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Everything posted by jim

  1. OOC Is the RP still functional, Haven;t seen any activity in 2 weeks Must be finals fatique
  2. OOC: Is this RP still functioning?
  3. Metal Maker could no believe the business leads he was getting. And call for colored Horseshoes for Stallions yet! "Folks, I can make colored horseshoes for everyone but I might try with Miss La Mare first and see how they go over. Silver ones for the sheriff to reinforce his responsibilityy would be a great idea. On Others, it might be a hard sell. He liked the idea of expanding his business to the buffalo also. He wondered who this Little Braveheart was and decided to track him down. He sounded like a heck of a salesman. In the meantime, he waited for Miss La Mare to pick out a color and show off his new creations. Nothing sells like a satisfied customer. Yes Appalossa was fast becoming a favorite place on his travels.
  4. OOC: I am back and ready to continue
  5. Double M nodded in understanding at the buffalo's remarks. . I would never wish to interfere with tradition When Told about other stallions who might be candidates for new shoes, His ears perked up and he thought of a good sales pitch for them and others. He had Ms Bistro as an example and once she picked her color, and ever better demonstration of his skill with Ms Lamare Appalossa was becoming a very good place to spend some time
  6. OOC: I shall be out of action until April 22 Thanks Jim
  7. OOC: I shall be out of action until April 22 Thanks Jim
  8. :OOC I shall be out of action until April 22. Thanks Jim
  9. OOC: I may be out oto turn, but the story seems stalled. BIC: Double M turned to LaMare and said "Let's see what we can do for you Ma'am. You asked about colors. I can dye the metal to many shades, just tell me what color you prefer. With that he pulled out a color chart and showed it to the authoress Mare. He then turned to Thunderclap and said, Stampeding every year must be hard on your hooves. Ever considered a set of custom made metal shoes?
  10. OOC: Last post, OK I shall go first. BIC: Well, I see that you are well defended and If I can't be of further use to you, I shall say my goodbyes, Say goodbye to everyone else, esp Rainy Splash, he was kinda cute, With that she spread her wings and took to the sky, doing a couple of loop da loops as a farewell salute to the sisters.
  11. OOC: Apologies for confusing you two with alicorns. Difference Noted.
  12. Copper stopped and stared at Solar's fireballs once again. They obviously did not need any help! Good work there you two, I think it is safe to say that you are quite capable of defending yourselves. Say, who are you two anyway? I have seen a lot of pegasi but none with your talent. Also you have horns, so that means you are alicorns and therefore royalty from a far off land, judging my your native language. it is my pleasure to assist you..
  13. OOC: OK Solar and Sunbreeze, your turn
  14. Copperthrorn had left the coffee shop, eager to find out more about the strange pair that spoke in a funny language. Before she left, she thanked Syd for a backstage pass ( very generous of him!) and flew behind the pair and the shadows that followed them. She wasn't sure what to do, but they seemed to be friends with Rainy and she didn't leave friends, even powerful ones to trouble alone. She had a good kick and was very agile so fighting one of those demons ( she had seen their type before on the road) would be dificult but doable
  15. Well Hello Syd, said Copper in a kind voice. I am glad to see there are friendly ponies here. I see you are a musician. I love good music of all kinds. Do you have, what do they call them? Ah' gigs' around here, I'd love to come to one.. "What is going on with the white and red pony? She looks like she will trow a fireball at that pegasus!" "She must be a magician of some regard. but the other pony seems friendly enough.
  16. (OOC, I am not sure of the posting order, but I will jump in here to get started please advise if I cut another pony off) BIC Copperthorn or Copper as she prefered to be called discovered that the Inn was a coffee shop. "Well, I could sure use a drink of something" she said to no one in particular. She walked in, found an empty table and laid out 2 bits for hot cocoa and a roll.. She looked around, the semi full coffee shop and saw several interesting ponies. Notably one with a white pelt and flaming red mane. She was talking to another pretty pony so she decided not to interrupt. Just then she saw a group of ponies walk in, including one with a guitar. She loved music, and listened to their conversation without acting like she was eavesdropping. She was new here and did not know the custom to meeting new folks. Normally she would just walk up and say Hi, I;m Copper, how are you? but somehow it didn;t seem right with a bunch who obviously knew each other. Actually it was because she was new and a bit shy, being at heart a lonely pony..
  17. ( OOC: can Copperthorn join in?) ( she is a pegasus pony who specializes in acrobatic stunts and is traveling with a circus. She is a lonely pony at heart and wishes to join others wherever possible She is walking down the street, hears music, sees ponies in an Inn of some sort and wanders in)
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