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My place at Canterlot - A trial of requests!



Ya ever got that feeling you forgot something you REALLY wanted to do, due to being "busy"?

*Looks back @ previous entry*



I've been yearning to use the blog system s'more, but I haven't thought of really anything worth blogging about. Babbling about colour theory and what I'm learning in beginning drawing would get boring fast. So I began pondering, where's my place at Canterlot? Being an active user on the forums is great, but I want to do something beyond the spam stables. I'd talk about the current season, but I'm saving the episodes for my trip out of the U.S. RPing just terrifies me and I just don't feel as though I've been here long enough to post new topics or attempt to help out the forum crew (in what little way I could).

So what could I do to help contribute to the Canterlot community? After staring at my mess of charcoal, it finally hit me.

Sooner than later, I'm going to move to the digital medium. If I'm going to be successful at graphic design and animation, I must master this plane as soon as possible.

So while I'm learning the basics, why not learn how to master the stylus in the meantime?

Thus, I've decided to do a test run of a request thread/blog. Why a test run? Just to work out the kinks and to see if I'll stick with it.

I'm not going to lie, all I've really drawn is pony busts and primitive shapes, but don't let this dissuade you from your request!

I often find that the most difficult of tasks are often the ones that you never expect, this in turn helps oneself gain more out of that experience.

This may be a test run, but I'm still going to treat it as an official. If I get up to Seven successful requests, I'll create an official post.

Please keep the following in mind while requesting here

1: Whatever you request, be sure it's what you want! This is to ensure that everyone's request gets fulfilled and to help prevent my hair from falling out! If you have any reference materials for your request, or want your image in a certain pose/situation, please let me know! I want to be sure that I can provide you with a pic you'll like and download.

2: PLEASE be patient with your requests! I really want to fulfill your request in a timely matter, if possible on the same day you've requested it. But lets face it, I'm going to school full time and have a heavy schedule with work (30+ hours). My previous request thread at another forum had THE MOST impatient users ever. My inbox and email was filled with "WHERE'S MY REQUEST?!". In the end, I told them off and swore off doing requests. Don't be that person I'll drop from the list. I doubt that'll happen here 'cause everyone I've met has been awesome, but it needs to be listed.

3: Some requests may be vastly different! I haven't used my stylus in quite a long while so I don't have an established style. Thus, some images and requests can vary greatly between one another. It'll take time before I can develop something everyone will recognize, please bear with me while I find my specialty.

4: First Come, First Serve & One for Everyone! Unless you have a special request, everything's a first come first serve basis. I only accept one request, per person, at a time. If you have another request, please request it once I've completed your first request. This is to ensure that everyone has their request fulfilled.

5: Please, please, please, PLEASE critique my work! Not really required, but I want your opinion on what I've drawn for you so that I may make future requests better! There may be things that my eyes will miss due to the fact that I've stared at your pic for such a long while. A fresh pair of eyes usually sees things the previous didn't.

6: Status' and misc. The status tier is as followed: In Que > Concept > Refinement > Complete! All requests may be posted on my DA and will be uploaded to the Canterlot gallery. A higher res image will be PM'd to you when applicable.

Examples of Concept > Refinement > Complete!

Note: This was the most recent request I did back on /mlp/ three weeks ago.







More examples (6+ months ago!) As you can see, I had a "MUST BE TRUE TO SHOW" setting in mind. I want to change this and create my own style, not copy someone elses! Besides, I spent 6+ days on these easily... Something I plan to no longer follow, or so help me Celestia! mlpspikeyunoplz.png?2

Note: HUGE images up ahead!







Every time... that neck makes me cringe! zombieponiesplz.png?1

Oh man, now that's a lot of text I tell you what! .... Well, what're ya waiting for? Request! Request like the wind!



1: Ping111 - Refinement (52%)

2: Tenkan - Concept

3: Bellosh101 - Concept

4: Open

5: Open

6: Open

7: Open


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