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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Cheerilee smiled as she slid open the curtains to the classroom, letting in the sunlight to brighten the room. The desks were still covered in a light layer of dust from sitting all winter, but that wouldn't take too long to clean. After all, the hardest tasts of the schoolroom had already been done. The blackboards were wiped clean, and the floor swept bare. Her easel with its giant pad of paper stood at the read with a fresh sheet flipped up for the day's lessons, and Ponyville's teacher couldn't be prouder of her job. She always loved seeing those bright and smiling faces every morning, but none moreso than on the first day of school! Oh sure, a new filly would need some consolation from being homesick, or there'd be a colt who proved to be a little too unruly, but there hadn't been a foal yet that hadn't eventually found their place in her class. She could never give up on a young pony, and making them cheerful by the end of the day was her heart-given mission! And she'd sure do her best to make sure every pony went home with a little bit of it in their saddlebags after school let out. The mare began humming to herself a merry little tune she'd heard from Fluttershy one morning, and it'd just stuck in her head and she'd been humming it for at least two days now. And it never got old! Cheerilee walked up and down the aisles between the desks, straightening the benches polished from so many years of pony rumps sitting on them, and the desks with their scratches from years of pencils working their surfaces through a thin layer of paper. Each one had its story to tell, each one had seen so many students. Why, this very one here. This was her desk when she was just a little filly, even before she had her cutie mark. Cheerilee gazed at the little desk with love. Had she really been so small as to fit at that? She surely had! Leaving the desk for her apprenticeship as assistant instructor and later to take over the job when her predecessor had retired had been one of the hardest things she'd ever done, but she never looked back with apprehension. Instead, she always looked towards the future! After she'd finished her tidying tasks and was satisfied the classroom was ready for the morning's lessons, only then did Cheerilee open the door to the school and ring the bell at its peak. Soon her sweet students would be arriving, and she was so looking forward to hear what they had been doing on their Summer Vacations! Her first lesson for the year: A short essay on what each pony had done. She always loved to hear their stories! And they were always such great practice. This year was going to be a great one, Cheerilee felt!
  2. This has to be one of the best episodes yet.
  3. This is a very disturbed pony! I actually feel sorry for her, too, though I wonder what sorts of troubles she might get up to. I find it rather interesting that she manages to stay in Canterlot without getting into trouble. But, I hope you have fun with her. Approved!
  4. Skye cocked his head as he listened, and tried to picture Fluttershy in a fashion show. Given her gentle demeanour and sweetness, he had a hard time visualizing her in anything that required a lot of attention. "Oh, but I think you're sweet and pretty, surely you'd have completely wowed the crowd at first step on stage." though her tone sounded like she didn't like it a whole lot, "But I can understand if you don't. Look at me, I can't even go into Ponyville without drawing attention to myself. There's too many ponies to daydream my way through." he sighed a bit and looked forlorn. "And there's that shop with all those heavenly smells there, too. So many shops and food places, just once I'd like to be able to stroll into one without getting stared at." he smiled. "I'm sure that pleased her to no end, being selected for making dresses like that. I'm glad for her, if it's one thing that makes me the most happy, it's ponies finding their dreams come true." "Well, if the ghostly pony didn't get a ticket, I'll see about looking her up while she's gone. You know where you can always find me, so when you do get back I'd love to hear tell all about it. I'm not sure I'd be able to go even if the Princess herself came down and gave me a ticket." he looked up towards the mountain with Canterlot perched precariously upon it. "There's a few small trails here and there, but the main road has too many ponies on it to travel it, even at night. The only other way for me to get up there safely would be by air." he fluttered his wings. "And Perytons can't fly, as I'm sure I mentioned." but he fairly bounced at the thought. "The gardens would be a great thing to hear about. Tigerlilies that really purr, Snapdragons that really breathe fire..." "Twilight is a very special pony to have been able to get tickets for all of you. She sounds like a true friend. I'd like to meet her myself someday, too. In fact, I think I'd enjoy meeting all of your friends someday."
  5. If you're running XP, go into Device Manager, delete all the USB ports, shut down your computer and reboot. If you're running Vista or Windows 7, you have a larger driver issue and likely may require going to an earlier restore point in safe mode. This is a driver problem that crops up from time to time.
