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Item #: ESCP-006

Object Class: Safe Elucid

Special Containment Procedures: Given the relationship between ESCP-006 and ESCP-001, no specific containment has been established for this Object. However, active surveillance of object is to be conducted by teams of minimum three(3), and no more than five(5).

Agents conducting surveillance are preferably those who have experience or have been briefed with information pertaining ESCP-001 (See ESCP-001 file). Should ESCP-006 be seen with ESCP-001, then all similar protocol from ESCP-001 should be adopted. Including the immediate termination of agents who have entered contact with ESCP-001. Otherwise, should ESCP-006 be alone, then no termination is necessary, although agents are still required to undergo psychiatric examination.

Under no circumstances is ESCP-006 to be terminated. This could possibly provoke ESCP-001, and cause a possible containment breach. Likewise. The Special Containment Procedures for ESCP-001 should also be adopted under these circumstances, as it could provoke ESCP-001. (See Description).

Description: ESCP-006 is a Earth Pony with greyish colours as part of the mane, coat, and tail. Standard expression and personality is usually stoic, occasionally smiling at times. Being the sister of ESCP-001, it is proposed that she is immune to the effects of ESCP-001, although this is purely speculative and can not be tested due to the nature of the two objects.Despite the personality of ESCP-006, the object seems to have fostered a strong bond.

Because of this, researchers have specuiated that is it possible that the termination of either object would cause a negative reaction from the remaining object, thus provoking the possibility of a containment breach. As a result, although this remains a theory, it has influenced the containment procedures to be taken on the Object. There has been a single observed case where ESCP-001 was threatened. This prompted a rapid and unnatural response from ESCP-006, as the object exhibits super-natural strength, enough to break apart rocks. (See Addendum 006-C)

ESCP-006 is also known to possess a "pet" (see Addendum 006-A). This "pet" is under the care of ESCP-006, and seems to be easily located by the Object, as well as used as a tool. (See Addendum 006-B).

Addendum 006-A: Dubbed "ESCP-006A", this is a non-sentient being with no visible vital functions, or any capability to act. However, it's body structure is hard enough to withstand abuse, It is also adept at camouflaging in rocky terrain. Much so that only ESCP-006 can detect it.

Addendum 006-B: <Observational records classified only for clearance level four personnel or above. Unauthorized personnel are to be immediately terminated.)

Addendum 006-C: Given recent surveillance, ESCP-006 has been elevated to Elucid Object Type. No change to Special Containment Protocols, although they have been updated with recommendations for agents prior to beginning duties.


(Not my best, but it's a good start for getting back in the game)


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