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Status Updates posted by Zealot

  1. Caribou Plague ehh? Things are looking up. :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bellosh



      I would be more than happy with mass caribou genocide. 

      So you'd be happy to see this adorable, pure-hearted caribou gone forever? :(

    3. SunsetSombra



    4. Zealot


      Yes. Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne!

      Seriously, yes.

  2. Crunch is now over. Yay! Posts will commence soon.

  3. I'm off. Bye Canterlot. I will be around for the next few days in case I need to wrap something up, otherwise I will be leaving this site. I just can't justify checking it anymore. Please let me know if I don't have you on Skype and I still talk to you. Though, I'm pretty sure I have everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eventide


      Seemed more of a heads up than making a big deal of it to me, but I guess that's a matter of opinion. :blush:

    3. Zeig


      Definitely a matter of opinion. 


      Thanks for the heads up Zealot. It would have been really sad and confusing if you'd just stopped using the site without a word. I enjoyed RPing with you a lot. Hope to see you around online, maybe in the future!

    4. Zealot


      I'm not looking to stir up anything guys. I'm just not going to be using Canterlot anymore so I wanted to make sure everyone I wanted to keep talking to had me on skype. Which it looks like they do. Besides, I wouldn't want to just poof without a word, that's rude in my book. Heh.


      Anyway, yeah. Thanks for the roleplay Zeig. Maybe I will see you around, maybe not.

  4. I'm out. Bye guys.

  5. Two/Three weeks of crunch... Oh yeah. I'm ready!

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