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Everything posted by Tenkan

  1. Welcome to Canterlot, fellow brony!
  2. 888 posts beyond the Green Sun... *Shakes head* ...that's impossible, even for a unicorn!
  3. Brace yourselves...

    1. Davroth


      My body is ready.

  4. Oh, look at the time! I should be hitting the hay, So I'll be going! (Most standard Haiku I could think of. )
  5. All I see is a broken image. Now all I have are broken dreams. :'(
  6. Not sure if cheesy joke or meaningful statement.
  7. Aah, I got 86/196. If only I knew most of the African and South American countries I would have aced the quiz!
  8. My friend, the only possible explanation to such an occurance is that PINKIE PIE IS TRULY WITHIN YOU! I don't care, I'm putting this as my signature, Fawkes.
  9. Hahaha, out of all the funny faces that have been pulled in MLP, I'd say this one's my favorite! And that caption fits so well. xD
  10. Welcome to Canterlot, Flutterguy! I'm sure you'll find almost everypony here respectful and are open for new bronies to join the community.
  11. Wow. Mysterious Mare? This season is going to be one heck of a rollercoaster ride.
  12. Just finished making my first YTP. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!

    1. Davroth


      Well done. The test results are in. You are a horrible person. That's what it says, a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that.

    2. Tenkan


      Pulling a GLaDOS on me, eh?

    3. Davroth


      I couldn't find a HAL9000 quote fitting the occasion. :P

  13. I wish I was a Pegasus or Unicorn. I'd finish my garden chores a lot quicker.

  14. My reaction after reading your entire epic post. It's my pleasure to welcome you, Asta, to the friendlies forum you'll see on this side of the internet! I'm Tenkan! You can just call me Tenkan (without the exclamation), and quite frankly, I find your writing awesome! (So awesome, that I'll grant you the full honor of correcting my grammar whenever you please!) On a side note, I don't make the rules here, but I think you're free to post your writing/artwork in the Creativity section of the forum as long as it's pony related. I'm not fully sure, so maybe you should ask a moderator or something.
  15. I gotta say, your signature gives off a very charismatic and creative edge to your profile. I like the drawings.
  16. I sit here doing nothing but drink Capri Sun all day and I STILL have time for all you ponies. Yeah...whad'up!
  17. Haha, typical MAD. I don't really have a proper response to any of this.
  18. One major factor changes the mood of the day: WEATHER. Eeeeyup. And the weather is awesome.

  19. Yeah, well, I... ...actually, I'm in no position to criticize.
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