  6. He paused at the door, and smiled at Luna, turning his face to share it with Celestia as well. With a careful bow, he said "As you desire, Princess." then turned with a flick of his tail, casting Luna a wink over his shoulder as he limped out the door and around the corner. His wings spread as he took in the remainder of the sunlight, brightening up as he did. In moments, he had vanished into some of the nearby brush, only his footfalls fading on the paths of the gardens giving tell where he was headed. It'd be no trouble to catch up to him, not at his pace or his direction...when they were ready.
  7. Skye paused, to look to Luna from where she stood before starting to hobble towards Celestia. "That would be ideal, Princess. I'm sure we all have a lot we should have likely shared, for quite some time." This last he said with a meaningful glance towards the moon Princess, then looked up towards the opening door, squinting a bit from the light that trickled through. "Only a day? It felt longer..." his careful step made a silly little tri-step hop as he favored the leg, putting pressure on it only when he had to stand for a period of time. As he reached the door, he looked up towards the larger mare, then back towards Luna as she railed behind. "From Night, to Sunrise, to Sunset, to Sunrise and to Sunset again, and soon it will be night again, Princesses. Strange how time plays tricks on us all." he closed his eyes, facing out towards the garden, his nose wiggling comically as he took in the delightful buffet of smells. His ears swivelling to catch the jukebox of birds as they sang their daily fairwell to the sinking sun. "I've always wondered how that process worked...your raising of the sun...and later, the moon..." his eyes opened as he took in the sight of the gardens, catching his breath. "I met the two of you first in my garden...now I get to meet you in yours..."
  8. The peryton was limping along carefully, their walk a fairly sedate pace, though occasionally leaned against for support by Luna as he stepped up or down a step down the hall. He was looking about as he was talking, noting the beautiful carvings and paintings along the route even while he spoke. The air was doing him much good, and having something in his belly helped as well. Despite the soreness of his flank, he really did feel much better than he had earlier in the night. As long as he didn't over exert himself, he was sure he'd be back to normal in no time. But it was the sudden appearance of Celestia in the hallway that caused him to start, nearly losing his footing as he went from a carpet to tile underhoof. "Goodness, Princess, you startled me!" as she spoke, and at that moment a whole lifetime of images flashed before his eyes. Before it had registered what it was she'd actually said, he'd envisioned himself being tossed in the dungeon for daring touch Celestia's sister, being tossed from the balcony, being tossed in the dungeon and later tossed from the balcony, tossed from the balcony and later tossed in the dungeon, and he almost didn't notice the cooler spot next to him as Luna shied away from her sister's gaze. Then her words brought him back to reality and made him realize that Celestia didn't sound angry. In fact, she'd finished the story, and at Luna's comment, he nodded enthusiastically. "I'm feeling much better. Princess Luna had some things brought up and we'd just had a delicious breakfast just when I think we both needed it most. It was most kind of her to do that for me. And then we were heading to the gardens, I felt the air would do us both some good, in the safety of the castle." as she chuckled, a broad smile crossed his face. "Sick as a fawn discovering a berry bush for the first time! I never thought you'd touch the stuff ever again after that." he paused, and regarded Luna for a moment, who was blushing violet at whatever thoughts were racing through her mind. "In fact, I don't think you were very different then than Princess Luna is now, if I remember."
  9. I think he looks alright to me now, but I'll leave it up to the powers that be to decide!
  10. Oh geeze, you're getting better and better. And awesome! <3
  11. Skye blushed profusely at the sudden onslaught of ponies everywhere. Oh yes, this had gone so very wrong. Here he was, had attempted to be subtle and maybe talk to one alone, and ended up the center of attention. Momma would sure be proud of this one, that's for sure. He hung his head sheepishly even as Applejack collected her hat, then perked his head up as she looked him over. He was most definitely smaller than all the other ponies, and while he had a limp, nothing was broken and he fluttered his wings free of the dust before tucking them against his side again. Applejack's exclamation caused him to relax a bit and he broke loose a grin. "A surprise for all of us around, me included, I guess!" he shook his leg as she asked, and stepped gingerly on it. "Must have banged it in the tangle of limbs. You're a tough pony, but I'll manage. I'll walk it off, but thank you." he stepped on it again and made a bit of a limp as he tried to move out of the center of attention. "Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Skye. Lunch sounds delightful, though I'd really only hoped I could try some of that pie I've been smelling for so long. Discarded apples from the trees are tasty enough and all, but I've never smelled something so good as those pies." he licked his lips at the thought, and his stomach growled. "Ah-heh, Skye." he said again, "Pleased to meet you." he started to step again and came up short inches from Big Mac and then suddenly the sunburst whirlwind of Braeburn. He looked at Braeburn's forehoof, then down at the one he was standing on and the other he favored, then back up with splayed ears. "And you, uh...forgive me? Braeburn? You sure are a friendly fellow, pleased to meet you too." But his gaze turned to Willow again, the one pony who actually knew what he was, and was so open about it, had he met her before? Or she'd seen him but never stopped to say hello? Where was she from? And then the big mare behind Mac, it was as if they just kept getting larger. As he stared down Mac and Gravity, he turned an aside to Applejack. "Er, you don't get larger the further around this barn we get, I hope. If they get any bigger than those two, I don't think I'd be much more than a greasy spot underhoof."
