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Status Updates posted by Skye

  1. #wirecall We will not just become a "Red State" simply on the whims of a politician and his high-paying donors. Honesty and Integrity first!

  2. http://t.co/3zfY1E2V This is super cute. Reminds me of that other guy who has a pet duck who goes for walkies too.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      FFFFFF that last pun.

  3. http://t.co/NbFmuEdl Seriously, Adidas? Sure, make it mainstream and 'cool' to look like you're incarcerated. Then everyone'll be used to it

  4. 'cuz I'd love to have bought my car and never have to pay for gas or repairs ever again.

  5. *scratches his buttcheek and belches* 'Mornin, Twitter

  6. Air at Speedway now $1.00. Cost of manufacturing and delivery, I guess. Oh wait. :I

  7. Also, people need to understand a request for status does not mean 'Tell me right this second'. You'll get it when your status is available.

  8. Also, quit comparing everything to the iPad. Comparing every tablet to the iPad is like comparing every car to a Model T.

  9. Also, some dude at the mall wearing a 'I <3 boobies' shirt.

  10. Am I a freak for enjoying stale donuts? #fb

  11. And here's my birthmark to prove it. http://t.co/mhZaoQYC

  12. And that there's no need for a union because 'nobody would ever dare take advantage of the working people'.

  13. Apparently, Kubuntu Linux actually runs faster on my netbook than does Windows 7. I'm tempted to blow away Win7 entirely.

  14. Arrived safely in Canada. Going to bed shortly. I miss Wisconsin already. :(#fb

  15. Best moment on Voyager ever: http://t.co/vnYV1wep

  16. Birther debate on CNN. I so love my country, there are some real nutjobs living here.

  17. Birthers. Issue is done. Let it go. http://t.co/hPBbzanf

  18. but we can do it virtually live AND watch it live through the Internet.

  19. But...you never troll me via Steam. Or Twitter for that matter. *sob*

  20. Buying a cellphone is like buying a car; just because you want the latest and greatest doesn't mean you can just decide...

  21. Can't use Adam and Eve to support One Man One Woman marriage bigotry; Adam and Eve were never married.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skye


      Except that Adam and Eve were never married. Marriage is a human invention, not a God decree. If it was a God invention, Adam and Eve would have been married in Eden, but they weren't. In fact, I don't recall weddings being done in the bible and it's well known that in the world where much of the bible takes place, it was commonplace for a man to have many wives. God did say 'Go forth and multiply' but not 'with one man, one woman'.

    3. Dessa
    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  22. Chilling up at the trailer in Fisherman's Cove, Near Kincardine. Nice and relaxing.

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