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Prologue - From the Desk of Lux

Hello, Lux here!

Some of you may know that besides role playing and drawing I'm also a writer. So I plan to bring writing back here in the form of a secondary blog called The Journal of Lore Weaver. This will chronicle and expand upon certain events surrounding my ponysona, Lore Weaver, and give insight into his life as Ponyville's Head Librarian!

Couple of FAQ things:

Q: Is this canon?

A: Yes it is. I don't differentiate the events of World of Equestria or Canterlot Chronicles so all events and added thoughts will be added here.

Q: How close will it relate to the show?

A: Well, any events that take place in Ponyville or Canterlot will certainly be recorded here. Beyond that anything else may be referenced to second hand (or hoof).

Q: Will we get some Twilight Sparkle references and the Mane Six?

A: If they are in the episodes or RPing with my character then yes.

Q: Can I use this information?

A: Unless you somehow broke into Lore Weaver's house and stole his journal I don't think you can. This is just a fun thing to read.

So get ready ponies, because soon Lore Weaver will be writing in the Journal!


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It's not really breaking in, if Lore keeps leaving his doors unlocked! Let's see..October 26...oh...steamy!



Why do I see that as a future thread? 

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And if anyone pays me enough bits, I'll share the spot where Lore 'hides' all of his Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Mmm. >:)



You wouldn't dare...

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