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Mlp episode 5 season 1



Griffion the brush-off is a good episode to me. Not only does it show some of the bonds our friends have made, (In this case pinkie and Dashie.) but it also has some good humor to it and some fairly good writing.

So let's start with the episode as a whole. I would give it about a B. Like last episode the animation is good but nothing to special. We are introduced to yet another creature in the world of Equestrian, that being the griffion. This episode also shows us a few other things such as Rainbow's love for pranks which we see again in luna eclipsed. Pinkie pie is just being Pinkie pie here and part of me wishes she didn't act like that here but I digress. Rainbow acts the way I think she would have acted which is good and the whole moral here is something that I think would happen to some kids. I'd also like to point out the way Gilda acts in this episode is something I would have loved to see Babs act in one bad apple but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. On another note this is the episode where Fluttershy becomes my favorite, even though she isn't even part of the episode. When Gilda starts yelling at her, that really reminded me of when I was bullied in elementary school, which somehow ended up with Fluttershy becoming a favorite of mine. Plus her adorableness that makes my heart explode twice adds to this. Another thing that might be interesting is if they brought Gilda back in season 4. They brought Trixie back and made her a friend but I think if we got Gilda back it might be a bit interesting. The only real problem I ever have here is the animation not being too spectacular and one other little thing, the party. Why was the party there at all? I know it's pinkie pie but why would she throw a party for Gilda when she was being mean to her and Fluttershy? I know it was to end the episode but maybe it could have ended in a different place without the party. The episode overall is a watch as I feel like the episode is missing something that future episodes had. I defiantly wouldn't put this in a list of favorite but it's not a bad episode. This has been Neo reviews, thanks for reading.


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