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September 03, 2011



Today has been fabulous. I slept for only an hour or two. I also had to walk 2.5 miles to work.

See, my family went out of town. I knew this was coming, but I kinda forgot to ask it off. I can't drive, and I couldn't find a ride. This is partially because I have no friends. (Okay, so a Facebook status isn't trying that hard...)

Anyway, last night I knew I was going to have to walk. But, I wasn't tired. I thought about staying up all night... Then I didn't.

Oh, also, I have tiny chickens disease (otherwise known as the common cold). I'm not super-sick, but not all the way healthy. So add that.

So, it ended up being 45 minutes to work. Not all that bad. I mean time-wise. It was hot. See, I live in a desert. And yes, it is already hot by 8am. So I ended up early to work, because it took me 15 minutes shorter than estimated.

Realized I forgot deodorant, even though I looked at it the night before. I thought I put it in my bag! (Anyway, where is it?) Luckily, I don't sweat all that much.

On to work. Today's story is an awesome one rather than a weird one. This lady calls and says she had this book that she misplaced. She remembers what the cover looks like. Inwardly I groaned. This store must have thousands of books. I knew I was not going to be able to find it.

Then she said that it was a Christian book. She described the cover as orange, though she said her daughter said it was yellow. She sounded elderly, so I went with that it was probably yellow. She also said there was a little boy on the front. It was about a little boy who died and went to Heaven, then came back to life and told his mom about it.

Now, the book desk is located in the middle of the books section. Behind the desk is the Christian section. So, I'm trying to look through the book edges (while still on the phone), picking out yellow and orange ones. Now, I'm a foot or two away from the shelf, so I can't read titles. I'm just looking for colors. My eyes are drawn to these identical two yellow books on one of the top shelves. It looked like there was a little boy on the bind... But I scanned for other yellow and orange books.

I asked her to hold while I went to look. At any rate, I'd quickly scan through the orange and yellow books I could find in that section and see if anything looked like what she described.

I picked the one I had my eye on, scanning the cover. Yellow. Little boy. Title 'Heaven is for Real'. Picked up the phone and asked if that was it. Totally was.

Christian section is decent sized. Not sure what the chances are that the first book I picked up was the right one. Anyway, guess I was channeling the book vibe today.

Oh, and as my shift was about to end, the next book person came in. I briefly told her about the books the lady wanted (she a copy for herself and one for a friend), and that she'd be in to pick them up. Get ready to leave, use the restroom... Walking through the store to leave (restroom is at the back) when I see this elderly lady standing by the book desk. The other book person wasn't there yet, and as I approached and said hello, she told me her name (I had taken it down so I knew who to hold the books for). Guess it was luck or something that got me out there when I did.

Books I searched for today:

Air conditioner (maintenance?)

Baby sign language

Arizona snakes

The Color Purple by Alice Walker



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