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Memory Lane



This hasn't got much to do with ponies, so if that's what you're looking for, leave. If you're interested in the sentiments of a tired young man, however, maybe you'd like to stick around a while, friend.

I was playing Pokemon HeartGold earlier, and I spent some time in Lavender Town. Now, the first Pokemon game I ever played was original Silver, and I'm a nostalgic person, so I play with the GB Sounds turned on so I can listen to old songs and relive good memories. And there it was, the Lavender Town theme from the Game Boy. That song is the most nostalgic of all. You'd think that would be Pallet Town, New Bark Town, or Goldenrod City or something, but nope. Lavender Town is most nostalgic song. Maybe it was meant to be that way, considering what Lavender Town is- a resting place for dead Pokemon. Anyway, that song took me on a real long trip down Memory Lane. I remember the first time I ever stuck original Silver into the Game Boy and what starter I first chose (Cyndaquil) and my pride for having beaten Falkner (the first Gym Leader in original Gold/Silver), my first walk out of New Bark, the first few steps down Route 1 when I got Red/Blue, and then my memories took me away from the Pokemon world. I remembered a lot of other things, too. My first night on the parade square, my first day of Grade Primary, and a great many other good memories. I was so happy, and so sad. Happy that all this stuff happened, but sad that I could never go back to it again. All I can do is hold on to the good old days in my mind, and do my best to make good new days, am I right? I hope that someday I will be able to be an old man and look back at S1, laugh, sigh, and say "good times". Of course, I hope that MLP:FiM doesn't go off-air until long after I'm far too old to come back and re-read this post. I want it to keep going with the same quality until long after I'm dead and buried, just like everything else I love. And it will.

So, here's to the good times behind us, and to the good times ahead! Cheers, mates! *drinks from mug of apple cider*


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Do you really think that MLP will go on that long? I mean lot of the old cartoons ending up going of air or at least stop producing new episodes and doing re-runs. Not that I don't want it to go on for that long either, but with the track record of really awesome cartoons staying on the air and continuing with the same quality forever, that doesn't seem very likely...in any universe. :(

Yet, I can't help hoping that it does. :)

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