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Everything posted by Appliance

  1. Let's just stop and think, before I lose faith.

    1. Davroth


      I always lose faith when I stop and think. What gives? :o

    2. Appliance


      From a song, silly goat. XD

    3. Davroth


      I'm an agent of chaos. :D

  2. FIXED YOU ARE NOW LAUNCHED. This pleases App-lestia.
  3. You like bananas, right Fawkes? Well. You're about to go bananas... ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!*
  4. The mare was nearly nose-to-nose with the stallion, who hadn't his own name in return when she had. Figures. He steals a fruit, and doesn't have the common courtesy to even give his own name. They must not have had manners over there. She grumbled to herself for a moment, before continuing her icy grin, fiery eyes shooting him a peculiar look. It was passive-aggressive, a look that said, "mess up again, and you'll be sorry." Silversword broke off the stare when she felt a bit of wind blow past her, ruffling her feathers. Had this stallion seen her wings? No matter. If he did, she would have a quick retort ready. He did not give her a look of enmity, but the simple fact that he seemed so at ease, so accepting of his lack of virtues unnerved her. This would certainly be a complication. She could not openly criticize him, as he probably did not understand the system, but she wished she could do something. Silversword heard the stallion sigh, and nearly laughed as he spoke, his tone lyrical, his eyes narrowed. "I apologise for taking the fruit, for you see, I am new to this country and have not any money." "Being new to someplace does not give you the right to have a complete lack of virtues. Or manners," she snorted. "I do believe that when one pony gives his or her name, the other will respond with theirs in return." She tugged on her cloak, attempting to conceal both her simple weapon and her wings. This sword was not the best, being one Squires used, but she did not have her Destrier sword as of yet. Her icy smile returned yet again as she brought her tail up to hoof-level. "Put your hoof out," she muttered, grabbing the apple in her mouth by the stem, making a quick decision to give this pony a lesson in humility and honor.
  5. Ha.. Ha.. *floor beneath Fawkes reveals cannon*
  6. Silversword gently took the fruit (an apple, she noticed) and carefully wrapped it in her tail, watching this strange stallion. His cheeks seemed slightly pink, for some reason, one which she did not understand. His look of embarrassment pleased her. Good, she thought to herself, holding her tail up from the ground gingerly, protecting the fruit. Perhaps now he regrets the stupidity of taking what is not his. Her eyes swept over him, noticing his few, meager possessions that the stallion owned. When she saw his cutie mark, her left brow rose, a look of curiosity on her features for a fleeting moment, before she composed herself and went back to the neutral, slightly annoyed look that she preferred to use on this stallion. She was calming down, of course, but if this pony kept it up, she was bound to snap eventually. Patience only lasted so long. Silversword started a little when he approached, stepping back quickly, before realizing that this was not what she should do. She took two steps forward when he took one. "What's your name, miss?" he asked, staring into her eyes. You want to play games? I can play your games. She thought, her eyes narrowed slightly until she suddenly gave him a smile. A cold one. "Silversword." She stuck out her hoof in what would have been a friendly greeting, had she been an open and friendly pony. Instead, it was a challenge. How would he play it off? Her eyes narrowed slightly, and her grin widened a bit.
  7. No. My bag. Of bananas. Hurricane, you like bananas, right?
  8. Oh, BlackFang. *takes out banana from banana bag* And now, I must ask. Do you like bananas?
  9. Silversword heard the stallion stumble, and her eyes brightened a bit, ears perking at the sound. She leaned forward slightly, as if to take a proud step forward, which ended instead as a tiny, hesitant step. "..Yes?" The stallion had said, giving her a charming smile. Her eyes narrowed when he smiled and circled around her, prowling like some sort of predatory creature. She growled, the sound low in her throat and rising as he continued to circle her. It wasn't a comfortable feeling, knowing that this stallion this NEWCOMER was mocking her. The growl in her throat became louder, until she finally stopped. "Actually, yes. A Destrier, at your service." She spat out the word 'service', her wings shuffling underneath her cloak, still obscured as of yet. "Pet.." she muttered, her eyes sparking, and all of a sudden, she lashed out, and the fruit was now in her grasp. "When you give the owner of the fruit stall the bits, you can have this." Silversword continued angrily, her tail flicking in aggravation.
  10. Silversword raised a hoof to her muzzle, having stopped trotting for a moment. "Well.." she tapped her hoof to her muzzle in contemplation, looking at Quasar carefully. "The thing is, being a guard is tough. You don't just help ponies, you also have to fight off threats to the princesses.'' She raised an eyebrow, deciding that she didn't want him to have to fight anything. "Why not something more to your liking? What are your talents?" she asked.
