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Status Updates posted by GhostGirl

  1. Ah, the ever-dreaded holidays. My free time is limited, due to working in a busy restaurant. Apologies.

    1. starswirlthebearded


      I shall be joining you in the hellhole that is the holiday retail/food industries

  2. Hmm... Job applications, yay.

  3. I'm about to draw ponies. Ohmahguh, someone help I have no idea what I'm doing.

  4. Strange. Little [1] keeps popping up in the corner of my screen, and when I click on it it takes me to a canterlot.com/chat url, but nothing loads, despite my having a fully updated adobe flash player...

  5. NaNoWriMo will devour my soul!

  6. Guys, when you enter the chat and say something, please don't leave just because nobody responds immediately. Wait a few minutes. We might just be looking at a different window.

  7. I don't want a WiiU, but between Hyrule Warriors and the new DK Country, I'll have to get one.

  8. Working on setup for adventure threads. I need to get a couple more characters into play for use, but soon... soon.

  9. Storm safety training OOC thread up and running!

  10. And the Iron Saddle is finally open for business again!

  11. Before asking a question in the questions board, don't forget to check the Frequently Asked Questions!

  12. Gentle reminder that Sweetie Belle is still available for application in World of Equestria.

  13. [squeaking intensifies]

  14. Well, the stream had lots of hiccups and it's over now. But I have a completed art piece to show for it, so there's that!

  15. Just a note: it's generally a good idea not to tell staff members (aside from those to whom you need to send the app) that you're apping a cast member. We're expected to make impartial and fair decisions, and while it usually won't be a problem to know who's apping, it's still really important for us to not know, just in case. This includes posting that you're apping a cast member anywhere a staff member may see it.

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