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  • Interests
    Games: COD player, portal, team fortress, anything that is 20% cooler than other games lol
    Music: Brony made is up there but mostly anything
    Hobbies: biking, gaming, PARTTTTTAAYYYYYSSSSS
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derpwut808's Achievements

Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. Ahh a new challenger it been a while im derpwut im ranked #5 finally someone made it past the other 4 but yes im open to your challenge anytime anywhere give me a shout =p
  2. nice to meet you see you around
  3. hey nice to meet you glad you could make it to canterlot reply to me if you can see you lattteerrrr
  4. About myself.: Games: COD player, portal, team fortress, anything that is 20% cooler than other games lol Music: Brony made is up there but mostly anything Hobbies: biking, gaming, PARTTTTTAAYYYYYSSSSS im from the middle of the pacific U.S. and my passion is music and PONIIIEESSSSS How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: ponychan How did you became a fan of FiM?: watched the show My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash Hey great to be among fellow bronies man i swear its like having a second home away from home lol but anyways nice to meet all you filles and gentlecolts ive done some proofing and grammar checking on fimfiction for a bit and for just any authors in general so if you need any help in that area give me a shout .
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