  11. "New ponies.." excited whispers had passed through Hoofington, and groups of ponies had arrived at the harbor, attempting to get glimpses of the strange, new arrivals. They were all rather surprised when they did not see any unicorns. A murmur went throughout the crowd, but as the ponies docked and began to get off the ship, many of the ponies from Hoofington began to introduce themselves to these new mares and stallions. Not far off, a silver mare trotted down the waterline, dressed in a simple cloak. She was to help these new ponies if need be, and to help them adjust. There were others, also dressed as she was, in differently-colored cloaks but of the same style, there for the same purpose as she. They, however, seemed more approachable, and were already helping out small groups of newcomers. Silversword had a very disgruntled look on her face, as she paced along the waterline. She stopped, stretched her wings, and preened, wondering what these new arrivals would do with their lives now that they had arrived in Hoofington. Lost in her musings, she had nearly missed it when an Earth pony stallion had quietly and easily stolen a fruit, knocking it into his bag. Surprised and outraged, she followed him into an alleyway, where it was far enough from the others to not get his fresh start ruined, but where she could make him give the fruit back and repent. "Excuse me." she murmured angrily, her eyes bright with disbelief that someone could have no virtue, or at least not enough virtue to pay for a fruit. Her wings were tucked against her back, hidden by the cloak. "I believe you have taken something that does not belong to you." she added. Anger had given her a voice, and she was going to use it.
  12. I like how he tried to drink from a mug with his astronaut helmet XD Also.. MORE MUSIC NAO
  13. Silversword listened to the salespony talk about the delicate process of creating porcelain cups, a slight frown crossing her features, her feathers ruffling a bit in agitation. Expensive. He's trying to tell you that you can't afford it, she thought to herself, her fiery eyes narrowing slightly, until she heard him speak again, his smooth words washing over him like cool water on a hot day. Unsure of what to think, she pressed her lips together tightly, watching him carefully, her expression both one of wonder and distrust. She did not understand why this stallion was telling her all this. Perhaps he was lonely, and was glad for the company? Or perhaps it was a scheme in order to get her to purchase his wares? Silversword watched him closely, focusing on his body language. He seems honest. Her ears perked as she heard him speak, and she considered her own experiences. She was aggressive to others when they did dishonorable things, but gentle to her parents, who she held dear above all things. Just as she was beginning to lose herself in thought, she felt something hover above her, a gentle breeze, and then her cloak gently fluttered down to her, the soft fabric quietly settling itself on her body. This stallion smiled, constantly smiled, at her. Why did he seem so glad? She had merely sat beside his cart, merely watched over his creations as he had had slept, a peaceful look upon his features. She did not understand. Rarely did a pony smile at her like that, and it confused her. Cautiously, she returned the gaze, her expression changing from stiff and serious to bemused, as she noticed the salespony flying in front of her, a wide grin upon his face. “As a humble potter, I do not believe ponies lack virtues, but simply believe they have yet to learn from trial and error… A beautiful pony as you should not be so quick to jump to worst case scenarios. Although, I suppose it comes with the job.” The look on Silverswords' face changed from mildly puzzled to very bemused, and a bit surprised at the compliment. She quickly stared down at her own hooves, her cheeks a bit pink as she mumbled something under her breath, which sounded oddly like, "I have never had very much reason to jump to a good conclusion." As he rummaged through his cart, curiosity overcame her, and the mare looked up from her hooves, quietly watching, cringing every time she thought he might accidentally crush something. Upon his last question, though, she became even more puzzled, if possible. She could not see how he could have realized that she was a Guard pony. Yes, although her hooves were riddled with small cuts and thin scars that would soon fade, she had not been wearing her armor. So exactly how was it that he could tell? Her tail twitched in agitation, wondering exactly who this traveling salespony was. He has asked me a question, however, she reminded herself, and her wings shuffled again, as if they would like to answer for her. "...Destrier," she began cautiously, watching him carefully as she spoke, her voice quiet, not entirely sure he could hear. "I am not one for luxuries. But these are very.. beautiful creations." Silversword murmured, her eyes taking in all the details of the different things. "Also, I would like to get something for my par-- for someponies I know. They are quite fond of tea," she finished, sticking one silvery-green wing out, and preening, a nervous habit of hers.
  14. *walks into the thread dripping in gold* Oh hey guys. This? Just trying a new look. Also.. I'd like an ice cream sundae. :3
  15. Folks like you don't come round these parts very often, Angie. They stick to drawing and making delicious baked goods. What happened, Angie? What happened? :'c
  16. Hmm.. I'm a bit of a tomboy, I dunno, but.. I really like to draw designs for clothes. x_x Dubstep and classical music, too. I like Skrillex and Satie. (weird mix? XD)
  17. http://www.canterlot...versword-final/ c: http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/43787768/1/Mitch%27s%20doodles?h=606499 Reference Images c:
  18. Ah, Fawkes. Yet still you linger? Do you not see the world crumbling outside you window? Why do you stay, when the birds sing of freer places? .. In other words. Lemme win. :}
  19. *flails arms wildly as dance move* Hmm.. Either one of my mares, whatever you want. :3
  20. You have mistaken me for a man: that was your first mistake. Your second mistake was that you believed my plan would not succeed. I believe it will, as I am harnessing the power of friendship as we speak.
  21. Through mind power, those cookies will become real. *coughs* BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL!
  22. YOU MAY DRAW FOR ME. :I Because ai wuff woo
  23. I daresay you all have forgotten about me? Excellent. Everything is going as planned.
  24. I hate mmmm bananas. Regular bananas, that don't get you sent to the moon are okay. And hmm.. No idea, Willow ;^; (Darn no google rule!)
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