So then...we're just gonna ignore the absence and get right to the review! Dusk's Dawn is an interesting title that has received it's fair share of reviews, most of which being bad. While observing and taking notes on the video, I began to realize that the fan product wasn't as bad as Snowdrop, in fact I don't know what my opinion on Dusk's Dawn is. Don't get me wrong, when it does something wrong, it's really, really bad, but not everything is bad and some of the things that it does, I have to
Let's begin the marathon of hatred, 4 pieces of fan content , 4 reviews, 1 I know I said we'd be doing Button mash this week, but I really wanna hurry, due to the review I have planned after this, so with that in mind, let's tear this idea a new one, what's worse, this thing is personal... Snowdrop is absolutely awful. It's about an terrible filly, with a stereotypical archtype, and is just...bad. Let's start with the easy part, the good. The animation isn't too shabby here, and the
Warning: Spoilers My little portal is a very charming web crossover series, crossing the worlds of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and the world of Portal. (No half life jokes please.) Due to it being a series, I'll be starting by reviewing every episode in a pair of two episodes. My Little Portal is done pretty well, with good animation that seems to capture elements from both it's parent's series, and has an interesting protagonist(s) but we're not their yet. The first episode features Cr
I've been waiting to announce this for the longest time. It is with deepest apologies and sincerest regret that I announce that I will no longer be reviewing episodes of My little pony Friendship is magic. Now this doesn't mean that this blog is going to be thrown into the garbage can, far from it, in fact there's going to be a lot more of it around! Something that I really enjoyed, was reviewing turnabout storm, and I never felt anything like it when I reviewed the official episodes. However, t
You know, about two reviews ago I mentioned the fact that the rainbow thread that Rarity got in Rarity takes Manehatten, and now that I've seen this episode, my theory feels to have proven even farther. Not only that, but now I think I understand what the meaning of the objects are, which not only includes the virtue that the mane 6 represents, but also their has to do with their goals as a character. I do more on that later, but for now; let's get to reviewing. So there is one thing that I thin
(Warning Spoilers!) apple pie episode. I'm so excited for this...whohoo...actually once you get passed that part, this episode gets much better, so much better. In fact, the momentum from Rarity takes Manehatten is still here. Things are going excellent for the season so far. So then let's begin this episode of Neo reviews! So the fact that Pinkie Pie may be an apple family member is actually a good question. I mean when there is a chance that any main character is related to another
There were a lot of great things in this episode. We got to see an old rival of Rarity's, we got to see a city that we've heard a lot about, and we got Rarity to get tested on her generosity, plus she got that spindle of rainbow thread that I believe may be a key to the lockbox from the season premiere, that or it just shimmers oddly. So we're going to start off by looking at the song since it was near the beginning and I want to talk about it. The song was pretty good, both the reprise and the
*Notices people doing reviews on canterlot.* Oh...I guess I'd better write my review. After all I am the king of reviews! (Only because I had no competition when I first started...) So; bats! Not only did this start a brand new meme for the fan base, but now we also have a new "species" that some new RPers might actually try to put in World of Equestria, even though that won't pun intended. Now I said in my power ponies review that the momentum for season 4 finally stopped, and this epi
Hah, does anyone else get it? The first episode was where the Mane 6 go back to the old castle was called Castle Mane-ia. I mean that was really nice of them to hint at something, the next time they go back to the castle, makes my heart jump with glee. Anyways, we got a really nice episode here. Not only did it reference some of the greatest super heroes of all time, but I actually understood the references the first time I watched it. It took me three time before I got the chocolate rain refere
Warning: Spoilers I'M DONE! I'M SO DONE! HOW THE...I DON'T EVEN...WHAT JUST...WHAT! This episode is probably my favorite Cutie Mark Crusader episode so far, and why for the love of Luna, did Scootaloo not get her cutie mark? Oh right...hasbro. Well anyways, let's actually get to the review! So the story of Scootaloo getting picked on because of her wings was really ingenious. It's basically a disability story that some kids will have to deal with. It's only made even better because I remember g
(Warning: Spoilers for the episode.) THEY'RE THROWING PANDAS AT US, THIS SEASON! First we have looks in the past, Discord showing up, the castle of the two sisters, and now we get a Daring Do episode! Oh my Luna, this season is amazing so far. As I've said before this season has a lot of momentum going for it, and this episode just carries it on. It also introduces a brand new race! egypt...I don't know. I just find them interesting. Not to mention that we got a very inte
(Warning: Spoilers!) Star Spiders, and hall of hooves, and an organ outside, oh my! Castle Mane-ia was certainly a very good episode. Not only did it follow up on what happened during the season premiere, instead of ignoring it, it already gets a few brownie points! Referencing past episodes won't just make an episode good though, there were a lot of other good things in the episode that I really adored, and thus I will begin the reviewing process. So one thing I like is the story and characters
(Warning: May contain spoilers!) We've survived my friends! All things are right in this world now. No longer will we have to feed on breadcrumbs and headcannons, now we feast on episodes and very fragrant sparkling grape soda. Now in preparation for this, I say we take a look at this episode, analyze it for what it's worth, and figure out the true meaning of christmas...I mean the true meaning of season 4. I'm glad that the intro changed. While the song is still the same, and in the beginning T
