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Casting Call for the Voice actors of Canterlot and Youtube!



HELLO THERE EVERYONE! *turns royal canterlot voice off* Now that I have your attention I am in the market for fellow voice actors who want to help me voice a series, actually two different ones but still. My casting call is right here:


While this is going on I also need two OC's submitted for the series and actors to voice them. So if you'd like to be apart of it feel free to message me here, Email at Exlucky64@gmail.com, give a video Response, whatever you wish that would contact me! I need all of the help I can get and I don't mean Mentally! No...nobody can help me there...

I'll also post the parts below:

Celestia, Voice Details: Regal, Proper, Collected

Luna, Voice Details: Calm, Soft, Regal

Era Whirl, Voice Details: Intelligent, Calculating, Calm

Deity Spinner, Voice Details: Dark, Angry, Evil (Looking for a male and a female version of both.)

Pocket Watch, Voice Details: Mischievous, Flirty, Young

Celso, Voice Details: Deep, southern, Mysterious

Swift Blitz, Voice Details: Light, Heartful, Happy-go-lucky

Diamond Dust, Voice Details: Friendly, Caring, Loving

Shadow Blade, Voice Details: Dark, Somber, Evil

Digi Blast, Voice Details: Show off, Proud, Mean

I also need two OC's with a backstory and a voice actor with them. One needs to be female and the other could be either gender. They will be main characters in Destiny and Diary of a lost foal. They do have to follow these Rules:

1. They can't be overpowered

2. No Alicorns (Unless you have a good reason why they we have never heard of them.)

3. Don't break the Character Story Arcs.

4. Keep Interaction with Cannon characters low

5. If they have a power than give them a kickback for the power. (Something they suffer from after or during the use of said power.)


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Oooh if I have a mic in my house somewhere, I might want to do Swift Blitz.

But once I get out of school, I might have it in two weeks.

Can we just PM you here?

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Oh my! Sorry For some reason my notifications did not go off... Anyway I show PM you guys with my requests! I'm now super excited!

Also Yes you may PM me! I'll have the casting call open for as long as their are characters. (Can't really say anything else...I'm kind of unpopular amongst youtube.)

And something else that should be added, I could use help for script writing if anyone's interested...I have a lot of work to do now. (Goes off and squees like the undying fanboy he is.)

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