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What Being a Brony means to Lime





Everyone has a story about how they came into the fandom, everyone has a different idea of what the idea of being a "Brony" means to them, and everyone has their own reasons why MLP is special to them

This is mine

I am going to skip the story of how I became a brony, it's a tale for another time! This is to specifically focus on what Brony means to me.

I hear others going now "But Lime you ARN'T a Brony you are a Pegasis!"

Nope, I am a BRONY

To me a Brony is a older viewer of the show, a Brony isn't a fan, they are a little something more, they are part of a community .

The Brony community is amazing! We take anyone, be it a furry, anime fans, Homestuck fans, all come together and unite over the love of this one little show, this one little gem among a sea of mindless entertainment that floats around us, this one little isolated instance of magic.

I love this fandom! I love wearing my Rainbow Dash hoodie, and having people come up to me and say that they are also a fan, I love that it is inclusive and it won't push you away no matter what else you like! It is truly a tie that binds us together and that is a wonderful thing! Anything that unites people, brings them together, makes them put aside other differences and coexist together in such a way is truly a wonder!

To me being a brony is about unity, it's about togetherness, and friends, it's about being creative with your writing, expanding yourself to new people and new ideas! The Show was merely a key to a door, and once you'v opened the door it's hard to ever want to leave!

The Show was also there for me when I was feeling sad, or lonely, I'd have something bright but not condescendingly cheerful to make my day feel a little bit more uplifted! It gave me something to look forward to! Partially to see the episode, but mostly to discuss things with other bronies! My people!

The most important treasure I'v gotten from this show are some wonderful friends! StarSwirl is a fantastic friend I never would have met otherwise! He is so smart, and kind, and even when we butt heads I still can look past that and enjoy his friendship because [colour=#0000ff]friends don't have to agree on everything :[/colour])

Bellosh is a great person, I love talking to them, planning with them, and they overall are a fantastic guy! I didn't like them at first due to kicking my flank at Babs Seed but dang I am glad I got over that or I would seriously have missed out on it! Holding Grudges gets you nowhere and prevents you from seeing the potential!

Phil and Rosie have been there for me through a lot of turmoil as a RPH! Taking me under their wings, guiding me along my way and teaching me how to be a better person every single day! This job is a constant learning experience, and I feel happy and have a burning desire to do the best possible job I can, because I have such supportive and encouraging teachers.

I can't really mention what Brony means to me without mentioning Robbi either! Robbi was the first friend I made here, he has been there through EVERYTHING! He's who I go to when I feel Sad,when I feel happy, when I am insecure, and when I am on the highest point of cloud nine! He's seen me fall on my flank and has helped me get back up, he's always encouraging, and supportive, and isn't afraid to smack me when I'm being a brat that needs a good smack!

Jane and Elder are new in my life but I am already so glad they are there :D Jane helps me with my creativity and Elder is just a ray of sunshine!

I honestly could gush about a few other people, Dio and Corsair, ManeStream herself, Jen and FlutterScotch (I'll always miss her)

I could gush about LoopEnd who's been a great friend! I could gush about Steel Eagle, I could just gush and gush and GUSH about these people because at this point in my life they mean so much to me and I wouldn't have them at all if it wern't for MLP!

It reaches a point where it's not just about pretty pastel coloured ponies anymore, it becomes something more.. It starts friendships, it encourages creativity, it values expression, it pushes you to try harder! It's a unrelenting force that has you when you fall, but isn't afraid to kick you in the butt to get you back up!

It's helped people who are depressed feel better, It's helped those who are sick feel better!

It's Tara Strong comforting a little girl who is slowly fading right in front of her.

It's A fundraiser to save a real life pony from a life of hardship and being taken care of

It's connections, it's fellowship

It's a Magic on earth that is irreplaceable

And though some of my brony friends hang up their wings and horns, turn in their cutie marks, and go their separate ways from the fandom, I still get to keep them! Because it's not just about the ponies anymore! It's about friendship! It's about support, it's about togetherness, and it's about passion.

It is so much more than just ponies and magic.

It's about love.

I love you guys from the very bottom of my heart, even if the internet is the wall that divides us, MLP is the tie that binds us

I am truly grateful for all of you <3


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Aww I got mentioned! I'm happy with how far you've come, my faithful student.

Course you got mentioned Rosie! You were one of the people that helped me get my head outa my bum remember our first meeting..?XD

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