  12. He appeared to relax as Luna grinned, smiling more at the sight. "It looks good when you smile. You should wear one more often." he took a tentative step, then seemed more assured of himself as she spoke. "I don't know, I don't think these other ponies have had time to get to know you yet. I'm sure with time, they'll get to like you too. Before last night, I hadn't seen you come through the wood, or pass overhead on your way elsewhere. I think your approach should best be not to emulate your sister, but to be yourself." Another step, and then a hobble as he put weight on his hind leg; it still seemed a bit weak, so he favored it as he stepped. "The gardens." she suggested, and that sounded like a wonderful idea. Though he seemed a little forlorn at missing yet another cup of that delicious tea...but there was always time in the future for more, and he'd have to introduce Luna to Zecora, who often had some rather interesting blends, herself. "I think I would like that, to visit the gardens. There's no rush, no pressure, we can take things easy. I think I'd enjoy it, my leg still isn't ready for anything more exciting than a careful walk." as she walked nearby, and his wings splayed as he maintained his balance, occasionally brushing the princess. "Psh. Carelessness may have brought Nightmare Moon out, but I think you've learned a bit since then. You're not ruling the moon right now, so today I think you can afford to be Luna, Princess-to-be-later, but right now just friend to a lame old peryton who would dearly love to see the fabled gardens of Canterlot with a lovely young lady. We can go see Celestia later, there's always time for that. Did you know, when she was your age, she once ate so much maple syrup..." his voice echoed down the corridor as he hobbled carefully alongside Luna into the castle.
  13. The peryton smiled as she reflected further, listening. His tail flicked back and forth as he relaxed on the bed, settling against the soft fabric. As she came to her last comment, he nodded. "In the future. But for now, I see a young filly, in the bloom of her youth, with all the time in the world to grow into her shoes, without the burdens she was previously tasked with. For now, Celestia will handle things as she must, her burden is greatest between the two of you. What I see, is a young pony who was given a second chance to start things fresh." he gazed at her as she looked towards her cutie mark, his eyes following. "In time, you'll follow. But not right now, and perhaps, not for some time yet. Right now, you've got a tea party with a new friend who's enjoying your company." he lowered his muzzle into another blot of whipped cream and grinned up at her again. "And that's why I'm being silly. You should give it a try. It's very cute when you giggle, when you let your mane down and forget that you're a princess. Out there, or in here. I make mistakes too, I made one long ago, and I made one yesterday. But I do not regret what has happened. Had the bear never come, I might never have been brought to this place. We shouldn't dwell on what could have been. Instead," and he licked the whipped cream from his nose again, whisking it away with a delighted sound of the sweetness. "let's forget that you were chosen, and forget that you're a princess, and let's have a little fun together. I don't think it was any accident we ended up in the same room together. If we hadn't, I'd probably still be laying here asleep, and you might be just waking up somewhere else, brooding over the same things that drove you to find me in the first place. She didn't introduce you me, you found me on your own, and I think we should discover what you enjoy doing." His face grew more serious, and he turned to make an effort to slip off his bed. "I think," he commented as his hooves touched the floor again, "that our tea is getting cold. I think I'd like a fresh cup. But let's be a little naughty together, you and I, and go see where it's made. I've never been to Canterlot, and if I'm not a prisoner here, then I would love to tour its grounds with you." he wobbled for a moment, then stood proud. "A bit of a walk will do me some good. Shall we?"
