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Jabberwock last won the day on December 18 2016

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About Jabberwock

  • Birthday 12/12/1991

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  • Character 4
    Doctor Lovejoy
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    Wicked Quill
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  1. Hey my Burbling friend, is Watkins accepted as a WoE character yet?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Polyblank


      I know the feeling.

      I was thinking about having a normal, show-like pony (glass cache) Move to become his neighbor (I'm so clever), And go from there. perhaps X wants Watkins to provide X for them, but they need it tested biologically first? Then, from what's happened already in the roleplay, Watkins has to make a choice - Test it on Glass cache/X that glass cache cares for, Or protect his friend. I've been thinking about this because it'd be an interesting thing to see how things turn out and affect his choice, showing more mental depth to it. It's a bit ambitious, and Glass cache's not the perfect fit, So your two cents on it would be great.

    3. Jabberwock


      Okay wow sorry for taking forever to reply to this, I lost my net for a bit there but I am back 100% now!

      Also that sounds like it would be an AWESOME idea for an RP, I could see it turning into an awesome long RP, and having him interact with a personality like her's would be quite a lot of fun! I really like the idea you've cooked up and would be SO eager to go along with it! It'd be cool to see where it ended up. Who would the X be? I might be misreading as I haven't slept yet but I wanna get a good feel for the plot you have in mind, so feel free to go into any details you want! Also when we do go ahead would you prefer to start it or shall I? :D

    4. Polyblank


      that's A-ok, Australian internet is terrible and I often cut out as well. Do you have any characters that Watkins could perhaps make things for? I.e an illegal buyer? if not, I can simply make a character for the job - or perhaps a changling would suit it? I'm not sure if watkins is against selling with changelings, but if he's not I can probably use Casket [changeling] as a buyer.

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