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Tips on art?



Not sure whether this belongs in the art discussion forum, but I assumed that one drawing wouldn't need an entire topic.

Yeah, I'm pretty bad at art. But I decided that if I keep trying, I'll be better at it. That's probably gonna take about 2 years, but nevertheless, I bring to you my horribly drawn pony! I sent her to a pony review blog, but they critiqued design, not art.



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Well, a couple of general tips I can offer are as follows.

1) Check out pony bases or templates on art sites like Deviant Art. They will help you her the general anatomy down.

2) If you aren't using one already, I'd suggest buying an Artist Tablet. I use a Wacom Bamboo Create which was about $75. It really helps you draw as you're using a stylus rather than a mouse.

3) Practice! Trust me, you'll see a difference even six months from now if you practice.

4) If you have trouble drawing from scratch on a computer, I'd suggest my way I draw which is to sketch on paper first, scan the drawing and upload it on an art program, open up a Layer and trace over your art, delete your original sketch, and finish your drawing. It takes a little extra time for me, but it helps me to see art in a defined space (a piece of paper)

Hope this helps.

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I know how you feel I used to draw ponies badly but I didn't stop I first watched a couple of tutorials following their strokes on paper I did the same. sooner or later I started doing it on my own it went perfect! so kinda watch a couple of tutorials then teach them to your self trust me you have potential anyone does in art! (as long as you have a sense of it)

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