  14. Skye watched as she stood and walked towards the mirror, as she spoke. Though he said nothing as she continued to reflect until she stood in front of it and looked at herself. As she commented about what she saw, he still said nothing at all though she could see his tilted head in the reflection behind her on the bed. He crossed his forelegs, and appeared to be waiting as she thought. Certainly, time had passed, chronologically, but had really all that much changed between the once-self she remembered, and the now-self she saw? But he knew she had more to say, as she continued. When she had finished, he pondered this for several moments. Then he lowered his muzzle and took another sip of the tea, since cooled but still quite tasty. As she spoke of her imprisonment, he continued to think, until she spoke again, and listened patiently for what else she'd had to say. When she spoke of herself as being young, or her insecurity of what her future would be like, he straightened up and shook his head. "You're thinking a bit too much on it, Princess. Look closer still, and tell me what you see." He nosed around for another waffle, and finding none instead chose to nibble on some grapes that had been resting in a bowl nearby. "Consider this as you look, for a moment. Suppose you had been born not a thousand years ago, but instead merely...a decade? Perhaps a little more. Just shortly ago, you received your cutie mark for discovering what it was that made you special. You've met a new friend, and your older sister is still young enough to spend time with you, and still your older sister. Instead of what you were expected to do then, consider what you're expected to do now. Think about this, and tell me what you see."
  15. His ears were focused on Luna as she spoke, taking in her story as he did everything else, pondering it and considering the significance of it. Did Luna feel slighted in how she had been treated, compared to her sister? He hadn't considered this before, but then, since the incident, Celestia hadn't come down to talk to him much about it. She'd mentioned it maybe once or twice, but as Luna, she'd had many other things on her mind more pressing than sharing her feelings with the deer. And since she'd been busy with her duties in the castle, he supposed she'd likely just hadn't had the time to come see him. But he was still here...which meant she still remembered him, as did others, so he'd never been totally forgotten. But Luna felt she deserved more and he was inclined to agree, she was Celestia's sister, not her daughter nor slave, but her sister, the other half of the same magic. Soon, Celestia would have to turn over her ability to bring up the sun and the night to her sister when Luna was old enough to take on the responsibility and all things would change there again, but reminding someone of the awesome responsibilities they were yet to bear was never a good way to remind someone of taking the joys of youth. Even one as regained as Luna's. But he was listening intently as she spoke, until she tipped over the teacup and he dashed forwards as she licked at it, blowing lightly with his warm breath. It didn't do much to sooth the burn, but the passage of air over it at least gave the feeling of cooling until the hot liquid had cooled sufficiently. But there he was, his nose inches from her scalded leg, and looked up at her with splayed ears. As he noted her with her tongue poking out, he showed no shock, but broke into a smile as she quickly drew it back, then leaned own and lapped lightly at the burned area. He had no healing powers, but the care he displayed as if Luna were one of his own was evident until he was satisifed no permanent damage had been done. "Never feel as if you've said too much to me. I've bared myself to you more times than I can count while you slept in the sky, but you've given me some food for thought to go with the food for my belly." Skye straightned back up, and pondered this. "She was a somewhat rambunctious child," choosing to use the same word Luna had, "as princesses are wont to be." he looked at her as he said this. "I am the eldest of my siblings, my brother and sister having long since gone elsewhere and I don't see them much. Yet I don't look at it as a matter of entitlement or favor, it was simply order. My brother, a journalist somewhere I presume, was the youngest. And my sister had a fiery temper of her very own. I hesitate to think of where she might be these days. But I don't feel jealousy that they felt to leave the home while I remained behind. My place was here, and it was just as well it was, or it might have been my sister you'd have found instead of me, and that's not a pleasant prospect, let me tell you." the peryton rolled over onto his back, and stuck his legs in the air, and wiggled them, then wiggled the rest of himself on the bed, evidently feeling much better now. He gazed upsidedownishly at Luna and licked his nose. "You missed out on a childhood with your sister. But have you looked in a mirror as of lately?" he glanced towards one hanging on the wall under the bureau that held some of the food. "Take a look now and tell me what you see."
