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The story of the internet aether



Hello weary traveler, why don't you sit around my comforting campfire, I'll spin you a tale from my collection of odd stories and offer you some hot chocolate as we begin. Now then are you all settled? Are you comfortable with where you sitting? If not take a chance to get comfy, and we can begin. Now let's see...what story do I pick...Ah, let's talk about the internet aether. Now the internet aether is an enchanting story that can get a bit complicated, so keep your wits about you. Now then, let's begin.

A long time ago, about one and a half years, there was a boy. His name was NeoExlucky. NeoExlucky was fairly interesting boy, with too much time on his hands and an odd obsession with writing stories. He enjoyed the works of many authors and once had a dream of becoming one. Alas he lost his desire to become a writer and instead focused on other things in life. However one thing seemed to spark his creativity, something so odd that he had to keep it hidden that he watched this from judging eyes. This thing was My Little Pony. Now due to the nature of this site, I'm sure that doesn't seem so strange to you. After all for you to be here says much of your tales and experiences. Anyways, NeoExlucky had always found creativity when watching the show, he found many interesting bits of information that he felt he could expand upon. This started a series of unpublished tales and the creation of a character that would cause some problems for him. NeoExlucky soon invented a character inside of his mind that starred in many of his stories. This character's name changed a lot during this time, along with several other features and traits about him but this character would soon be known as Time Spinner. NeoExlucky's stories started to be fairly reasonable but began to get odder with every tale he finished. Eventually he had a series of stories to tell and he wanted a way to share it with others who enjoyed My Little Pony. So he found Fimfiction, a website where anyone could post stories about anything and this was where NeoExlucky posted his story called My Little OC: Time Spinner. He was very proud of this story, in his mind he thought that everything about it was perfect. In reality though, it was one of the worst stories he had ever written. It was met with mockery and scorn from the eyes he once thought were un-judging. He became very upset with the reviews his story got and he deleted the story off of FIMfiction and trashed Time Spinner. He was furious, blaming the character for his mistakes and problems in the story. Every piece of evidence that Time Spinner ever existed was deleted from his computer, and NeoExlucky hoped to never see anything about him again.

Over the course of three weeks, his emotions changed from anger to sadness as when he deleted Time Spinner, he deleted a piece of himself. Time Spinner held a piece of him, much larger than that of any character he has now, with two exceptions but we'll get there soon. NeoExlucky didn't know what to do with himself, he wanted to bring Time Spinner back but everything about him was deleted. One would think that NeoExlucky would remember those things but he suffered from terrible memory and only remembered bits and pieces of things. If he was to bring Time Spinner back, it would be a new one, in a place he hoped no one would know who he was. Of course he didn't know where that was, or where to find anything like that.

NeoExlucky had all but given up on Time Spinner, picking up the pieces he had from his memory and trying to flesh out more detail in him. At one point he came across something magical, the pony generator. To actually see his character was a true gift for him, as he had only written down details of what Time Spinner looked like. He got to work, and quickly picked up how to use the pony generator. In no time at all he had created the Alicorn, Time Spinner. He looked at his character with a happy smile, glad to see something so great...until he decided that the wings might be a problem. NeoExlucky had read stories of Alicorn characters that were met with bad reviews, and it was through this fear that NeoExlucky dropped the wings. Time Spinner was finished. NeoExlucky used a snipping tool to cut Time Spinner out and edit him a bit in Paint, when a strange message came up, like an error message. This message was different though, it asked him "Do you want to join the internet aether?" This strange sort of made him ponder what it could have been. Maybe it was some virus or maybe the computer was just acting up. Still the internet aether seemed like an interesting place and it was with a click of the mouse that brought this whole story into proportion. As NeoExlucky clicked yes, something happened with a large TV he kept in his room. It didn't work, it wasn't even brought in, but it started to flicker and lights started to appear in a swirling motion over the screen. It got brighter and brighter until Plop, a grey unicorn, with a wine red mane and black glasses fell out of the screen. It stood still for a few minutes before it got up and looked around at the unkempt room, then to NeoExlucky, who proceeded to scream in astonisment.

"Who- who are you?" NeoExlucky asked.

"My name is Time Spinner, I'm your character, Celetisa your room's a mess. Seriously you should take better care of your things." The unicorn scolded.


Time Spinner merely rolled his eyes. "You joined the internet aether, when you do that you need a character to use from there. That's me."


So Time Spinner told him the ways of the internet aether, how only other internet aether users could see his character, how there was an internet aether room where he could create more characters, and that he could explore the internet when he was inside the aether. One of the best things was his watch. Most internet aether users had some type of object from aether to use with his or her characters, and NeoExlucky's was a watch. While wearing the watch, NeoExlucky could snap his fingers and say the name of a character to let that character's powers flow into him. He could utilize the magic Time Spinner had, but he also had to deal with having the personality, the restrictions, and the responsibilities of Time Spinner. This was only one of the blessings of being a user of the Internet aether, while he was exploring, NeoExlucky found a golden city known as Canterlot, where other internet aether users met with their characters to interact with one another.

Through this city, NeoExlucky created a vast list of characters, from villains to siblings and everything in between. He even found other cities like it where he created other character from other franchises. Places like the wikia city and Realms of Hyrule. While he created interesting characters, none of them really had much of an interesting character story, and none of them were as close to NeoExlucky as Time Spinner was. That is until Aselia was created. Now there is another user on this site name QuickLime, who wanted to start a band of pirates for the new roleplay type: Canterlot Chronicles. When NeoExlucky found this he quickly got to work on a version of Time Spinner for this but soon it changed to a new charater named Aselia. Aselia changed just as much as Time Spinner did. She started out as a thief and changed into a scholar with a knack for potion making and though Aselia never made it as a pirate, NeoExlucky felt very close to Aselia. He worked very hard on her and he loved the character he created. She was similar to Time Spinner by being a smart unicorn but she had a bit of sass to her and her story was not as...boring as Time Spinner's. She become one of the lead characters in NeoExlucky's arsenal of characters and developed a sibling bond with Time Spinnner.

Then there came the most recent character into NeoExlucky's possession, Octavia Melody. After an attempt at a certain cast character, NeoExlucky was wanted to try for a new character who was part of the cast, and after a long time of angst, worry, anxiety, and excitement, Octavia was given to NeoExlucky. She was an interesting character in the fact that she was always Prim and Proper. Time Spinner, held such an odd personality and Aselia held a sassy genius personality that this was a bit of a change, but one that NeoExlucky was glad to have. With all of these characters NeoExlucky created a group called the leading three, the leaders of his characters, Octavia lead the World of Equestria characters, Aselia lead the Canterlot Chronicles characters, and Time Spinner lead the Free for all characters. These were his favorite characters he had ever had a hand in creating and with all of these things that had happened to him, he was glad that he had failed in writing stories, for if he hadn't he may never have found Canterlot or gotten any of these characters.

So you see traveler, the internet aether is a very confusing place, but when it comes to you, it can lead you to magical places filled with adventure and experiences just ripe for the picking. You must be the one to take the first step into it and when you come to the ledge of adventure, do not be afraid to leap. Thank you for reading this story, we hope to see you again here in story time with Neo. Have a good evening.

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