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That 'OHH' and facehoof moment.



Let's face it, no matter how cool and composed we all may seem to act, we all spaz out in some way when our first WoE character app is accepted. All those edits and re-edits done to meet the stringent standards of the MLP world, all the effort we pour into the character to make them seem realistic. So when our app is accepted, we all have a moment.

Mine, though, was slightly different. One fine day I was scrolling through the apps section, looking for mine. I read through both pages twice just to make sure what I was seeing. Or not seeing, rather. Instead of assuming my app was accepted and celebrating like any sane pony, I panicked and thought that my app had mysteriously dropped off the face of the internet and that I would have had to retype it all over again. Just right before I was about to PM my assigned RPH, I thought about checking the Accepted Apps section to be sure. There it was, to my immense relief. I stared at it for about a minute, though I'm pretty sure it was only about ten seconds, and then I literally facepalmed. That earned me the odd looks from my brother who just happened to be entering my room.

It was okay though, I'm way too used to those looks.

Enough about me, any of you did anything odd or weird when your first app was accepted? :)


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I was relieved because I (being a newbie) really needed to work to get my first app accepted. At one point, I gave up but then a kind and caring Moderator talked me back into keeping at it. And THAT's how "Mojo" came to be! :D:D

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Poor walls :c I think that's abuse.

And gasp. You're right! RPing is such an odd thing to do.

Aww c: That's nice of the mod. But I guess your app getting accepted was really worth it all!

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