  16. Skye smiled, his expression bemused as his long tongue flicked out and whisked away the whipped cream and the cherry, munching on it thoughtfully. After he'd finished it, he turned and started to nibble on one of the waffles, and sipped on the tea. "It's very becoming when you giggle, you know. And playing with one's food is a right that the young have had since time has started. I may not be so young, but nowhere is it written that I know of that says mealtimes can't still be fun." a good piece of the waffle vanished as he took another bite, and he chewed quietly before swallowing the delicious bite. "The kitchens here are very good. It certainly must be a dungeon, for if this is moldy bread and rainwater, I think I'll just have to find a way to manage somehow." he winked, and sipped another swallow of his tea. "Civilization is where you bring it, too. But I promise not to embarass you in front of anypony if I can help it." As she apologized again, he grinned once more. "Well, you are a Princess, that's a fact of life. And I'll never be anything other than a peryton, and your friend. I show respect to you, due your station, but I care about you as a friend. The other ponies have their duties, and I have mine." he finished off his waffle and started to nibble on one of the pieces of fruit. His eyes closed as he savored the sweet taste of the peach he'd found, then opened them again to take another drink of the hot tea. "My job is just much easier. When Celestia was your age, she thought nothing of running through the woods playing hide and seek. Even if we don't play anymore, I'm sure that filly's still inside her somewhere." When Luna turned back to gaze into her teacup, he shifted a bit, extending a wing to brush against her. "When we're together, you don't have to feel like you need to be a Princess. You can be just plain Luna, a filly, having fun. There'll be plenty of time for your duties later, but for now, we can make the most of it. Just like last night, when you were with me. You hadn't had a care in the world, and it was all around you. As long as you remember me, you will always have me." her final comment made him smile. "Even though all I can do is influence dreams, though perhaps not you or Celestia's because of your powers, perhaps when you were in the moon some of them still managed to somehow reach you. I've waited a very long time for you to return."
  17. Hey, I think you did a good job. It looks very good. And you wear it well, too. I've never been brave enough to do any kind of cosplay, I don't generally have the build or appearance to actually pull anything off seriously, or even goofily, and I'm too shy to do that kind of thing in public. But it's fun to see others do it!
  18. He seemed to wobble as he climbed back into bed, and closed his eyes again as she started speaking. His ears followed her voice as she moved around and he made small sounds of acknowledgement. Though it wasn't clear he was particularily paying attention. For having a rough night, he seemed to fall asleep again rather quickly. However, he seemed fine, if perhaps a little warm, and his sides moved up and down in the normal rhythm of sleep. He just likely needed more rest, and he'd been inside for quite a while. As she spoke, he didn't seem to hear her, though it was easy to get the impression from the time that had passed that tea and food would be a good idea altogether. When she returned, he was still fairly out, though at her urging he opened his eyes again and gazed at the tea offered to him. A sip, then a second, then he lifted his head and drank more readily, licking his lips. It may have been hot, but it was possibly the most delicious thing he could think of, and it was wet besides, and completely seemed to do the trick. He sat back up in bed, and blinked at her, a little sleepily as he sipped, then broke into a smile. "You can relax, Princess, I'm not going anywhere." as he swung towards the crowd of ponies that arrived, bringing a veritable smorgasbord of food, his eyes widened. He'd never seen the like, not a spread like this since...well, a very very long time. He'd have to think on it if he remembered to think about it later, but for now, he was ravenous. As Luna fluttered around exciteably, he couldn't help but smile. She was still young yet, and full of energy and life, and the sheer sight of her brought pleasure to his thoughts. As she detailed the list of things she'd brought along, he stretched almost catlike on the bed, and nosed softly at a waffle, dabbing a bit of whipped cream on his nose. He stared cross-eyed at it for a moment, then looked over the rest before finding a cherry. He nosed at it carefully, then looked up at the princess with a large blob of whipped cream on his nose, stacked atop with a single cherry and grinned at her.
