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Status Updates posted by Skye

  1. Can't use Adam and Eve to support One Man One Woman marriage bigotry; Adam and Eve were never married.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skye


      Except that Adam and Eve were never married. Marriage is a human invention, not a God decree. If it was a God invention, Adam and Eve would have been married in Eden, but they weren't. In fact, I don't recall weddings being done in the bible and it's well known that in the world where much of the bible takes place, it was commonplace for a man to have many wives. God did say 'Go forth and multiply' but not 'with one man, one woman'.

    3. Dessa
    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  2. Am I a freak for enjoying stale donuts? #fb

  3. I hear the Westboro Baptist church is coming to Milwaukee to protest. Joy of Joys. Should I grab a 'God hates False Prophets' sign too! #fb

    1. Hippo


      in all seriousness, you shouldn't. It only makes it worse. Those people are insane and play dirty. You decide to play with them, you lose every time.

    2. shyshy
  4. DUDE. Go to Googlemaps right now and click the 'Quest' button on the top right corner of the map. EPIC.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I wish this was real.

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      At least the part about the map being able to go 8-Bit, not the whole NES thing.

  5. Maybe if they didn't try to rig elections with 'found votes', Republicans wouldn't need voter ID laws. #CorruptPoliticians

    1. Dessa


      Voter ID laws are such a joke.

  6. Really weird, I wonder why my phone picked the picture of the cats. Well, suffice to say the REAL photo was actually fried eggs.,

  7. Great weekend up at the folks' trailer but I'm so tired from relaxing and driving. Phoo! Bedtime nao! #fb

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Relaxing sure can make you tired.

  8. Got my new Driver's license in the mail today. Wootles, no more worries.

    1. Tenkan


      Congratumacations! :D

  9. http://t.co/3zfY1E2V This is super cute. Reminds me of that other guy who has a pet duck who goes for walkies too.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      FFFFFF that last pun.

  10. I am reminded why I hate politics.

  11. Will be going to Nathan Hale School for voting tonight after work.

    1. Dessa


      The nation has its eyes on you. Crush that jerk.

  12. The economy has improved during Obama's term. This is undeniable. It was a mess when he came into office. 2+2=4. #ireportdebate

    1. Dessa


      According to conservatives, Obama somehow crashed the economy before he came into office.

  13. I have a co-worker who is a Walker supporter and he's quite vocal in countering the claims. Thinks Walker is alright. Ugh.

  14. Oooh, Reaper is now on Netflix!

  15. Conservative right condemns Obama for not closing Gitmo & pulling troops out of the ME, but want us to intervene in Syria. b ^.^ d

    1. Dessa


      At least some of them do Other conservatives hate him for ever mentioning closing Gitmo, and don't like that he involved us in Syria.

  16. Which is ironic in a way, since many of them treat the bible the same way.

    1. Dessa


      Which isn't to say that there are seven of them, just that that many aphids can't be good for motorboat calculus.

  17. This is why I hate living next door to Krispy Kreme. Too many temptations, then I go, and remember why I don't go often.

    1. Dessa


      Krispy Kreme is so overrated

  18. If you accidentally let go of a bottle of HCl, you can legally say you are dropping acid.

    1. Dessa


      Lawl. If you grill with ceramics, you're legally smoking pot.

  19. I just saw a guy go walking by that looked like Ron Weasley.

  20. Guess the divine leader of N. Korea wasn't so godlike after all...

    1. Dessa


      Are you sure? He might exist now as a hazy blue spirit who watches over North Korea with a smile on his face and love in his heart.

  21. Well, as of today, I am now looking for a new job. Oh well, good riddance. #fb

    1. Hippo


      gee, that stinks.

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