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Sweet Gent

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About Sweet Gent

  • Birthday 11/25/1985

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Chivalry, Literature, Lyrics and Song, Medieval Musical Instruments, Magic, Paladin Styled Training, Hats, Bow Ties.
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Contact Methods

  • Steam

Sweet Gent's Achievements

Blank Flank

Blank Flank (2/9)



  1. Your greeting is much appreciated, Skye, along with you recent attempts to assist me with template access issues. I've been a poet and writer for a long time, and I'm hoping my inner muse picks up soon.
  2. Welcome, Eclipse. I'm glad to meet some one who joined the herd pretty much right when I did. Sadly, I've been more of a lurker, but with new friends like you I suppose that reclusive behavior is over for me.
  3. What is this pony doing? Glad somepony would bother asking, to be honest. Mostly working and sleeping, and watching The Big Bang Theory. I might have a buffer, but I'm a frighteningly geeky individual.
  4. We only See DJ PON-3 for maybe a few seconds, but that's a few seconds of pure awesome. We can expect more of them this season, but the actual DJ, well... she's not allowed to spoil anything.
  5. Pro: Transportation is easy. Con: You have thousands of sociopath stalkers, including government agents Telekinetic powers
  6. Steamer is an awesome concept. And I see you're already improving your style, so there's nothing to worry about if you keep working at it. The first vector of Apis is actually impressive, and the concept art for Stone Stare and Spiderweave get me really curious.
  7. A friend from work who always invited me to online Left 4 Dead games told me about it some months ago and dared me to watch just one episode before judging. Before I knew it, I'd gone a whole day without sleep and had to get ready for work again. And I was tempted to call in so I'd see the newest episode live. Anyway, welcome to Canterlot and enjoy your stay, sir.
  8. I love the detail you put into the Trixie stamp especially, and Spike's facial expression is very striking. Very good job, sir. If ever I need a Sweet Gent stamp, I know who to ask.
  9. I love a good chivalry portrait! And, the musical instrument of choice is strikingly accurate too. But the most accurate detail is the look in Luna's eyes. Well done, and keep up the good work!
  10. Invader Zim is flipping awesome! Welcome to Canterlot. I'm new, myself, and still mostly lurking about and planning an entrance into roleplay here. Have fun! It seems the norm around here for everypony to do just that, as well as be themselves.
  11. So, its time to pay the ren-Oh, ponies!

  12. Yay! My favorite good-aligned character from LoL! I actually have to say that's an amazing job on the armor. This is a very good pegasus interpretation of Kayle, especially with red being the main color.
  13. Excellently colored and accurate design! I often play Morgana when there's a Kayle on the team.
  14. Sweet Gent

    Sona Pony

    Sona has always been my favorite League of Legends character, and this portrait is an impressive "ponyization" of her. I must admit I imagined her as being a unicorn pony what with her magic capability, but this representation reminds me that her magic comes through her musical instrument, which is in some way bound to her, and not through herself. Great work!
  15. Welcome to Canterlot, fellow Doctor Who fan! Or did you mean Doctor Whooves? Everything is better when you turn it into a pony, after all. But in all seriousness, its good to know that there are more fans of the clever series out there. Most people these days don't have the attention span or intelligence to handle, much less appreciate Doctor Who.
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