  19. His step wobbled again as he tested his footing, then seemed a bit more stable as he stopped where he was, though he somewhat leaned against the foot of the bed. As she berated him for his indiscretion (At least, as far as he knew, he wasn't even sure what was going on at the moment, this was all just happening so fast and that headache wasn't helping much), though he ducked his head as she accepted his apology. "Thank you, Princess. I promise I didn't do it on purpose. But...I think if I were to wake up beside anyone, I'd rather it have been you than say, one of the palace guards or worse yet...Celestia...I vaguely remember a wing and her warmth, but I'm not sure if that was real or if I imagined it." He turned to look back towards his leg, extending it out for a better look. "Good as new, mostly...she must have used Phoenix Tears on me. Heals the wound, but doesn't do much for blood loss, and the body's shock takes a little while to get over it. I'll be alright, Luna, it's just...I could use something to drink, and maybe eat, I think we could both use something perhaps. Some of that tea would be wonderful, perhaps. And something with sugar in it, maybe? It might help us both. Is there someone we can call to? I can't believe we're both alone here, but..." as she spoke of leaving the room and fetching something to drink, it was entirely possible she'd merely gotten a little turned around from where they'd both been placed, a room apart or perhaps even just a bed apart, there were two in the room at present. As her voice called back to him imperiously, he blinked, and looked back up to her. "I...what? Bed?" he glanced back towards the bed which, at the moment, seemed like a monumental task to climb back in just after he'd managed to make it back out without falling on the floor this time. In and out, in and out, at this rate, he'd have his strength back in no time, all this exercise, if his body wouldn't likely decide it'd had enough and put him out until he was more reasonable about it. Which, given the state of things, would probably be less than proper and she'd already had enough of that tonight. "No need to apologize, Princess. I'd never do anything to you that you didn't wish of me, though it's likely a good thing we woke up here together like that, rather than elsewhere." at her cajoling at getting him back into the bed, he sighed and melodramatically slipped back atop the flat surface. The coolness of the covers actually did feel good, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. The deer cracked an eye again as she explained herself further, then both gazed at her as she forbid him from speaking of it. "I promise I won't say, Luna. I'm not even certain what anyone might think, though I have to say, if this is a dungeon, it's probably the most pleasant of dungeons I would have imagined...I always thought they were dark and dank and musty and this is anything but. And they don't have balconies, as far as I knew..."
  20. ((Continued in [Canterlot] Recuperation in...Paradise?))
  21. Satchel yawned as he rolled over and lazed in the bed. Hanging that mirror later as he'd promised had taken longer than he had expected with a couple of drinks in him. "Satchel, 'ol boy, you need to learn to hold your liquor better or next time you'll have worse than a banged hoof. You're lucky the mirror went on straight the first time or you'd have been there even longer." he yawned again, then rolled over once more, slipping out of bed and landing on the floor with a clop of all four hooves. "But won't be too long this morning, got places to be, places to go and things to see. "And ponies to meet, of course. Miss Sterling's a great gal, but you can't let yourself get too attached, though maybe someday..." he chuckled and shook his mane back into place, tucking his things back into his pack before hoisting it onto his shoulder. The stallion poked his head out of the door to the sound of clinking glasses and minor voices downstairs. AFter nosing the door open and leaving it there to air the room out, he trotted down the hallway and down into the main room. "G'morning, folks." he called to the inhabitants as he stretched and yawned again. His nose wiggled as he took in the scent of baking muffins. "Aw, Sterling, you sure know how to spoil a fella with your wares." he nosed into his money pouch and drew out a bit. "When you've got 'em ready, surprise me, would you?"
  22. His eyes went wide and blinked for several moments at the unexpected tirade. It took a moment to process through his still muzzy brains before he tried to slip off the bed. He winced as his still sore leg came in contact with the floor, and he favored it as he stood a little splay-legged and looked at the Princess from over the mussed covers. "I didn't mean anything, it was dark and I didn't realize you were there! It's an awfully large bed, and I've never been here before. I don't even remember coming here!" he tried taking a step towards Luna and nearly tripped as his stiff leg took a moment to catch up. He decided to remain where he was on the carpet and hung his head. "I know. I'm not used to having extended company, and I'd thought of you as a fawn and that you'd stay by the berry bush until I returned with water. I'm sorry, Princess, I assumed too much. Time got away from me too quickly, too. I knew you'd be thirsty and I should have waited until you woke up. And I didn't expect there to be a hungry bear nearby either. Normally I'd have picked up on it, but...I was distracted." he looked up at her. "I hope you can forgive me, this has been a very unusual couple of days...at least, I think it's only been a couple of days." he looked up, then out across the balcony. "Was it only yesterday?" he wobbled a moment, and tried taking a step, followed by another. He looked back at her. "I promised you I'd be there, and then I wasn't. But I'd never hurt you on purpose, or do anything...untoward. I didn't realize you were there, but...I admit, I did rest much easier."
  23. Theoretical books in Twilight's Library. Suggest any and all titles you think Twilight actually would have! (Titles of books she may actually have in the show are welcome too!) "Writing Scrolls to your Princess for Dummies" "Ursas, a Major Guide" "Ursas, a Minor Footnote" "Mustache you Questions" "Derpy's Guide to Dating" "Flirting with Disaster for Dummies" "Guide to Winter Wrap-Up" "Stallions, a Mystery Solved" "Cutie Marks and their Meanings" "Navigating the Everfree Forest"
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