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Imagination Bedtime Story Time Issue #1



Hello all! I'm Imagination, also known as Magi, among other not-so-polite things! I tell the BEST bedtime stories! Hands down! And today, I will share one with you, regaling of my fantastic adventures of life and other stuff!

Story #1: I Do Solemnly Pledge!

Once upon a time, ol' Magi had found himself at college! Now, this wasn't just any college, fillies and colts! It was a college full of fun activities, silly outfits, fun food, and no such thing as an indoor voice!

I'm of course speaking of military school!

We had wonderful times there, but sometimes... SOMETIMES, our living spaces were under scrutiny. We called these charming events, INSPECTIONS! Woo! I was the best at inspections kids. Never failed! Not once! But my instructors didn't like this very much at all! No they did not! Not because I was clean and timely, but because I was still... Well, an idiot. But don't worry children! I haven't changed much.

Anywho! One fine morning my roommates and I were preparing for the latest inspection, when one of our instructors came into our room and demanded that the floor be SPOTLESS! Who was I to argue? It seemed sensible! But everyone else was hogging the mops and the inspection was in 10 minutes!

Time was of the essence! The bootsteps of doom were looming closer and closer! But then, Magi had the most planest of clevers. Digging through the room, I found a few cans of pledge! We decided to spray this lovely substance upon the tile floor and wipe it down! It was so clean, and smelled so nice, I nearly wept! And what's more, it had a charming side-effect! The floor was now a slick as ice! ICE! My roommate and I had a heck of a time balancing ourselves on this surface, and we just knew that our instructors wouldn't like this at all. Oh no, it seemed our goose was cooked! But there was no time to fix it! They were coming! We got into our inspection positions and managed to balance ourselves. We awaited our fate.

One instructor came to our room. He took one step on the glistening floor, and slipped! He caught himself on the doorframe and saved himself, pulling himself up and storming off without a word. About fifteen minutes later, he returned! With a whole cadre of angry instructors! However, he failed to tell them about the room! When they stormed on it, there was a pile of angry uniforms at our door, and it was all we could do to not laugh. It wasn't long before the Captain arrived. This man skated along the slick surface like a tundran gazelle. So graceful! He stopped before me and asked if I pledged the floor, I answered in the affirmative! Expecting a lecture, he congratulated me and skated away, leaving the room.

And that was how we found out our Platoon Sergeant's laugh sounded like a donkey.

Good night everyone!


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