With 8 days left until season 4, I've decided to get back to work and at least try to finish season 1 in my reviews. We're going by a new system now, which is the old one. If you've read my review of Turnabout Storm, it's gonna be like that, except not as emotional. So let's get on with the show! Fun fact: Over the barrel is the first episode that I watched on Television, it was the 11th episode I watched. Does that mean I'm going to go easy on it? No. Let's be honest here, Over the Barrel isn't
"It was a busy night in ponyville, foals went door-to-door getting candy from folks, many ponies held events that other ponies would go to and enjoy, and there was a nice peace in the air. Yet...something didn't feel right. As I walked along, loving my visit from my friend, Aselia, I found that there was some masked tension in the air, and after joining what I believed to be Princess Twilight Sparkles' haunted house, I learned the horrifying truth, I was right. The Changelings had invaded the ci
This...this was amazing. I can't tell you how much I love turnabout storm. Unlike most fan-made content I've seen, Turnabout storm just got better and better. I was puzzled at the start, and tried to figure everything out all the way through to the end. I laughed, and I cried. Even now I'm crying as I write this review out to you guys. You know I've gone through some pretty bad times recently, with stuff IRL, things on the Wiki I frequent, and few other things I'd like to keep private, I haven't
(Warning: The following review contains words written in character to an on going problem here at Neo's internet house. The words of Time Spinner are written in this manner however the words of Change Swipe are written as Neo's true thoughts. Enjoy...) Warning, the following review is about a stupid problem that doesn't even make any sense with characters that seem incredibly annoying and a stupid, lady gaga knock-off! Time Spinner, that's a horrible thing to say. Come on the episode wasn't that
I want to look at another character creator that I find does a pretty good job of making pony OC's. Legends of Equestria released their character creator and I figured I'll review it. Anywho let's get to the review. The good: Ponies are in 3D. I can't tell you how long I've awaited this. The mane styles, cutie marks, and tails all look pretty good, oh and that's another thing. There are a huge amount of cutie marks in this creator. While many of my characters don't have their cutie marks in it
So now that I've played with the pony generator let's get to this review. By the way I won't be giving this a score since it's an incomplete product. The Good: We got Head Turning which is really awesome! I love to look at Time's head when he's staring at me awkwardly. We got brand new Mane and Tails! However that's gonna get veto'ed in the bad section. We got neckwear back and that's awesome because Bow-tie Time is Best Time. We got more accessories for almost everything I can notice. We go
(Warning the following is a true review written in a roleplay style. The following characters are Gadget and discorded Neo. Be warned that while this is written to further the review storyline but is also written still as a review.) Come on Neo look, a dog and pony show, it's like one of your favorite episodes of the entire series. What?! I think not! This entire show is stupid, not fun, and made for girls, why would I, a busy 16 year old need to watch a dumb girl's cartoon! Look, Aselia said th
Has anyone seen Time Spinner? I've been looking all over and I can't find him...oh well...let's go do this review, he probably got lost in the internet aether. (Where I live.) The Show Stoppers is a nice episode that you can either love or hate. It's one of those episodes that I do enjoy though. The story goes like this: The cutie mark crusaders are finding their cutie marks, and establishing a tree house that will become it's own landmark, after a few comical failures Twilight (and cherilee) su
Hmm...something's not quite right here...I don't know what but for some reason I feel weird about this episode. I like it but and it was a really good episode, good song, great characters, believable story, but why doesn't it sit right? Oh well let's do this! The story is this, Rarity's working on an order and Sweetie belle wants to help but Rarity won't let her. Fluttershy comes in with Rarity's cat (I can't spell her name.) and the rest of the CMC come in after a bit of banter betweem Rarity a
So...was rarity technically an alicorn during this episode? I've wondered why this spell isn't used more often, or why we never hear about this event again....wait...why does doctor whooves have wings? Okay so the story is pretty much this; Rainbow Dash is going into a competition known as the young fliers competition. Only Fluttershy can go with her though, since only pegasi can walk on clouds. However through the use of two spells, the rest of the mane 6 are able to walk on clouds, and Rarity,
Well here we go! Now we're going to do something a bit different and give this episode a bit of a darker message. I was thinking about saving this for October but I'm doing it now, so let's get started! So Story of the blanks starts with you playing as Applebloom, somewhere (Being outside or in the everfree forest.) you find Twilight who is taking an item to Zecora. She thanks you and also says that you don't want to be out in the dark. On your way home you encounter some fallen trees. Twilight
Who's!? I demand to know exactly who was responsible for this episode! The moral of this story is probably one of the best things anyone could learn...kind of. Let me explain when we get to the end. The story is that Pinkie pie is having random feelings, twitches, etc that Twilight can't understand and hunts for the truth to the point where she evolves again. That's pretty much it without spoiling anything. How do I like it? Well...I don't. I think this story is kind of odd as we randomly end up