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This one time in the 4th grade...



I remember this one time, this kid was cheating in 4Square at school, and I bit him. I had to go to anger management. There were all these older kids there. One of them had burned down his mom's house, another tried to commit suicide. They said I was weird...

So yeah, I DO bite...


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I used to throw knives in the cafeteria when I got angry... In 2nd grade I was the little one (I'm gifted and leaped over 1st grade) and to defend a offence a kid launched about my mom, I slapped his mouth with a iron chair... Teeth and blood gone everywhere... On third grade I used on a kid a plastic ruler as a katana blood gone everywhere too... I never got bullied, never more that once *mad cackle* Ah forgot that, on third grade I hand cuffed a kid to a three (toy handcuffs, but metallic) the poor sap stood there from morning recess to afternoon... (Then I began thinking other kids aren't that smart... Really, those cuff not ever had key, just push a laver and they open)

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