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Everything posted by Fawkes

  1. ohai thar angie Do YOU need a removal? *waves around hacksaw*
  2. *holds up hacksaw* Are you requesting a removal? I can do removals. I LIKE doing removals :3
  3. Seems like that link is actually broken... or something. WELL ANYWAY, HERE'S THE VIDEO. Enjoy your cry, everypony >:3
  4. Oh my. This thread is gonna be a mile long by the time I'm done. I have an extensive pony playlist! BUT I'LL GO IN SETS OF THREE. I'll start with three of the bestest, firstest~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sryqaS07WaU&list=FL27OWJ9JquSEvZoyscRXAkg&index=19 Anypony notice a trend here? Here's a hint: It's pink :3
  5. Ooh! Ooh! I want apple juice tooooo, appppppyyyyy! And another hug!
  6. *squees and hugs Appy back super, duper tight* Mmph, thankies! c: *starts to gallop off toward Candy Mountain before slowly stopping* *turns back to App* But... erm... but aren't you coming too?
  7. *looks at Normandy blankly* .... *looks up at candy mountain* Mmph... *looks back at App* Mmn... uhm... I... *looks down at the ground shyly, kicking the ground* A-Appy... can... uhm... c-can I have... a hug first... m-maybe... please?
  8. Do you mean magic in that pseudo-magical kinda way? Like saying laughter or love or even... friendship, is magic? I mean, what kinda magic does Applejack have? Bucking apples to the point of exhaustion? xD I can kinda see what you mean with all the other mane, though: Fluttershy has the Stare. Dashie has the Rainboom. Pinkie has reality-bending capabilities. Twi and Rare are obviously already magical.
  9. "1001st anniversary of Everfree Forest Massacre"
  10. *stares at App* ... *stares over at Noah* ...... *looks back at Appy* Appppppppyyyyyyyy, when are we gonna get to candy mouuuuuuntaaaaaaain? Are we theeeerrre yeeeeeeet? I WANT CANDYYYYY, APPPPPPPPPYYYY!
  11. *slowly stops kicking Noah, staring into space* ... I... He's... HE'S MY BROTHERRRRR? :!:
  13. Yeah, yeah! We wanna go to candy mooouuuuutain, Appppppyyyyyyyy! Caaaaannddyyyyy Moooouuuutaaaaaiinnn!!
  14. Pleasure ta meetcha, Danton! I'mma Fawkes~ I have no idea what pony vectoring is. I have a funny feeling it has something to do with ponies, though. WHICH MEANS IT'S AUTOMATICALLY AWESOME. Just like your avatar over there. Lookit that guy. He's just all like, "Pffh. Yeah. I'm da boss. Wut of it? Watch me shimmer my sexy blue mane back and forth. *shimmer shimmer shimmer*" So awesome~ BUT WELCOME TO THE ROYAL CITY, DANTON! Hope you have a great time here~
  15. NO! IIIIIII wanna go to candy mountain! Appppyyyyy, take me to candy mouuuuuntain! I wanna go NOOOWWWWW!
  16. Appppppyyyyy! I don't WANNA go to candy island! I wanna go in the candy meat van! Penumbra saysed that it looked legit! I want candy meat and I WANT IT NOOOOOOOW!
  17. *points at Bronies and looks pleadingly at Appy* Nuh uh! Nuh uh! He's telling liiiiiiiies, Appppppyyyyyyyy! I'm a good boy! I was just joking, I love boats! Apppppyyyy, I love boats more than Noah! *looks at Bronies* Appy loves ME more! *looks back to Appy* Right, Appy?! Right, right? Tell 'em! Right, Appy? Riiiiiiiiiight? Apppppppyyyyyyyy, rightrightright?
  18. *squirms and tantrums* Apppppyyyy, why does heeeeeee get to go on the boat? Why am iiiiiiii goin' on the boat? I hate boooooats. They smell like griffoooooons!
  19. *my horn glows, forming giant distracting, neon, sparkling, words in midair in front of Appy's eyes* "But Appppppppyyyyyyyy!" "I'm hungrrrryyyy! Can't we stoooooop?" "Are we going on a boat? But I don't have a life veeeeeeest! "Apppppppyyyyy, do you think im prettyyyyy?"
  20. Oh dear! *glances up at Appy with mild interest as I am ponynapped* Where ever are we going? Will this be an extended trip? I don't have my toothbrush! Don't hold me so tightly! My withers are chaffing! Can we stop? I'm thirsty!
  21. S'all good. I gotted 900th post. Imma epic wiiiiin >:3 ALSO I THINK THE 1000TH POST SHOULD BE WINRAR. Oh and nighty night, Angie! Don't let the manticores bite ~
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