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((Another quickie))

Item #: ESCP-004

Object type: Elucid

Special Containment Procedures: The subject is to be contained within a 20x20x20 meter chamber that is constantly kept at the temperature of Two-Hundred and Eighty-Three point Fifteen Kelvin(283.15K), or Ten degrees Celsius (10°C). In addition, the chamber is to be lined with a special catalyst chemical which instantly plunges the standard room temperature to below zero (See Addendum 004A). For testing reasons, the temperature may be raised to Two-Hundred and Ninety-Seven point Fifteen (297.15K), or Twenty-Four degrees Celsius (24°C). Under these circumstances, the researcher is to be escorted by guards armed with weapons loaded to fire the mentioned chemical catalyst. Due to subject's ability to [DATA EXPUNGED], full termination is allowed in dire circumstances (See Addendum 004B).

Description: ESCP-004 is a avian of unknown classification, however, it seems to be closely related to bird of prey, despite its non-aggressive or predatory nature. It seems to be surrounded by fire, although how a creature can survive being a unstable entity (being that fire is easy to extinguish in cases) is unknown. It seems to have a aversion to cold temperatures, however. The specimen captured is determined to be a female, marked by it's more aggressive nature towards foreign interference, preferring to cause a expanding flame wave, incinerating any being within ten(10) meter radius. Mobile Task Forces are still operating around Equestria to contain or capture more of these specimens.

Conducted research has shown that it shows a wide variety of skills in manipulating fire, as well as being able to to [DATA EXPUNGED], which during testing, caused the death of three [DATA EXPUNGED] and initiated a security breach. It also seems to be capable of [DATA EXPUNGED], and this feature has been exploited to neutralize or "put down", as some of the researchers have took to calling, ESCP-004.

Addendum 004A: Due to a security breach at the time and date [DATA EXPUNGED], the containment chamber is now required to contain a specially mixed Chemical Catalyst capable of interacting with the atmospheric temperature within the chamber, via a chemical mix of [DATA EXPUNGED], causing a dramatic drop in temperature to below zero. This is to be installed on all air conditioning vents leading into the chamber, as well as given in a liquid projectile form for escorts entering the chamber.

Addendum 004B: Due to event [DATA EXPUNGED], it is come to the conclusion that ESCP-004 has the ability to reanimate itself, and thus all personnel armed with a form of restraining weapon, or harmful weapon, are now fully authorized to open fire and neutralize the subject, in the event of a security breach.

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