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Cookbook 2 - Adult Disfigured Samurai Shrimp



Hello Canterlot, it's me again. The one and only Magi.

Ladies, please.

Now, before we begin, I'm going to go right ahead and let you know that the following meal is 100% natural. "But Magi! Surely something organic and natural cant be THAT bad for me!"

Normally I would just smack myself and wonder what I was thinking. But this is not the case. My face shall remain unsmacked, and your heart may not rest easy.

Behold, the Adult Disfigured Samurai Shrimp!

Antiheroes in a caripise! Crustatian Energy!

So I have an uncle that does his own fishing. Catches all kinds of stuff! During one visit, we made these bad larries. First, we took some jumbo shrimp. When I say jumbo, I mean almost as thick as my wrist. No idea where he found them but they have to be radioactive to be this massive. Worry not, I can just read in the dark now.

Anyway we cooked these monsters up and cut their heads off. Pure brutality. But my uncle also had on him live lobster, crab, and scallops. Oh yes. Yes indeedy. We cooked and mashed up some lobster, some crab, and some scallops. It was a fine fishy mess, but we weren't done.

We stuffed the shrimp with this mess! Then we soaked them in butter, breaded the stuffing top, and baked them for a bit. What burst forth from the oven was the most dangerous aquatic warrior I had ever laid my eyes on. After they cooled, we fetched more butter, and demolished these creatures with our mouths.


If you want to know what Aquaman crying tastes like, then this is the meal for you. May be on the expensive side if you don't catch it on your own like my uncle did... But let me inform you that it is worth every coin. You get the joy of lobster and crab in the soft, chewy carcas of another dead shellfish! Add some melted butter, an you'll swear this has to be illegal. Take your taste buds on an odyssey, and feast on some ADSSs today! You'll be glad you did.


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Why would you ever mash up lobster and then stuff it in shrimp? :shock:

AND crab and scallop!

And because it seemed like an awesome idea at the time. And we had more shrimp than we did lobster, so the lobster being part of the stuffing worked out in the end.

EDIT also I foun out these big shrimps are called Tiger Shrimp. Huge.

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Not bad since you're using raw ingredients to make something, even if it's a jumble of dead shellfish.

I was expecting you to mix in a bag of doritos or something. Magi, I am disappoint.

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