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Almond Joy

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Name: Almond Joy

Gender: Male

Age: I'ma Stallion, o' course!

Species: Earth pony, you won't see me paradin' around with a horn o' a pair o' wings!

Pelt Color: A bright white, like the inside of one of those coconuts o' mine!

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: My mane and tail's a nice ol' dark brown. I wear 'em lose!

Eye Color: Deep royal blue.

Cutie Mark: 'Alf o' an coconut, with three almonds next to it.

Physique: I'm pretty strong from worki' in these here fields, but I'm nothin' special.

Origin: Just outside of that big ol' town called Trottingham.

Roleplay Type: Main, what else?

Occupation: I farm a few kinds o' nuts. Almonds, coconuts and chocolate nuts- er- beans. Don't tell the rest o' the nut family though!

Motivation: To grow fine nuts to sell in some of the biggest, fanciest restarants in Trottingham!

Character Summary: I grew up on an acorn farm down on those big Nimbusgait lakes. My mom and pap (Acorn Seed and Oak Nut,) had an acorn farm. I never did really know what they did with those acorns they grew, but they must'a had some purpos! I was a very trustin' foal, without much curiou-ity.

That changed when me mom said it was near time for me to start of on my own. I hadn't gotten my cutie mark yet you see, even if I was nearly done with school. T'was nearly certain I'd be a farmin' pony. I'm from the nut family, and that's what we do! I liked helpin' my pop in the acorn fields, too! So, I set out to find my talent. I went to the other nut farms of the members of the nut family to see what they did. I say peanut farms, walnut farms, almond farms and even coconut farms! it t'wasn't long before I realized that it look quite borin' to just farm what kind of nut. I wanted to plant more then one. Almonds and coconuts were my favorite, why couldn't I have an almond and coconut farm? And that's when this here mark appeared!

After farmin' almonds and coconuts for a few years, I decided to add chocolate beans. Chocolate goes good with coconut, and I do like chocolate... Then those fansy-smasy restuar-ants in Trottingham got involved. Said I was a 'very special orgoonic farm' or somethin' like that. So now I'm happily growin' almonds, coconuts and chocolate on my farm in these here hills outside o' Trottingham, and makin' a decent amount of bits from restuar-ant. And that's my story!

(OOC~ I wasn't totally sure how much to do with the accent, so, sorry if I layed it on too thick.)

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