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Status Replies posted by Tenkan

  1. ARRRAAAGRRR! I thought I was done with school! Why am I going back?

  2. before god and their mothers, they call to me. medic!

  3. I spend most of my time in the chat room. So come join the chat room!

  4. Just bought my first brony merchendise! MCDONALDS RD TOY! WOOOOT!

  5. Because @PropellerheadSW make software FAR too awesome for my PC to handle. I have a new CPU being delivered today. :)http://t.co/ZC5KGkS7

  6. New members coming in the dozens. I don't think we've had so many intro threads in a week! ><

  7. The next time I go to a drive-thru, I HAVE to put on a silly voice. I should record it too.

  8. Can someone link me to a nice Luna Google Chrome theme?


  10. You can never have too much Derpy art.

  11. Found one of our long lost kittens, Rita. So glad she's alive. :D

  12. Terror: Agreeing to take a leadership roll in an organization of which you know only the other leaders. Because I have a lot of names to learn.

  13. The next time I go to a drive-thru, I HAVE to put on a silly voice. I should record it too.

  14. I shouldn't be one to judge other's surnames, since mine is just as odd.

  15. I shouldn't be one to judge other's surnames, since mine is just as odd.

  16. I shouldn't be one to judge other's surnames, since mine is just as odd.

  17. My first project in ceramics :D... The ear broke off :(... What do you think (: ? http://t.co/OUVnarve

  18. farewell mlp forums.

  19. i cant believe i met my all time favorite dj @ImaAlexS everfree was truely one of the most badass cons ive been to

  20. What a wonderful website! I am so glad I found it :) I can't wait to show the fellow Equestrians here my new "Coltaran Saga" Role-play!

  21. Got my Senior pictures done! they'll be up soon! ;)

  22. I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/pOTNd47r Poetry Cinquain's New Series

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