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Status Updates posted by Skye

  1. Holy crap, took me 45 minutes to get to work this morning. Normally only takes me 15. Stupid construction out of nowhere.

  2. Just had a Turkey and Mozzarella Lunchable for lunch. Haven't had one of these in a while. Tasty.

  3. Apparently, Kubuntu Linux actually runs faster on my netbook than does Windows 7. I'm tempted to blow away Win7 entirely.

  4. Silverbird for Chrome. That looks nice, I just hope it keeps count properly now.

  5. Hmm. Trillian on my netbook is a little on the sluggish side. Ah well.

  6. If it's a girl, I'd probably call her another Apprentice Adept character. Like Nepe. Or if she's sweet and calm, Neysa.

  7. Man, I can already tell this place is going to be epic! #fb

  8. Everypony needs somepony to love! #Twilightlicious

  9. This just in, Twilight loves you so much, she went back in time for you. #Twilightlicious

  10. I need to lose weight or buy new clothes. I feel like a sausage in a casing here.

  11. I just saw a guy go walking by that looked like Ron Weasley.

  12. Hmmm, #Operamobile , why do you get stuck on Twitter's URL? Crashes when attempting to sign in. Something goofy?

  13. Guess the divine leader of N. Korea wasn't so godlike after all...

    1. Dessa


      Are you sure? He might exist now as a hazy blue spirit who watches over North Korea with a smile on his face and love in his heart.

  14. We finally got snow. Not much, but it's here. #fb

  15. Well, as of today, I am now looking for a new job. Oh well, good riddance. #fb

    1. Hippo


      gee, that stinks.

  16. Write on the blackboard 50 times, "I will not drain The Nether." #minecraft

  17. Air at Speedway now $1.00. Cost of manufacturing and delivery, I guess. Oh wait. :I

  18. Saw The Immortals last night. Anyone else get 'Clash of the Titans 2' vibe from it? Nevertheless, pretty good movie.

  19. Wishing I could be at MFF with all you crazy cats! And dogs, too.

  20. Am I a freak for enjoying stale donuts? #fb

  21. Oh man, can't wait for this chicken soup to be done. It already smells epic and it's only been an hour. #fb

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