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((My mind finally decided to give me inspiration, though albeit small))


Item #: ESCP-003

Object Type: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: ESCP-003 is to be contained within a chamber of 1mx1mx1m size, with two(2) guards with regular shifts posted to prevent unauthorized access. The chamber itself is to have no physical viewing ports, nor is remote viewing authorized. Any breach will result in the effected personnel being terminated immediately post-breach. Hence, personnel authorized to directly interact or handle ESCP-003 are D Class personnel, and to be terminated on basis.

Description: ESCP-003 is a filly's doll which appears to be weathered, but finely made. It consist of a grey body, with buttons as eyes, suggesting the creator hand made it. Following an incident including ESCP-003 at [DATA EXPUNGED], the original owner did [DATA EXPUNGED] to it, giving it powers akin to [DATA EXPUNGED], bringing the entire population of [DATA EXPUNGED] into chaos, with lusting for the doll. ESCP Mobile Task Forces were deployed to secure the object, while a exalted member of Royalty with magical abilities assisted in neutralizing the effects of ESCP-003 Temporarily. Class A amnesiatics were administered to witnesses, and the original replaced with a identical looking and feeling fake.

ESCP-003 has the ability to induce the lust for the doll itself, turning the exposed victim into nothing less than "a babbling child taking care of its dolly". As no cure for the effect aside for heavily using Class A amnesiatics has been established, termination of the exposed seems to be more viable and economical for us at the current time. Methods into destruction of object are also being looked into. A side effect of [DATA EXPUNGED] rendered it impossible to destroy via conventional means. It's power, however, does not scale according to the amount of victims it has gained, hence the necessity for the object to listed as active is no longer necessary, and hence the majority of information and file on ESCP-003 will be archived (See addendum 003A).

Addendum 003: Due to the inaccessible nature of the object, and the indestructibility of the object as thus far, the documentation surrounding it will be archived, and the object put into permanent storage pending a possible method of destruction.


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what an excellent piece of work. do you work (RP) with the SCP foundation? i am Dr.I [REDACTED] O1 Research and development.

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what an excellent piece of work. do you work (RP) with the SCP foundation? i am Dr.I [REDACTED] O1 Research and development.

No, I don't work (rp) with the SCP, because the problem with me is being creative when 1000+ entries already exist. Though listing a Pony as a SCP safe object would be nice :P.

I'm just obsessive with the SCP thing. Very obsessive.

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