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  1. Appliance


    *bows* :I WELCOME SIR TEMP. I AM ECSTATIC THAT YOU HAVE ARRIVED. I hope you find everything well. *flies off*
  2. I still haven't finished it ;-; And Hipster Street Fighter.. NOO
  3. Thank you very much c: I'll try to contain my excitement >w<
  4. I edited it and put it up C: Is that good enough, or do you need anything more descriptive as for appearance? And thanks again
  5. I feel so selfish, asking for others to draw my pony for me.. But if it's not too much trouble, could you draw Silversword for me? http://www.canterlot.com/index.php/topic/2909-pegasus-silversword-final/ I mean.. If you want ;-;
  6. Oh! Somepony younger then me! Hi there! And welcome c:
  7. HNNGH I love all of them XD Especially Chuck Testa! "Is that an antelope driving a car?!" "Nope. CHUCK TESTA"
  8. Wants to have Silver accepted already! ;^;

  9. U-um.. If you need any military ponies, perhaps Silversword would be useful? http://www.canterlot.com/index.php/topic/2909-pegasus-silversword-final/ Just in case c:
  10. May I just say this was really nice! I especially liked the beginning, I hadn't expected that to happen. :3
  11. It's no problem at all c: I didn't figure it out until today XD
  12. *nibbles hooves* I'm more excited than you. :3
  13. Thank you So kind c: and Beat Match, we shall hold a waiting competition. The name of the game is excitement. :II *me gusta*
  14. I don't hide it :3 Actually, my best friend is a brony too, and he comes over at times for pony marathons. XD We actually went to a toy store and bought a Rarity (my favorite!) and Fluttershy (his favorite!) "action figure" -as he calls it.- We filmed the whole thing, and told the cashier that it was "for his niece". She just laughed and smiled at us. Overall, it was a pretty funny experience. And yeah, my family knows I watch ponies xD
  15. Ooh, I can't wait http://www.canterlot.com/index.php/topic/2909-pegasus-silversword-final/ If you need any help, especially with how the hair looks, just ask. ^^ Thanks again!
  16. Oooh. Would you mind doing my OC Silversword? She's not finished yet, and I haven't been able to find my tablet, but I have a description of her up if ya wanna try your hand at her?
  17. I like this application quite a lot I think this character is quite unique and I would like to see him in action in some RP's. That being said, I believe you can change the tag (Pegasus) to (Unicorn) when you go to edit, and click on "use full editor". Also, I love the bee theme c: and honeycomb cutie mark XD
  18. I think I'm done now.. At least I hope so Phew! Edit: MODERATORS! Y U NO COMMENT? Y U NO ACCEPT? Y U NO CRITICIZE? ;-;
  19. Argh! I don't like being patient! XD

  20. Yay! Now.. I think I'm finished dunno if I should change the tab or not, but I hope this is okay.
  21. So he's like a jack of all trades kinda pony? And yes, I think that might be a good idea, just to be safe c:
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