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Status Updates posted by starsteemer

  1. Lonely Is This Place 

    1. starswirlthebearded
    2. starsteemer


      really cuz i thoguht i was a tiny green frog man this whole time omg

  2. I'm moving today, so sorry everybody i've been very busy, I hope to be back in no time the move is gonna take a while  though

  3. Everyone thinks an alien was under that tarp. the noises, the state police, tinted vans...

    I saw the roadblock, my dad took pictures of everything coming out of work. employees at taco bell saw it

  4. So there was some shady tinted vans and police guarding a truck carrying something covered in tarp. It took up the whole M89 highway and people who got too close were arrested. Aliens? Everyone who has witnessed it says it was making noises, like screeching car brakes and whale noises. It went right by the taco bell i work at. Police were blocking the road, people were outside taking pictures, construction men were moving poles out of the way for this truck. 

  5. Are cults too risky with WoE roleplay? I finally got a great idea for a spooky roleplay and went to post it in the woe ooc planning area, until i realized it might be too dark. 


    I'll post my idea in FFA  and if it ends up being okay i'll move it to WoE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. starsteemer


      That makes sense! Would minor 'gore' like cuts and small wounds be okay as long as nobodys losing limbs? Is kidnapping okay? 

    3. Dubstep


      So long as it's not overly descriptive yeah. And Kidnapping is fine so long as it's either an NPC or if it's a player they agree OOCly to being kidnapped c:

    4. starsteemer


      Okay thank you for the feedback! 

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