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Everything posted by BlackFang

  1. hay guise, i just got home from my 1st jujitsu lesson my whole upper body aches.... but it was fun... i mean, getting thrashed around like a ragdoll
  2. somepony give this brony a cookie muffin Am I cheering for Sonic Raimboom correctly? .... too loud?
  3. i am 75ish% sure (number pulled out of thin air btw) that it was the original prince of persia on an uncle's pc... @flutterscotch are you really THAT old?
  4. heh, you are not hardcore enough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tiger & Bunny 20, reaction: "HOLY FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!" all in all, definitely one of the year's best shows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and i found this rather funny
  5. as for me, i tend to have some nuclear-level rage explosions when things start failing around me well thats...... quite a lot i guess
  6. finally found why they chose to adapt total eclipse instead of the main trilogy-of-sorts of MuvLuv so obviuosly they would push more cash into it... * TSF being the name of the mechs.
  7. lolololol paid attention to Blood C's op, not having enough engrish they just HAD to go with flench COMICKET 80 TRAILERS!!! wow, they actually are going to finish this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWj6dyz9zDw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45Kr9VxH2pU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O3SDEPxOVs
  8. i MUST say: dont play it to enjoy the anime then, trust me and the >300 people who have rated it over 9 on the vndb on it being fantastically great. hmmm.... blame it on a rather bland season then... i guess. and yeah, on it being great (Rin adorability makes Fluttershy seem 'normal' sometimes, this coming from an absolute Fluttertard as me) well yeah, like i said it IS enjoyable but some people are going a bit too far: it seriously needs to STOP PLAYING THE WHOLE GODDAMN TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE ALREADY, GOT ANNOYING/OLD SINCE THE 3RD TIME also: *realizes im not watching blood c* *starts watching blood c* gory... just how i like my vampire/human-devouring-demon stuff.
  9. I never found Final Fantasy Tactics that hard, especially compared to it's spiritual predecessor Tactics Ogre. Okay, maybe it was a little hard... Still, it was indeed definitely worlds better than those GBA/DS FFT games. This is the second time I've heard someone say Neptunia is really good. Consdiering it's professional reviews are abysmal, I'm now quite curious about this game. Too bad last time I checked the asking price for it on the internet was kind of exorbitant. for some reason that eludes me to this day i found Ogre easier... seriously, those boss fights at the end of chapter 3 of FFT are f****** awful regarding neptunia, if you check those "profesional" reviews, they are almost always hating on the anime style and all its quirks, never seeming like actually checking the game (also, yeah, only found it by chance used on a gamestop on my last trip to the US) and ef you good sir, VIII was awesome @Havoc... you might be... erm... surprised by the art and story style of Neptunia... to say the least
  10. FF Tactics, the only issue i had with it was it being BRUTALLY hard, perhaps the hardest game on the PSX that i ever played, not so the light GBA and crappy DS installments. the Ar Tonelicos are fun, although a bit lacking on the exploration dept, as most recent rpgs. still have to start qoga Hyperdimension Neptunia, (no, really) and its combo system is gold. aaaand, FF VIII being my most favoritest (double redundance ftw) game ever. also: Third Person Shooter + branching stories is NOT an rpg *coughmasscougheffectcough*
  11. THANKFULLY its not another click-to-grind lame mmo that overpopulate the market right now, in fact you dont use a mouse for combat, all is keyboard or controller. like i said its pretty much a carbon copy of kingdom hearts gameplaywise, so there is a lot of lvling, stat building, item crafting, etc. and not so much in the unearthly DMC combo action (its only a regular 3 strike + magic chaining) and not even a GAZZILLIONTH in the evading dept. the biggest issue i have with the game are 2: 1) that it only has 3 (4?) chars, unmodifiable, and 1 doesnt seem to be actually used, so everyone in game looks the same due to the rather scarce customization options so far, guess because of beta state. 2) its not open world (again, hopefully this changes when it exits beta state), its a main city that gives access to a set of linear, or a bit forking dungeons, each packed with 3/4 difficulty settings. other than that, its real fun
  12. so a couple days ago i was lazying on gametrailers when i came across this. so thought it looked good, since its like an online kingdom hearts (gameplaywise) and went and checked for it on its official site, status: closed beta. but then i remembered i had a key laying somewhere on my inbox (dunno why thou), so i went and checked it. moderately hooked right now, aaaaand (heres the catch) i have 2 new keys to giveaway, so if youre interested, throw me a pm... then we will make a bronydom guild or something.
  13. No comprende. brony, your lack of general culture dissapoints me. Franz Ferdinand was the duke who got shot down in Sarajevo and triggered the start of WWI
  14. "I'm reaching out to find a reason To find an answer and relief I see a world so strange and cold I see a world of rules and thieves" "All I ever wanted was a little piece of life In a world where I decide things on my own All I ever needed was a little piece of hope And then things are gonna turn the other way" "I'm living in a world of fantasy Reality ain't meant or made for me All that I see is so unreal" so yeah... Pinkie Pie all the way
  15. meme showdown is go! wheels on asphalt? too mainstream fix'd
  16. hmmm... well yeah, bad wording on my part. they will surely make a "standalone-capable" show and it will certainly be great, BUT you will miss what made the VN a "masterpiece" and will only appear as a "great" show, unless they take (more than) a couple of episodes to explain it all, but im doubting that would happen since muvluv is HUGE in Japan, there is almost noone that hasnt read it (be it the VNs or the LN or manga adaptations). again regarding season anime: Usagi Drop: SEASON'S BEST cant understand why PenguinDrum is THAT hyped/liked, it is good but... edit: Sunrise is the ideal studio for Muvluv, period (mech heavy). hope it happens.
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