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((I'm going to wait until my posts are pushed out of "recent blog posts", before posting now and then))

Item #: 005

Object Class: Elucid Keter

Special Containment Procedures: ESCP-005 is to be kept in a 20mx20mx10m room consisting of the desires of the subject, but only limited to [DATA EXPUNGED], where as [DATA EXPUNGED] is completely prohibited. Any personnel considered influenced or brainwashed by the subject are to be immediately terminated without question. All personnel entering the chamber must be escorted by D-Class Guards with guns designed to specifically disrupt and stun the subjects abilities, leaving it in a semi-comatose state. All D-Class personnel are to be shifted and regularly inspected for signs or brainwash, or [DATA EXPUNGED], in which if the event occurs, the current rotation is to be terminated and a new batch requested. A WMD is also on-site in the event of a containment breach, the site being located at [DATA EXPUNGED], hence forth designated as Site-42. Surveillance should be regularly checked for tampering and cleaned every three days (See Addendum 005A), in which is camera is malfunctioning, full security alert is to be issued, in event of containment breach.

Description: The subject is a pony-like creature that resembles a [DATA EXPUNGED] from folklore. Not much is remembered about them, nor was it assumed that they were still alive after [DATA EXPUNGED], when a [DATA EXPUNGED] occurred at a event. The specimen that has been captured resembles, in its base form, an Stallion of Average age, however, is capable of taking on multiple forms, including other non-pony physique, and female physique. It is speculated that it uses its female form to conduct its espionage, as well [DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] while busy. Of course, no evidence of this exists, except for a containment breach (See Addendum 005B), in which the WMD was almost close to being activated, but the subject was controlled with a accidental mixture that stunned it, sending it into comatose. That mixture is now used in dartguns issued to Escorts and Guards around the facilities.

In addition to its current capabilities, it also seems to show minor "hive mind" capabilities, suggesting a telepathic link to its [DATA EXPUNGED]. However, it has been jammed using a special [DATA EXPUNGED] (See Addendum 005C), and the subject is forced to act on its own. When observed, the behaviour seems to be pieced together from it's past identities. This particular specimen also seems to have incorporated ESCP-001's form and personality at some point in time, presumably during [DATA EXPUNGED] event. Subject is now pending authorization (See Authreq 005A) to be used as a "renewable experimentation platform" for other sentient ESCPs, as the method of neutralization seems to work regardless of its form.

Addenum 005A: A routine clean-up of ESCP-005's room was conducted, with escorts armed with simple restraint weaponry. Cameras malfunctioning, but subject assumed to be Subjugated enough to be considered harmless. Group enters the room. Radio silence. Another, much better equipped group enters twenty(20) minutes after. Upon entering, they see the lifeless bodies of the clean-up group. Subject is then restrained, routine clean-up conducted, and Cameras fixed. New protocol under "Special Containment Procedures" is to contain instructions for Camera maintenance.

Addendum 005B:​ Containment breach occurred when ESCP-005 managed to suddenly overpower a regularly escorted maintenance group. A battle ensued for around three(3) hours, before researchers on station decided to detonante WMD, until reports came that the subject had already been restrained, using a accidental mixture of chemicals as it rampaged through the labs. Subject was returned to room, and chemical mixture analysed, and given in the form of darts to be fired from dartguns, in the event ESCP-005 decides to repeat history. O5 Authorization to upgrade to Keter Status granted.

Addendum 005C: Researcher Entered room to conduct physical testing on ESCP-005. Subject was shot with special mixture, and experimentation began. During the experiment, a signal analyser picked up telepathic waves that seemed to be transmitting thoughts, and receiving them. Assuming this was a link to the [DATA EXPUNGE] "Hive mind", as researchers have dubbed it, jamming of all sorts has been implemented. Experiment concluded before subject arouse from comatose, during which subsequent interviews yield a very different personality profile.

Authreq 005A: Request O5 authorization to use ESCP-005 for "renewable experimentation platform" purposes due to its nature and abilities.


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