCP-002 is to be kept under constant survelliance in a concrete reinforced Bunker, located a[DATA EXPUNGED]. This is hence designated as Site-12. A WMD is to

be always kept on site and checked for tampering every week. In the event of a Containment breach that can not be halted, the WMD will be detonated. All personnel tending to site-12 must understand this and make no attempt to disarm it upon acitvation. Personnel who disobey these orders will be terminated without delay.

ESCP-002 is to not be approched within ten(10) meters by any personnel unless authorized by three(3) O5 overseers, and under heavy escort detail. As of recent events (See Addendum 002-A), all experiments are to cease, pending object termination, as authorized by O5-, O5-and O5-. As of current date however, no known technique has been able to at least scratch ESCP-002, and its abilities seem to intensify after being struct, suggesting sentience. Advise extreme caution when continuing attempts to destroy ESCP-002.

Any personnel entering and exiting the facility will be psychologically evaluated extensively, and those unfit for entering Site-12 will be denied and prevented from attempting to enter again. Upon exiting, if any abnormal behavior (See Addendum 002-B) is detected, immediate termination is authorized, with exception to Level 4 researchers or Level 5 overseer overriding those commands, the victim will be kept under [DATA EXPUNGED] at [DATA EXPUNGED], pending further [DATA EXPUNGED]

As of the object termination, only D Class are allowed within the [DATA EXPUNGED] zone, with the sole purpose of destruction of ESCP-002. Any behavioural alternation from the D Class inside the area are to lead to termination immediately.

Description: ESCP-002 is a solid granite statue of a creature consisting of multipe parts of other creatures, such as a tail of a dragon, and the head of a goat. In historical texts, and as refered to by the civilians that visit the statue, it is a [DATA EXPUNGED]. Ultrasonic testing has proven the statue to be composed of solid granite, with no abnormalities. The statue seems to be sized for a monument or a large garden statue, but granite testing has shown no origin of granite, suggesting external forces were involved.

ESCP-002 has a psychological effect on various subjects within a certain radius. This effect includes, but is not limited to inciting:

- Excessive violence, even if victim is not, by nature, aggressive

- Endless arguements and intolerent behavior of opinion

- Psychotic instability and insanity

- Brutal and negative disposition, with strong aversion and hostility to [DATA EXPUNGED]

- Heightened desire of greed for a object, will become hostile if object is approached.

- A tendency to exercise "free will", causing mass anarchy wherever subject goes

As more of the above manifest in the said subjects, ESCP-002 seems gain more power, and thus the effects are increased in intensity. An approximation of ten(10) minutes is required for intensity of the said event to increase. After an hour, it is considered irreversable (See Addendum 002-C). At this point, as iterated before, subjects are to either be terminated or [DATA EXPUNGED] pending further notice.

On very rare occasions, ESCP-002 materializes into a fleshy form, fully sentient (hence now referred to as ESCP-002A) , and as the historical texts suggest, opposed to anything with order. It will attempt to inflict a massive amount of anarchy on its surroundings, causing the above mentioned effects. At the height of it's power, ESCP-002A is then capable of altering a subject's behaviour into its opposite, and much more chaotic form, the process begins with either direct contact or manipulation of subject's base ideals. This process then manifests in three stages.

- Stage 1 - Unnoticeble changes occur, as the subject is exposed to, what will hence be refered to as [DATA EXPUNGED].Personality changes are automatically assumed to be a negative disposition.

- Stage 2 - Much more visible changes to personality and general behavior. At this point, the effects of [DATA EXPUNGED] are irreversable.Experiment subjects reaching this stage are to be immediately terminated, unless said otherwise by O5 or Level 4 Researchers. Discoloration of subject's coat also begins to occur.

- Stage 3 - The final stage, what will be refered to as [DATA EXPUNGED]. the effects of [DATA EXPUNGED] will have eliminated the original personality of the subject. Subjects at this stage are either terminated, or [DATA EXPUNGED] pending further notice.

ESCP-002 was found in the Royal Gardens following the [DATA EXPUNGED] events, where designated group "Harmony" did [DATA EXPUNGED] and defeated ESCP-002B, believing to have defeated it, but shocked to discover that it had reverted to ESCP-002. Foundation agents at the scene quickly administered Class A Amnesatics, and implanted a false memory to make them believe that ESCP-002 is truly defeated. ESCP-002 was later transported to site-12, where the necessary protection was made over time.

Addendum 002A -

Dr.█, Level 4 Researcher

Today while conducting a trial to evaluate the abilities of ESCP-002, four D Class personnel started turning on each other while inside a certain radius of the circle, which they then proceed to start doing [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] while [DATA EXPUNGED] each other. A containment breach was declared, and another ten guards were killed by rampaging subjects before the breach was subdued. Request improved security features being with details attached in this message, and a reclassification of object to Keter

Reclassification to Keter granted by O5-█, O5-and O5-█. Improved containment also granted.

Addendum 002B - As of time of writing, all documents and Addendums not pertaining to the containments and destruction of ESCP-002 are to be kept separately under archival database [DATA EXPUNGED]

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