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Everything posted by Tenkan

  1. "People might not get all they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
  2. New theme every few weeks? I approve! Gives a new mood to Canterlot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales
    3. Tenkan


      Any time, Tales!

      Hmmm...but if there ARE users that aren't happy about it, maybe there should be an option for them to change it according to what they prefer as a background?

    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      I don't know of anypony who isn't happy about it... but most users haven't said either way. Just kind of reassuring to know that if one person likes it, others probably do too.

      Also, users DO have the option to change their theme, if they get bored of it.

  3. Showoffs. Showing off your...fancy sh'mancy Cutie Marks.
  4. Welcome to Canterlot, DP! Have a blast!
  5. That'll do, brony. That'll do. *Gets off his mini-throne and almost makes his way out* *Sigh*...sea ponies...
  6. That video... ...Ugh...I don't feel so good... SSSSSWEEEEEEEET!
  7. *Finishes the last crumb of the pie* My life is complete.
  8. Welcome to Canterlot! Another Star Wars fan? Woot woot! Brohoof!
  9. Oatmeal?! Are you--- *The heat from the pie fogs Tenkan's pilot goggles* I like! *Opens his mouth, an inch away from biting the pie*
  10. *Epic sad face of disappointment as stomach growls* This is so uncool.
  11. *Rubs his temples in agony* So many words...so many choices! So many promises!
  12. But Fawkes! If war wages on...then.......No PIE!!!
  13. Welcome to Canterlot! You can canter over here, or canter over there! You can canter pretty much everywhere!
  14. Welcome, Cola! Canterlot's the best place for ponies you'll find on this part of the internet!
  15. Welcome to Canterlot, man! SWEEEET! <-----That's me expressing how awesome I think your avatar is.
  16. Wow, really? The war never ended? It's been a whole day!
  17. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have a blast! I just started Freshman year, also! Majoring in Psychology, you say? Good luck! But wait...doesn't that mean...you can read our minds?!
  18. *Walks out of a hay-stack, yawning* Morning, everypony! What did I miss?
  19. Luna, save us! *Throws the Pinkie Pie launcher at Fawkes and dives right into a hay-stack* Fight your own war! I'm built for flying, not dying!
  20. *Rubs ear* O.K! O.K! Sheesh. *Lifts Pinkie Pie launcher as he spreads his Pegasus wings and starts to fly* This better be loaded! *Tries to hold still to aim at Davroth* Ah, fiddlesticks! Why's it so windy today! I can't aim straight!
  21. They're all prepped! But we need more ponies to man them, Captain! *Carries one Pinkie Pie launcher* But now worries, I can carry one fine.
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